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Full of Fairy Dust
Dec 31, 2013
Way Out West
Really, you guys wear these? I just got my first pair of Spanx shorts. I got them for yard work hoping they would compress my hernia. I got a 1X, a size bigger than I needed(WRONG!) because I have read they are pretty miserable. These go from just under the ****s to mid thigh and they are plain black. Took them out of the package and I knew there were going to be problems. They looked like a pair of sewed together tube socks.

Took me about 25 minutes of combat to wrestle my way into them. Stuffing in all the flubber. Sure enough my horrendous hernia holds them up in front. But the back won't stay up. They keep rolling down at the speed of light. At one point I got my hand stuck in them. I had to lay down to yank my hand out. Anyway, I think they need suspenders to hold up the back. This outfit just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

The good news is they do compress my hernia. I can even cough without pain. And I have perfect posture. Ramrod straight. The bad news is, they should come with instructions and right at the top in capital letters should be: ALWAYS PEE FIRST!



I wore spanx ONE time. It was to a wedding or graduation...something in between 2007 and 2009. Mine had the snap crotch. I HATED it.

I tried some on a couple of years ago. I'll just have my flab hang loose. Even the size larger was like trying to stuff a sausage casing meant for one lb with THREE lbs.
Frankly, I gave up heels and shapewear ages ago and won't look back. Sharing our imperfections with others makes them more confident in their skins. Public service. ;)
Frankly, I gave up heels and shapewear ages ago and won't look back. Sharing our imperfections with others makes them more confident in their skins. Public service. ;)
Well that was my first experience with shapewear and I can say I am not a big fan. Imagine...people wear it every day. I still love heels but I don't wear them often. I didn't even learn how to walk in them till I was in my 50's!!!
I'm so old I can remember when pantyhose first started be manufactured for the masses. Of course, no respectable young woman would go bare legged. To keep up those stockings, it was a garter belt or a girdle. The garter belts, I didn't like them much so I wore girdles. They were light, girdles but just uncomfortable to maybe wriggle out of in the car going home.

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