So, the chron ran, and there are new folks here ...

Scott, the little pecker-headed pin dick, is not even a year out yet. So anything coming from him about Vitalady being too expensive is just hot, stinky air.

I still have NYC blocked, but since Tali copied her idiotic accusatory response, I saw it, and so responded. Sharyl is simpering up to me now, "liking" my posts and even PMing me. I couldn't care less. I don't care what anybody thinks about me. And I've started using my "block" buttons on Facebook, OH, and PB. So far the stupid ones I've blocked haven't made it on here, but if/when they do, I will block them here as well. Oh, and Goodkel "liked" my posts after I started posting over there, once I had ben gone a spell. So I know they are watching select people, thinking they are luring them back over. Yeah, good luck with that. Not while NYC is a mod. FMR

Sheanie, please don't hold back tell us exactly how you feel! Lol
Scott, the little pecker-headed pin dick, is not even a year out yet. So anything coming from him about Vitalady being too expensive is just hot, stinky air.

I still have NYC blocked, but since Tali copied her idiotic accusatory response, I saw it, and so responded. Sharyl is simpering up to me now, "liking" my posts and even PMing me. I couldn't care less. I don't care what anybody thinks about me. And I've started using my "block" buttons on Facebook, OH, and PB. So far the stupid ones I've blocked haven't made it on here, but if/when they do, I will block them here as well. Oh, and Goodkel "liked" my posts after I started posting over there, once I had ben gone a spell. So I know they are watching select people, thinking they are luring them back over. Yeah, good luck with that. Not while NYC is a mod. FMR
I did, unfortunately, notice the same thing with the "likes" and PMs :confused:
My theory: Kelly hired a hit man, and it didn't take any work to talk NYB into the role - did you ever see how she moderated on Melanie's site? She damned near killed I think Kelly plans on firing NYB if and when they can make it a viable board again - if she ever does. But that still won't cure the basic problem on the board - Kelly running it for herself, and not for the membership.
@4KidsAndaDog , so why don't you block NYC? She is the first person on any forum, ANYWHERE that I ever blocked. And once I blocked her, the relief was so fucking PALPABLE, I got block-happy and blocked a bitch from my local knit night who had been pissing me off for months. I felt positively euphoric. So then I blocked another annoying person from the same group. Felt even better. Then, 2 days ago on my birthday, my long-time Facey Space stalker found his way around my block. So I opened both barrels on the pin-dick. I'm on a roll. Now, I will admit to occasionally reading one of NYC's posts, but only because someone else quotes her. And every time, my BP goes up. So I am validated that I did the right thing. Life is better with the "block" button.
@4KidsAndaDog , so why don't you block NYC? She is the first person on any forum, ANYWHERE that I ever blocked. And once I blocked her, the relief was so fucking PALPABLE, I got block-happy and blocked a bitch from my local knit night who had been pissing me off for months. I felt positively euphoric. So then I blocked another annoying person from the same group. Felt even better. Then, 2 days ago on my birthday, my long-time Facey Space stalker found his way around my block. So I opened both barrels on the pin-dick. I'm on a roll. Now, I will admit to occasionally reading one of NYC's posts, but only because someone else quotes her. And every time, my BP goes up. So I am validated that I did the right thing. Life is better with the "block" button.
I tried to block/ignore one of the moderators on PB and it was like on OH; I couldn't.
I had her blocked. She became visible when she became a moderator and I couldn't re-block her.
I understand the WANT of blocking someone like her...but I think most forum software has it so that moderators and admins can not be blocked. They can't do their job if they are...BUT OTH, chosing such a person as moderator doesn't make sense if you want your site to GROW and be fun to visit.

