Took a long break but back to the bathroom reno


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
For those who don't know what my dh and I have been up is the first thread.

Took a long break due to needing to save up the money (and dealing with an asthma attack). Anyway, we got the plumber in here on Fri. He isn't done yet but he got a very late start due to someone who was having a plumbing emergency. Ours, while needed, isn't an emergency. He had stopped by to give us a firm quote about 6 weeks ago. Came back by on Thursday to make sure he had all he needed.

We NOW have a PVC drain line from the toilet and the shower to where the cast iron came up from the floor. We couldn't replace ALL the cast iron, just what we could reach. Our shower pan has been mudded and installed. He still has to put in the mixing valve and the shower head AND add a drain from where it will go in the floor under the vanity to where the old tub drain was.

We spent today adding pieces where needed to put up the green board dry wall and screwing down the rest of the sub floor in the shower area. (It had to be two pieces to fit in there). We are filling in a door that went from the half bath to one of the bedrooms. We want that side to resemble plaster as it's only the width of the old door (28 inches).

Twenty five flights of stairs and hand screwing in deck screws...and I am tired. Reason for the hand screwing thee deck screws is dh is helpless when it comes to using power screwdrivers. He does okay with it as a drill but not with a screw tip. He strips more than he gets in. And I don't have the umph to push it in. But a ratchet screwdriver and I do just fine with each other. I've learned to use both arms doing that. Dh doesn't and has developed "tennis elbow" as a result. Made him wear his arm brace and I still did most of it.

We also hammered on the nails in the original subfloor that didn't have to be was squeaking and I knew we needed to hammer or screw it back down to stop the squeaks.

After the plumber is the electrician. His isn't nearly as extensive as the plumber was. And then we get the green board drywall put up. Then it's back to us. I can tile and paint.
You are a trooper but it will be worth it when all done. It is such a good feeling when a project like yours is completed and you know you did a major portion of it.
You will get there! It's always a process when you do most of the work yourself!

I don't understand the screwdriver thing. I can do hundreds of screws with a drill. I wonder if you are using the right screws? Soft screws will strip all the time.
You will get there! It's always a process when you do most of the work yourself!

I don't understand the screwdriver thing. I can do hundreds of screws with a drill. I wonder if you are using the right screws? Soft screws will strip all the time.
Yeah, I know but even deck screws will strip on him. The plumber screwed down the floor under the shower pan using a drill and deck screws and didn't strip a single one. My dh just has "talent".

And right now we don't have a cordless drill, just a corded impact drill/driver.
Well, about 90% of the plumbing is DONE. What is left, dh and I can handle. Like running the water lines to the vanity. The line to the toilet. Hook the shower valve to the lines from the floor. But ALL the drain lines are replaced/installed. It turned into a two day project. But part of it was neither day was a full day.

Next is to bring in the electrician and get his quote. Actually his is fairly easy except for making sure the old knob and tube is OUT and not live. We ran into some of it during demo and we try not to handle electrical if it can be helped.

We got quite a few 2x4's and 2x6's up to make putting the green board walls up easier as they have to have something to be attached to to hold them up. :)

We MIGHT be done by Christmas.
Wow, you are so handy! I am impressed. Bathrooms have taken on much greater importance since my DS. I have become a connoisseur of toilets and can talk about differences between American Standard, Gerber, Toto, etc. in terms of flushing strength, elongated seat versus standard, "Comfort height" and other differences. I just had a plumber replace my 10-year old American Standard, because it didn't come in "D.S. Strength"and couldn't hold up the the daily demands. I don't understand the low water toilets if you have to flush them repeatedly, so we put in a "pressure assisted" flush, which is incredibly loud, but can stand up to the challenges with a single flush. Thankfully this is a place I can talk about my new passion, because it doesn't make good dinner conversation! I admire your skills, I have challenges just hanging the shower curtain! My plumber is probably vacationing in Hawaii with how much it cost.
Found out last night that the last impediment to closing my daddy's estate is within reach. THIS means we will close daddy's estate and I do get a fair amount from it...that means the bathroom MIGHT be finished in another month or so not Dec, LOL We are still going to be doing a LOT of the finishing work but we can bring in the electrician/dry waller (and painter for the spare bedroom that will be closed off from the old half bath). I will NOT paint a wall in rooms with 100 year old oak flooring. I paint more than the walls...floors, me, etc.

Bathrooms have taken on much greater importance since my DS.
Try doing this with two DS'ers in the house and only ONE working toilet in the main house. We do have one downstairs in the unfinished basement but that's only for the "OMG, I can't wait" moments. Or for when we are working outside and too messy to come into the main house. Or for workmen.
Found out last night that the last impediment to closing my daddy's estate is within reach. THIS means we will close daddy's estate and I do get a fair amount from it...that means the bathroom MIGHT be finished in another month or so
Got the check yeah, the bathroom reno will be fast tracked now.
Haha! Thanks NA. Guess my dream of ever looking like a sultry sex goddess is never going to happen. I always blamed it on my weight. :(
Oh well, if 'cute' is what I am at 64, I'll take it! Better than 'old hag!'

I guess that could be intrepted in a couple of ways, one being a back-handed put down -- not at all what I meant! I think you are darling! The glasses, hair and top are all modern looks with a retro feel. Keep on keeping on!
Deck screws, usually being fairly long, and hopefully going into solid wood (as opposed to having a layer of soft sheetrock on top) can be tough to drive, but I also wonder if you didn't have the right ones. Because of the force needed to get the the last inch or so through wood, most I've used have a weird deep square hole (and come with the matching driver bit) that is almost impossible to strip. Well, it sounds like you've done it at this point, so hopefully you don't end up with tennis elbows, tennis wrists, tennis knuckles and anything else that can be made cranky from repetitive motions.

It's gonna be so nice to have use of your bathroom back! AAAND with all new finishes!

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