Black lives, blue lives, guns, terrorists, psychos, 2nd amendment...

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Sounds like a plan. How about throwing in some members of The Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorists. That ought to round things out. Send me a PM on how it all turns out. I'm going to binge watch funny cat videos for a while.

I can only imagine how stressful it is for the LEO's of color and their families. It's a tough job under "normal" circumstances. I live in terror that what's happening in America now will make Mao's cultural revolution look like a happy picnic in a sunny park.
Nah...well...maybe a little. I am married to one, so I am allowed SOME biases!

Charris got her hug cuz she was upset. You get yours for clarifying your position in a pacifistic manner.

Speaking of biased, I lived in Mexico for three years and my longtime GF is from El Salvador. Now, I have a few thoughts on them Latinos...:)
While I understand why BLM is the way it is, I think their approach alienates too many potential supporters. I prefer I sign most, but not all, of their petitions and OCCASIONALLY make a small donation. I think that they make a difference without making a scene.
I don't disagree that their approach could be better aa it is too aggressive in some cases. Blocking an ambulance with a patent from getting into a hospital is extremely dangerous and borderline criminal. That type of stupid and out control behavior completely loses sympathy for the cause and alienates people. In their defense I would hope the leaders of the movement aren't is support of that and I am sure you don't have to be card carrying member to join a protest and do ****** things like that. It is hard to control large movements like this especially when it is such a raw emotional situation causing the protests. Just look at some of the ridiculous things many Bernie-bots have said.

Sometimes less is more and toning it down a bit will help because stopping traffic and harassing people brings the backwards ass racists in droves and fuels the fire.
Kind words.

And really, imho, the most stressed-out people in this country right now have to be LEOs of color and their families.


Let's give New Black Panthers, Oathkeepers, the Bikers, BLM, Mike Huckabee (because, why not?) and Westboro Baptist church @DianaCox 's address for an alleged last-minute planning session.

When they burn the place down and shoot up the neighborhood, Diana can collect the insurance AND it will piss off the RE agent neighbor-former friend next door.

A win-win?

Works for me! There are actually 2-3 other neighbors (who moved in after we did and are part of the reason we are not sorry to be moving) who would also be pissed off, so it would be even more winning!
Nah...well...maybe a little. I am married to one, so I am allowed SOME biases!

Charris got her hug cuz she was upset. You get yours for clarifying your position in a pacifistic manner.


To clarify for @Spiky Bugger and @Marquis Mark I was not upset. I WAS/AM/APPARENTLY WILL BE FOR LIFE FRUSTRATED. it's easy for people who have never been faced with such a challenge to say well it happened because this or that. But the truth of the matter is the majority of this crap happens just because they are "BLACK". NO OTHER REASON WHAT SO EVER. YOU WILL NEVER EVER TRULY BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. People will continue to make up freaking excuses as to why this crap is happening and will continue to allow it to happen.

When I was in the hospital in October in California with Dr. K. My daughter called me hysterical crying. They got lost in the rich white neighborhood across from the hospital. She states 2 police cars pulled her over. They apparently called for more officers. By the time she called me crying they had her boyfriend out the car face down on the road and wouldn't tell her anything. A total of 5 police cars. Why was all these drastic measures taken? They were driving around in the white community. My daughter explains I'm in the hospital across the street. She goes on to say they are headed back to AZ BUT NEED gas first and had gotten loss. After they let her boyfriend up his stress level is so high he starts to have a seizure. She's screaming please don't shoot him he has seizures. So once that's done the officer says follow me and I'll get you on the highway. She reminds him they need gas he doesn't care patrol car in front and back of them makes them get on the interstate low on gas. I'm crying she's crying and Toots crying. I had to just tell her just go as far as you can to the next rest area/exit and get gas. Use my triple A if you run out before that. Do you know how freaking scary it is you child calls you hysterically crying because the police is harassing them? I have taught my kids that during an encounter with the police their job is to to survive the stop. We can deal with anything else after the fact when they are safe and ALIVE. WHAT great crime did they commit being BORN BLACK! This treatment is unacceptable but everytime it happens someone has an acceptable reason why it happened. A SPADE IS A SPADE. The man who was murdered that had to register as a sex offender what the flying flipping f$$$ does that have to do with him being murdered. But of course that was brought up to show what? Was the cop afraid he was going to molest him? Was he sexually abusing someone when the police MURDERED him?

