I will pass this on.
I did. At, it says:
- Do not put on open wounds, cuts, or irritated skin.”
Untreated, his looks like pink alligator skin and the plaques catch on things and then bleed. What do you think re this warning? BTW, he gets them everywhere, including scalp and inside his ears and, yes, most everywhere, too. It came on after his heart attack, and heart attack meds, twenty years ago.
(One of my favorite “toys” as a young kid was my Erector Set, but I was a girl. And I kinda liked my drafting class in high school, but I was still a girl. And a career test thing said I should be a pilot or an ophthalmologist, but I was
still a girl. And Army ASVAB tests said I‘d be good at mechanical stuff, but it also said I might be okay at languages and they needed more linguists. And I was still a girl. But I drive my husband crazy because I’m never satisfied with
a solution to a problem…because I’m sure there are
other solutions and I want to compare them all. LOL)
Also…are there engineers working on artificial smell detection? I have anosmia…can’t smell ****, literally. Also can’t smell meat going bad or gas leaks. But I’m down with sound. There, I function!