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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2017
I know this site is for the DS but I figured I'd let you guys know how the paniculectomy and abdominoplasty went....did I spell that right?

Anyway, my god was it painful. Way worse than the switch was. I have a big ol cut from hip to hip and one from crotch to sternum. I'm in a sexy body suit I can't take off. Peeing through the hole has been fun but I haven't had to poop since surgery. Totally looking forward to that ordeal. I also have two drains. I think that's the worst part. (There are a lot of worst parts about this procedure). They're really unpleasant and emptying them is gross and trying not to pee on the plastic lines is hard. They look annoyingly like a pair of bloody testicles hanging from my pants.

The surgeon who cut me chose the right profession. She loves cutting people up. She said everything went really well and once I can function, I'll be really happy with the results.

They took a little under 4lbs of skin and fat. It looked to be about 4 square feet of skin from the pictures they took. Yeah, they took a bunch of pictures for me and they're wonderfully gruesome.

I'm sorry of this message was a little rambling, pain killers and all.
WOW! Glad you posted. Take your pain meds and when this is all done you can tell us what it's like to have balls! Heal well!
I'm pretty sure guys don't need to hold their balls out of the toilet when they pee =) once this is all done, I'll try and figure out how to post all of the progress pictures =) ....once I can stand up straight.
Glad you made it through. Now heal and walk around the house as much as you can.

I have been. Choking down the protien drinks and wandering around aimlessly. It's less painful to stand than to sit so it's not too much of an ordeal. It's the transition from one to the other than really sucks.
If you can rent a recliner, maybe even a power recliner or lift chair, you should. I slept in our recliner for about 3 weeks and it was much more comfortable than my bed, especially for getting up and down.
If you can rent a recliner, maybe even a power recliner or lift chair, you should. I slept in our recliner for about 3 weeks and it was much more comfortable than my bed, especially for getting up and down.

I still have the recliner from the first surgery. I'm glad I didnt get rid of it. I will be happy when i can sleep in bed again... I'm hoping sooner than 3 weeks but I won't hold my breath
Thanks for sharing. I had a panni/abdominoplasty way back when I was SMO (years before DS). Recovery was tough. Hang in there! Definitely keep walking to avoid blood clots and sip away too. Staying hydrated always helps.
I'm actually doing really well I think. I was able to sleep on my side last night, though I did have some trouble getting up. I can almost stand straight and I was even able to make stew and do dishes yesterday.
This is actually a very appropriate topic to post here. Lots of folks have plastics after major weight loss, and lots more would like to. Post away, and it sounds like a good recovery thus far.
I got the dressings off yesterday and the doctor is extremely pleased with my progress. I've actually been able to sleep in bed on my back and on my side. The drains are still in and I have to say, I think they're the worst part.
I got the dressings off yesterday and the doctor is extremely pleased with my progress. I've actually been able to sleep in bed on my back and on my side. The drains are still in and I have to say, I think they're the worst part.

When did you have surgery? When did they let you go home? I just got approval yesterday and I'm not sure what they approved, I know it was 3 different surgeries and one is the thighs. I'm scared and super happy at the same time.
When did you have surgery? When did they let you go home? I just got approval yesterday and I'm not sure what they approved, I know it was 3 different surgeries and one is the thighs. I'm scared and super happy at the same time.
Wow, you got thighs approved? Lucky... I had surgery on Monday and they let me go home tuesday morning. I technically had two surgeries, my lower roll and upper roll but it was basically one procedure. The first day I had total buyers remorse. The second day too. Since Wednesday, though, things are much better.