I'm so flipping glad my son doesn't qualify medically for the military. Why should he fight for freedoms that he as an American is not afforded the privilege of benefitting from? As Ali once said why should he fight for America when America won't fight for him? America is his opressor.

NON Black and Latino Americans can say you sympathize, empathize, and anything else but you just will never know unless one day you, your child, your love one is looking down the barrel of a gun praying that they are not murdered for no other reason than they are white. Until it becomes open season on hunting and murdering white people just because they are white, people will always find a way to justify the murders. They are non compliant, the argue, they are agressive, they were a sexual predator before. White man goes into a black church killed 9 blacks and they bargain with him and get him a burger. I black shooter shoots 5 white cops they send in a robot to blow him up. Why because obviously white lives ALWAYS matter. I do not condone killing cops, white, red, purple, black , polk a dot or any other colors. At least pretend like BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO! The first thing that could be done in the pretending is when a black person is murdered don't try to justify the murder by bringing crap up that had nothing to do with that incident. When he was 5 he stole an extra milk from the school cafeteria.
Charris - very very powerful words - very scary. I'm so sorry this happened to your family - and that it happens ALL.THE.TIME to blacks (and sometimes to a few other minorities).
I am so sorry to hear that Clarissa. It is just sad. It feels like we are in in 1950 again and that is just wrong.
To clarify for @Spiky Bugger and @Marquis Mark I was not upset. I WAS/AM/APPARENTLY WILL BE FOR LIFE FRUSTRATED. it's easy for people who have never been faced with such a challenge to say well it happened because this or that. But the truth of the matter is the majority of this crap happens just because they are "BLACK". NO OTHER REASON WHAT SO EVER. YOU WILL NEVER EVER TRULY BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. People will continue to make up freaking excuses as to why this crap is happening and will continue to allow it to happen.

When I was in the hospital in October in California with Dr. K. My daughter called me hysterical crying. They got lost in the rich white neighborhood across from the hospital. She states 2 police cars pulled her over. They apparently called for more officers. By the time she called me crying they had her boyfriend out the car face down on the road and wouldn't tell her anything. A total of 5 police cars. Why was all these drastic measures taken? They were driving around in the white community. My daughter explains I'm in the hospital across the street. She goes on to say they are headed back to AZ BUT NEED gas first and had gotten loss. After they let her boyfriend up his stress level is so high he starts to have a seizure. She's screaming please don't shoot him he has seizures. So once that's done the officer says follow me and I'll get you on the highway. She reminds him they need gas he doesn't care patrol car in front and back of them makes them get on the interstate low on gas. I'm crying she's crying and Toots crying. I had to just tell her just go as far as you can to the next rest area/exit and get gas. Use my triple A if you run out before that. Do you know how freaking scary it is you child calls you hysterically crying because the police is harassing them? I have taught my kids that during an encounter with the police their job is to to survive the stop. We can deal with anything else after the fact when they are safe and ALIVE. WHAT great crime did they commit being BORN BLACK! This treatment is unacceptable but everytime it happens someone has an acceptable reason why it happened. A SPADE IS A SPADE. The man who was murdered that had to register as a sex offender what the flying flipping f$$$ does that have to do with him being murdered. But of course that was brought up to show what? Was the cop afraid he was going to molest him? Was he sexually abusing someone when the police MURDERED him?

I'm so flipping glad my son doesn't qualify medically for the military. Why should he fight for freedoms that he as an American is not afforded the privilege of benefitting from? As Ali once said why should he fight for America when America won't fight for him? America is his opressor.