Yes, this place is mostly for information but we do have some fun threads and have learned a little about those around us.
BUT OTH, chosing such a person as moderator doesn't make sense if you want your site to GROW and be fun to visit.
And there you have it. Kind of like favoring yapping Pomeranians and melting liars who delete and deny. I understand why moderators aren't blocked, so it pays to be proficient is scrolling past them.
@Sheanie I didn't try to block her, that is true. My personality is one that just stays away from unpleasantness when I encounter it. I have a hard time squaring in my mind why any site owner would choose a divisive and consistently rude and unwelcoming person as a mod so it makes me question the site in general.

I don't remember WHEN I blocked NYC. Probably before she was a mod, because I can remember asking in a post that got yanked WHY Goodkel would choose the ONE person I've ever had to block anywhere, anyplace. NYC pulled that post and gave me a warning, which I threw back at her. I do not consider her to have any authority over me whatsoever. Kind of like the Wicked Witch with Glenda the Good Witch: she has no powers over me. I would imagine I'm not the only person NYC has repelled. I'm just one of the most verbal.
Kelly's attitude is as egotistical and draconian as NYB, but she was - most of the time - smart enough to stifle it from view. Controlling yourself most of the time, however, is not enough for someone who is running a board on her own.

Kelly totally lost it when she came to the lunatic and jealous conclusion that I (and the others working on updating DSFacts) had "betrayed" her, and she sent me those insane and toxic emails. She then globally changed all the references to DSFacts on PB to "daisychain" to demonstrate her power to change the words in members' posts. But it backfired on her, so then she tried to blame it on a FALSE assertion of having a "factual" basis to prevent posts linking to DSFacts. Then I blew THAT up in her face with more of those "pesky facts" from internet experts, which pointed out even further that her sole moderation, with no checks and balances - which I had decried on principle from the beginning - was inappropriate.

So Kelly was angry at me for not supporting her sole moderation, she was angry at me for not working hard enough to create content for her site, and she was apoplectic that I was helping to create content for DSFacts.

But it wasn't until she put me on moderation for posting those facts about her lies that she really went over the deep end, when people responded to her with shock and concern. So, to deflect the criticism of her sole moderation, and to make it appear to not be "just her" doing the moderating anymore (ironically, the original thing I had been complaining about), she added a "co-moderator" - and selected the one person most likely to drive me and EN away to be her pitbull - so she could blame it on NYB, instead of on herself - even though of course NYB was acting in complicity with Kelly.

But of course, her prevarication and purpose were utterly transparent to all but the most dense, or with the most vested interest in supporting PB despite her perfidy. Or the newbies who missed the whole thing.

Kelly was counting on being able to cut me off from posting on a message board-type site, because she knew I had no interest in running a site myself. She didn't consider that those who had offered to set her up with her own website, independent of ProBoards, over two years ago, would want to move forward with that plan (and resources that were still in place) once what Kelly did was revealed.

Kelly really did it to herself. Her behavior - which publicly revealed her motivations and character - triggered the exodus.

Again, I suspect that if Kelly ever accrues what she thinks is a self-sustaining number of posting members again, she will relieve NYB of her official (sponsored) duties, and take control of HER board back as sole moderator.
So, who died and made illinids - Scott the KING of PB and the whole fucking world? I still miss some of the people over there but, I can barely stomach reading some of his self important drivel.
This is why we had the surgery, so we can eat whatever we want.

He's not getting his ass handed to him for this latest from that 6 months post-op wonder because all the mean girls are here. JKG! Dildoni (Oops, make that illinds) is exactly as described above, a little pecker-headed pin dick.
I know, right? They can't afford to run anyone off, especially someone who makes easily 20% of the posts on the forum. Kelly is handling him with kid gloves, and she probably ordered her toadie NYB to sit on her hands or else - NYB (uncharacteristically) hasn't even posted to that thread, and he made that post 4 days ago.
Well, I did predict in my PM to Kelly that there would be crickets chirping as her site rotted into dust. Maybe I was right, once again. But that site always WAS moderated with fits and starts, followed by long periods of conspicuous silence from the moderator(s).

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