When does the gas and urgent BMs slow down?????

After I traveled with my sister and we shared a bathroom, she bought me a lifesaver for poop smell, PooPourie. I have one in every bathroom and carry a small one for public bathrooms. Spray before you sit down, and after you get up. That, and flushing twice, a courtesy flush after a few seconds, then the regular flush. Toilet seat lids were created for a reason and they should be closed after an event. Another fart-buster is useful in smaller public places, Fe-breeze which works in the air after a fart, especially in the car. It also is useful when doing the laundry. There is a geranium scented spray from Mrs Meyers (a natural cleaning product) that I like when sitting in a room. People swear by Culturelle pearls, but they didn't work for me. The elimination diet was the best thing, and before big events, I eat only eggs, chicken breast and saltine crackers. It's the night and day BEFORE an event, not the day of, that is the best time ot prepare. This is required only for weddings or funerals or meeting someone important. Otherwise, I accept that my other prevention strategies are not perfect and most days will be ok, and a few days won't be. Newbies, many DS people have been more successful in eliminating farts, but two 9-lb babies have affected muscle strength down there and for some reason, I'm just a natural born farter. Eat carefully and carry a large bottle of something (full disclosure, I don't work in any way for these products, and only use the brand names as those that worked for me. No promotion intended) Farts are a very small price to pay for not having diabetes.
I had/have the same thing, as far as the smell! It was absorbing into my sheets and mattress and I had to wash them every few days. I did cut out foods to see what it was...for me it is SUGAR. Of any sort. More then a drop a day and I can clear out a house.

I purchased Devrom, Tumeric, Probiotic, Anti Gas pills, and Lactose supplement. Sounds like a lot on top of what you already take vitamin wise I know but if you take them religiously, for me 2 to 3 times a day. It helps ALOT! But I sometimes forget but the smell reminds me.
Hope that the info helps!
Thank you for the tips..especially the other supplements. I definitely agree about the sheets!! My hubby and I are both DS newbies so our bed is experiencing double duty! Omgeee
After I traveled with my sister and we shared a bathroom, she bought me a lifesaver for poop smell, PooPourie. I have one in every bathroom and carry a small one for public bathrooms. Spray before you sit down, and after you get up. That, and flushing twice, a courtesy flush after a few seconds, then the regular flush. Toilet seat lids were created for a reason and they should be closed after an event. Another fart-buster is useful in smaller public places, Fe-breeze which works in the air after a fart, especially in the car. It also is useful when doing the laundry. There is a geranium scented spray from Mrs Meyers (a natural cleaning product) that I like when sitting in a room. People swear by Culturelle pearls, but they didn't work for me. The elimination diet was the best thing, and before big events, I eat only eggs, chicken breast and saltine crackers. It's the night and day BEFORE an event, not the day of, that is the best time ot prepare. This is required only for weddings or funerals or meeting someone important. Otherwise, I accept that my other prevention strategies are not perfect and most days will be ok, and a few days won't be. Newbies, many DS people have been more successful in eliminating farts, but two 9-lb babies have affected muscle strength down there and for some reason, I'm just a natural born farter. Eat carefully and carry a large bottle of something (full disclosure, I don't work in any way for these products, and only use the brand names as those that worked for me. No promotion intended) Farts are a very small price to pay for not having diabetes.
Ive been using the PooPourie and it definitely helps. I'm learning that I have to switch the scents every other week bc to me it starts to stink like my gas. I guess I just get scent fatigue really fast.

The elimination diet seems to help the most. I've identified a few culprits including the usual veggie suspects. Also real sugar and sugar alcohols.
Plain dense meats dont bother me as much...but then that is so freaking boring. But I'll deal with it at work to prevent embarrassing gas
I try to eat clean until after dinner so I have no gas during the day. I only eat whole foods, nothing processed with hidden ingredients. Once you find out what you can tolerate it will be easier for you. Start with good protein and good fats and build from there. A typical day for me would be: eggs, ham, cheese on toast or english muffin for breakfast. Yogurt and cottage cheese mixed for an additional breakfast a few hours later. 1/2 sandwich with turkey and cheese, mayo or ham and cream cheese roll ups. Cheese for snacks, nuts. Flour doesn't give me gas but it does for some. Sugar is my biggest culprit, just a little and it's bad. Onions and beans are bad too.

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