The canard that you can’t become physically addicted to narcotics if you’re using them properly for pain is just that - ********. I have had multiple fairly painful surgeries, for which I have been given various opioids, and it is my experience that after about 3-4 days, I become physically addicted to at least the good ones (Demerol Percoset, oxycodone). I have learned over the years to use codeine as a step-down med, to at least lessen the withdrawal symptoms: stomach cramps in particular, increased pain sensitivity, and anxiety.
When I had my arms and lower face done 9 years ago, I had a horrible recovery. I was probably on Percs for too long, but the pain was horrendous, especially the lipo in my forearms, which I completely wasn’t expecting. Plus I had a psychiatric reaction to the Reglan (which I likely didn’t even need) was even worse. It scared me off of having any further elective surgery.
As you know, I had an abdominoplasty with hernia repair 10 days ago, including lipoma removal on my side, panniculectomy with slight mons lift, and umbilical transposition (which may not have worked). The pain was excruciating but it was managed by IV Demerol for two days in the hospital, oxycodone for 3.5 days, and now codeine (Tylenol#3; one/6hrs) since Saturday. I’ve got 7 #3 tablets left, so not quite 2 days worth.
I forgot to take my 1 pm pill, and at 3, decided I really wasn’t in enough pain to warrant taking it - for now. By 3:45, I was feeling a little shaky and ouchie, so I took an OTC Aleve (12 hr pill) and a 0.5 mg Ativan. So far, so good. If it stays like this, I’ll take another Aleve at midnight along with my sleeping meds (including another Ativan). If necessary, I’ll take a #3 before bed instead of the Aleve.
So my question: those of you who have had similar experiences or have knowledge of the topic, what’s the easiest way you’ve found or know of to get off narcotics with minimal discomfort?
When I had my arms and lower face done 9 years ago, I had a horrible recovery. I was probably on Percs for too long, but the pain was horrendous, especially the lipo in my forearms, which I completely wasn’t expecting. Plus I had a psychiatric reaction to the Reglan (which I likely didn’t even need) was even worse. It scared me off of having any further elective surgery.
As you know, I had an abdominoplasty with hernia repair 10 days ago, including lipoma removal on my side, panniculectomy with slight mons lift, and umbilical transposition (which may not have worked). The pain was excruciating but it was managed by IV Demerol for two days in the hospital, oxycodone for 3.5 days, and now codeine (Tylenol#3; one/6hrs) since Saturday. I’ve got 7 #3 tablets left, so not quite 2 days worth.
I forgot to take my 1 pm pill, and at 3, decided I really wasn’t in enough pain to warrant taking it - for now. By 3:45, I was feeling a little shaky and ouchie, so I took an OTC Aleve (12 hr pill) and a 0.5 mg Ativan. So far, so good. If it stays like this, I’ll take another Aleve at midnight along with my sleeping meds (including another Ativan). If necessary, I’ll take a #3 before bed instead of the Aleve.
So my question: those of you who have had similar experiences or have knowledge of the topic, what’s the easiest way you’ve found or know of to get off narcotics with minimal discomfort?