Post Skin Removal

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Thanks guys =) it's nice to actually look kind of like a normal person for the first time in my life. Now I just have to stop lying around and eating candy and feeling sorry for myself =)
WOW! You look great! I bet all your clothes will fit sooo much better now as well. And I totally get wanting to look like a normal person!

I have my date for January the 8th. I'll be home during the worst part of the winter with four dogs and a cat... :rolleyes: But I can walk indoors while I try and heal and the corgis can go in dog runs during the day until I feel up to dealing with them, bless their little corgi hearts! :ROFLMAO: The little chihuahuas are good when I don't feel good and like to snuggle NEXT to me NOT ON me. The cat, well he's an ******* so I'll keep a spray bottle handy.

Was going to get rid of the double recliner before November but now that sucker is staying until after surgery!
Did I miss anything ladies? Now is my prep time! Do I need a walker for around the house and a cane for a few days as well?
I ended up using my husband's Irish cane (don't know how to spell it) for a few days post surgery. It helps when you get up and down out of your chair.
When did you have surgery? When did they let you go home? I just got approval yesterday and I'm not sure what they approved, I know it was 3 different surgeries and one is the thighs. I'm scared and super happy at the same time.

What? Tell us more.
I've developed a lump. I showed my husband and he exclaimed in horror so that's neat. Its between my sternum and belly button and it kind of looks like a roll it's about the size of a baseball cut in half. Maybe a softball. It's not any more or less tender than the rest of me.

Also, I woke up this morning covered in fluid from my old drain site. I guess it decided to break open and take things into it's own hands.
Just as well that the fluid found its way out, and that's probably what your new lump is as well. Called a seroma. Let your surgeon know. It might need to be drained.
Just as well that the fluid found its way out, and that's probably what your new lump is as well. Called a seroma. Let your surgeon know. It might need to be drained.

I don't want the needles =( exploding seems like a much better idea.
I've developed a lump. I showed my husband and he exclaimed in horror so that's neat. Its between my sternum and belly button and it kind of looks like a roll it's about the size of a baseball cut in half. Maybe a softball. It's not any more or less tender than the rest of me.

Also, I woke up this morning covered in fluid from my old drain site. I guess it decided to break open and take things into it's own hands.

I hope they can get your lump out without anything too drastic. good for you for horrifying your husband. simple pleasures!
Had my two week appointment and got my tape off. I didn't realize only 6 of the stitches weren't dissolvable. I think it all looks gross but the surgeon kept gushing over how good it looks. She's not worried about my lump, it also shrank over night so I'm much less concerned.
Sorry I never answered, my phone only sometimes tells me if I have notifications from here. Anyway, now I'm a little over 3 weeks out. I'm pretty okay. Got my second drain out on monday. It's so nice. Still some pain, but nothing crazy. They did dig out an infected stitch they missed, but it was very small and is clearing up on its own. I do have another slightly pussy spot but I'm keeping an eye on it.

I got silicone gel and sheets for the scaring. The sheets are great for the first few applications but then they get kind of gross. Even when I rinse them off. The gel is much easier to use but also expensive.

I whined about the pain a lot, but the impact on my confidence is unreal. Absolutely unreal. For no reason at all, I'll pull off my shirt in front of my husband and and he's ecstatic. Totally worth the nonsense of the actual surgery.