Tapering off opioids after surgery

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
The canard that you can’t become physically addicted to narcotics if you’re using them properly for pain is just that - ********. I have had multiple fairly painful surgeries, for which I have been given various opioids, and it is my experience that after about 3-4 days, I become physically addicted to at least the good ones (Demerol Percoset, oxycodone). I have learned over the years to use codeine as a step-down med, to at least lessen the withdrawal symptoms: stomach cramps in particular, increased pain sensitivity, and anxiety.

When I had my arms and lower face done 9 years ago, I had a horrible recovery. I was probably on Percs for too long, but the pain was horrendous, especially the lipo in my forearms, which I completely wasn’t expecting. Plus I had a psychiatric reaction to the Reglan (which I likely didn’t even need) was even worse. It scared me off of having any further elective surgery.

As you know, I had an abdominoplasty with hernia repair 10 days ago, including lipoma removal on my side, panniculectomy with slight mons lift, and umbilical transposition (which may not have worked). The pain was excruciating but it was managed by IV Demerol for two days in the hospital, oxycodone for 3.5 days, and now codeine (Tylenol#3; one/6hrs) since Saturday. I’ve got 7 #3 tablets left, so not quite 2 days worth.

I forgot to take my 1 pm pill, and at 3, decided I really wasn’t in enough pain to warrant taking it - for now. By 3:45, I was feeling a little shaky and ouchie, so I took an OTC Aleve (12 hr pill) and a 0.5 mg Ativan. So far, so good. If it stays like this, I’ll take another Aleve at midnight along with my sleeping meds (including another Ativan). If necessary, I’ll take a #3 before bed instead of the Aleve.

So my question: those of you who have had similar experiences or have knowledge of the topic, what’s the easiest way you’ve found or know of to get off narcotics with minimal discomfort?
10 PM update. Things are definitely ouchier, but more like a stinging pain (like an under-the-skin sunburn, after doing waaaay too many sit-ups) than hit-by-a-truck pain. I’m moving around pretty well, though I’m of course easily exhausted. But no stomach cramps.

I’m itching a lot. But I was itching yesterday too.

Still trying to decide if I’m going to take another Aleve at midnight or a codeine. I want to sleep well. But I also don’t want to tempt fate.
Benadryl? Will help with the itching and sleep both? Do not take a midnight codeine without a stool softener - that truly is tempting fate while recovering from an abdominal surgery...

Hope you are feeling much better this morning (and sleeping in).
Most pain meds at that level have me itching like crazy. I can't take them more than 3 days and retain my sanity. And each time I'm given them, it gets worse. I'm super sensitive, borderline heading into allergic to them. They don't trigger an addiction mode tho...maybe cause I never tolerated them due to other issues more than a few days.
Been itching on and off for days now - but there are foci to some of the itching, like hives or bites from no-seeums that might be getting in the house. This morning when I woke up, it was the back of my left hand and around my last three fingers - I had to take my rings off to scratch.

I decided to skip the codeine last night and just take the Aleve and my usual sleeping meds (0.5 mg Ativan + 1/2 of a 3 mg Lunesta); I slept very well, including waking up to pee and take my thyroid med at about 3:30 am. However, this morning I was kinda ouchy and jittery, so I took another Ativan with the Aleve. Doing OK now. So I think I’ve managed to get over the hump of detoxing from the narcotics.

Even did a little more food prep today. First, my delicious breakfast of a slice of toasted pumpernickel bread, covered with a buttery easy over fried jumbo egg, and half a container of Stouffer’s Welch Rarebit. Then prepared leftover ham steak (that unaccountably did not work as a meat snack - the texture didn’t sit well) by removing all fat, gristle and rind, brrrpptt it up in my food processor to shreds, and then threw half of it in a bowl with two diced hard boiled eggs, six pieces of bacon (precooked Costco bacon zapped in the microwave to crunchy and then broken in little pieces), an avocado diced and pre-soaked in lemon juice, sliced fresh mushrooms, sliced black olives, Mexican 4 cheese combo, and a bag of washed spinach, topped with Marie’s poppyseed dressing. Should be good protein and fat, plus the spinach should make me a salad shooter poop-wise. Must NOT eat the whole thing today, or the spinach might kill me.