I think I have food poisoning


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
and sweet mother of god I feel bad. I took my temp a few ours ago when I was all achy and it was only 99.4, not even ONE degree high.

started out with diarrhea and just the worst wave of weakness and broke out in a huge sweat.

I am telling myself that sweat is my immune system cranking up into high gear. please tell me this is true or some other hope to hang on to. I need hope. I should have taken my tempurature again but felt too weak, seriously.

I am able to sit up and type now because if I don't put anything in my stomach I am OK. that last wave of misery was from having 2 sips of flavored water.
well, I fell asleep instead. what do you mean, just? I am going to try sucking crushed ice cubes. actually, I only felt really bad there when I drank water.
I had it once on a trip to SoCal. What you describe sounds exactly like what I had, no fever but felt like I wanted to die. Sweating, uncontrollable diarrhea, vomiting. It passed in about 36 hrs.

If your worried, it can't hurt to go to the ER.
weirdly, I feel a little better even though my fever went up to 99.8

sucking ice cubes has been OK so far. no throwing up at all, don't know why. and the self pity comes in waves, too!

it can't hurt to go to the ER.

can too! big ass co-pay, I assume.

no, but thanks for posting. tell you what, it's lonely not being able to DO anything.
thanks, PF

Diana, I don't know how to tell - it's miserable, anyway. I still had a fever this afternoon so I called in sick for tomorrow. or called "out" sick, as my friend says.

I still ache all over (my knees are killing me) but I am now able to sip ginger ale, YAY.
I really hope you feel better soon!

And...I apologize for this much needed sidetrack, BUT....WT? @Dave0168.....DAVE, shouldn't you be getting switched right about now????
Did you eat something somewhere that you think might be the cause like at a restaurant?
Or like Diana said, could be just a nasty stomach virus.

Whatever the cause, Hope it passes soon!
I'm better, I would have gone to work if I could get in coffee - and I still had a fever late yesterday so I called out then. I am eating plain, white rice (well, with salt) and it tastes like heaven. as the T in the BRAT diet is TEA (right?) I am realizing I don't have any black tea. wonder if green tea works. I sure could use the caffeine, had one cup of weak coffee but it didn't sit real well. :cautious:

I remember now that Monday night I had a very stiff neck and some aches that might have been the beginning of it. then Tuesday morning diarrhea but I figured I'd be done with that in an hour or two but the fever kept getting worse.

whatever it was, I'm glad it's over!

I suspect some chicken I got at a deli, can't think what else it could have been.
I am glad you are doing better! I got food poisoning once from a restaurant in Bakersfield, CA. Eight of us went to dinner there and 5 got food poisoning. We never could figure out the culprit as we all had different meals and or shared from each other's plates. My husband shared some of my meal but never got sick. Go figure! It was a bad couple of days!
there was one short period of time - the fever was still going up and I had taken a couple of swigs of flavored water which triggered a horrible wave of ....output coupled with sweating and feeling like I was going to pass out. I really thought I was going to die, just for a minute there.

just went to the store to load up on stuff I usually don't eat: applesauce, saltines - carb fest!

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