More on RVing

We leave in the AM for this park: (Note to stalkers/burglars - my daughter and stepdaughter will be staying at our house, taking care of the cats).

We are grossly overpacking. I have margaritas and bloody Marys and beer, as well as diet sodas, coffee, and champagne for our anniversary dinner.

I am planning to cook multiple different meals on our campstove or indoor stove. I have all sorts of veggies to roast on the BBQ. I have ice cream. I have bacon and eggs and cheese, and pre-cut tomatoes to make those tomato/basil/ricotta/balsalmic glaze/sourdough crisps I love. I have Chinese chicken salad with mandarin oranges and olives, partially pre-made, with the lettuce ready to add so it doesn't get soggy. Hummas, salsa and chips. Fixings for dog turd stew (kielbasa and Zatarain's Red Beans and Rice, plus tomatoes, bell peppers and squash). I'm going to make chili and try to bake a chili cornbread, either on the campstove, or try out the little oven in the RV. For our anniversary evening, I bought filet mignon, potatoes to bake and roast veggies, plus a bottle of 2005 Iron Horse Wedding Cuvee, which we've had since a 2008 visit to the winery. And hamburgers, buns, lettuce, tomatoes and red onions. We are taking a little extra stuff, just in case there is an(other) earthquake and we're trapped in the mountains.

I need to remember to take the anniversary presents I bought him at the military surplus story (a fancy Leatherman multitool to wear on his belt for being manly around the campground, and a fancy adjustable wrench so he doesn't have to bring his whole tool box with us) and the cards. I actually stopped by the medical supply store to buy him a binder and a truss as anniversary presents, but they were EXPENSIVE and non-refundable. Plus, I don't think he would have enjoyed the joke, nor worn them, even though he kinda needs them. We were not supposed to buy each other birthday or anniversary gifts this year, as the RV and accoutrements (like the GPS and backup camera), and he already violated that rule last week.
@DianaCox, it is not even 8am here and your post sounds so yummy I'm thinking about dinner. Question - what kind of flour, if any do you use in cornbread? I can eat corn, grits, cornmeal, potato starch, almond and coconut flours. It would be amazing if I could combine them into some form of cornbread. I can't tolerate wheat or rice flour, and most cornbread recipes feature one or the other...

In any case, have a wonderful anniversary trip. Looks like an amazing campground! :)
We leave in the AM for this park: (Note to stalkers/burglars - my daughter and stepdaughter will be staying at our house, taking care of the cats).

We are grossly overpacking. I have margaritas and bloody Marys and beer, as well as diet sodas, coffee, and champagne for our anniversary dinner.

I am planning to cook multiple different meals on our campstove or indoor stove. I have all sorts of veggies to roast on the BBQ. I have ice cream. I have bacon and eggs and cheese, and pre-cut tomatoes to make those tomato/basil/ricotta/balsalmic glaze/sourdough crisps I love. I have Chinese chicken salad with mandarin oranges and olives, partially pre-made, with the lettuce ready to add so it doesn't get soggy. Hummas, salsa and chips. Fixings for dog turd stew (kielbasa and Zatarain's Red Beans and Rice, plus tomatoes, bell peppers and squash). I'm going to make chili and try to bake a chili cornbread, either on the campstove, or try out the little oven in the RV. For our anniversary evening, I bought filet mignon, potatoes to bake and roast veggies, plus a bottle of 2005 Iron Horse Wedding Cuvee, which we've had since a 2008 visit to the winery. And hamburgers, buns, lettuce, tomatoes and red onions. We are taking a little extra stuff, just in case there is an(other) earthquake and we're trapped in the mountains.

I need to remember to take the anniversary presents I bought him at the military surplus story (a fancy Leatherman multitool to wear on his belt for being manly around the campground, and a fancy adjustable wrench so he doesn't have to bring his whole tool box with us) and the cards. I actually stopped by the medical supply store to buy him a binder and a truss as anniversary presents, but they were EXPENSIVE and non-refundable. Plus, I don't think he would have enjoyed the joke, nor worn them, even though he kinda needs them. We were not supposed to buy each other birthday or anniversary gifts this year, as the RV and accoutrements (like the GPS and backup camera), and he already violated that rule last week.
Sounds like too damned much work!!

One of the hardest thing about our RVing is that it was hard to get those daily home delivered meals to follow you everywhere. Had to give it up!! LOL
have fun and post photos!

the camp's motto made me LOL for some reason

Enjoy a Healthy Dose of Nature . . . without Leaving Civilization
In the RV, sitting at the dinette - he doesn't want me up front because I get too nervous and gasp and stamp my foot on the imaginary brake and unnerve him. So I'm sitting here with my glasses on my head and trying to not look out the windshield :)

The cornbread mix is Marie Callenders or something like that - I can't get to it at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has SOME wheat flour in it. It doesn't bother me too much, so I don't pay close attention, but I'll look and report back later.

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Yuck I hate side seat drivers. It's very distracting having them freak out non stop. :)
I think you and my husband would be solidly in agreement on that. I literally have not sat in that seat at all while the vehicle is moving.

And it's not that he is a bad driver - he is much more conservative than me as a driver. But OMFG, the OTHER drivers!! And the gusts of wind that try to push us off the road! And the sway when the two sides of the lane are not at the same height! It is definitely different from driving a car or even a van.
it's nice you two have figured out how to do it - he drives, you sit in back and post here. :typing: and the weather looks lovely. whoopie!
Yuck I hate side seat drivers. It's very distracting having them freak out non stop. :)
My husband does, too. Probably because of this:

Me--SHREIKING: Stop! We have a red light!
Him--Irritated: I didn't see it.
Me--Sarcastically: Well, since you are the driver, isn't that like YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION? "I didn't SEE it" is not an acceptable response!

Otoh...I recently tried to run over a crosswalk full of pedestrians...
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My wife admits I'm a good driver, and much better than her, heck I've driven for a living for 20+ years, but she still keeps doing it. Last trip to Canada I made her ride in back seat and had my sons rotate in the "shotgun".
Wow it sounds like you are good packers. I usually fill the gas and water tanks, and say "I'll see a store along the way" and off we go.

Post an update if Charles converts you to a GOT fan. I was turned off to it initially by some of the story line that seemed fantasy-esque. Just not my thing. I stuck with it, and it's now one of my favorite series, right after Deadwood, which was a western and I swore I could never get into. GOT may be a little gritty at times, but glad I stuck with it.
I just ordered Game of Thrones from paperbackswap - figure I have no chance of understanding the TV show unless I read the first book anyway.
GOT, both the books and the series, are both definitely worth it, and even better if you do both. I'm a little bit of a super fan, just started my 3rd reading of the books, even though I don't seem to have time to read anymore :rolleyes:

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