NON Black and Latino Americans can say you sympathize, empathize, and anything else but you just will never know unless one day you, your child, your love one is looking down the barrel of a gun praying that they are not murdered for no other reason than they are white. Until it becomes open season on hunting and murdering white people just because they are white, people will always find a way to justify the murders. They are non compliant, the argue, they are agressive, they were a sexual predator before. White man goes into a black church killed 9 blacks and they bargain with him and get him a burger. I black shooter shoots 5 white cops they send in a robot to blow him up. Why because obviously white lives ALWAYS matter. I do not condone killing cops, white, red, purple, black , polk a dot or any other colors. At least pretend like BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO! The first thing that could be done in the pretending is when a black person is murdered don't try to justify the murder by bringing crap up that had nothing to do with that incident. When he was 5 he stole an extra milk from the school cafeteria.

Very well said...but I'm not taking my hug back.
Speaking of hugs. How are you doing this week? You definitely need a hug too, but being that I am a guy I would probably squeeze your butt too since we can't help ourselves, so now you probably don't want a hug. :D
To clarify for @Spiky Bugger and @Marquis Mark I was not upset. I WAS/AM/APPARENTLY WILL BE FOR LIFE FRUSTRATED. it's easy for people who have never been faced with such a challenge to say well it happened because this or that. But the truth of the matter is the majority of this crap happens just because they are "BLACK". NO OTHER REASON WHAT SO EVER. YOU WILL NEVER EVER TRULY BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. People will continue to make up freaking excuses as to why this crap is happening and will continue to allow it to happen.

When I was in the hospital in October in California with Dr. K. My daughter called me hysterical crying. They got lost in the rich white neighborhood across from the hospital. She states 2 police cars pulled her over. They apparently called for more officers. By the time she called me crying they had her boyfriend out the car face down on the road and wouldn't tell her anything. A total of 5 police cars. Why was all these drastic measures taken? They were driving around in the white community. My daughter explains I'm in the hospital across the street. She goes on to say they are headed back to AZ BUT NEED gas first and had gotten loss. After they let her boyfriend up his stress level is so high he starts to have a seizure. She's screaming please don't shoot him he has seizures. So once that's done the officer says follow me and I'll get you on the highway. She reminds him they need gas he doesn't care patrol car in front and back of them makes them get on the interstate low on gas. I'm crying she's crying and Toots crying. I had to just tell her just go as far as you can to the next rest area/exit and get gas. Use my triple A if you run out before that. Do you know how freaking scary it is you child calls you hysterically crying because the police is harassing them? I have taught my kids that during an encounter with the police their job is to to survive the stop. We can deal with anything else after the fact when they are safe and ALIVE. WHAT great crime did they commit being BORN BLACK! This treatment is unacceptable but everytime it happens someone has an acceptable reason why it happened. A SPADE IS A SPADE. The man who was murdered that had to register as a sex offender what the flying flipping f$$$ does that have to do with him being murdered. But of course that was brought up to show what? Was the cop afraid he was going to molest him? Was he sexually abusing someone when the police MURDERED him?

I'm so flipping glad my son doesn't qualify medically for the military. Why should he fight for freedoms that he as an American is not afforded the privilege of benefitting from? As Ali once said why should he fight for America when America won't fight for him? America is his opressor.

NON Black and Latino Americans can say you sympathize, empathize, and anything else but you just will never know unless one day you, your child, your love one is looking down the barrel of a gun praying that they are not murdered for no other reason than they are white. Until it becomes open season on hunting and murdering white people just because they are white, people will always find a way to justify the murders. They are non compliant, the argue, they are agressive, they were a sexual predator before. White man goes into a black church killed 9 blacks and they bargain with him and get him a burger. I black shooter shoots 5 white cops they send in a robot to blow him up. Why because obviously white lives ALWAYS matter. I do not condone killing cops, white, red, purple, black , polk a dot or any other colors. At least pretend like BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO! The first thing that could be done in the pretending is when a black person is murdered don't try to justify the murder by bringing crap up that had nothing to do with that incident. When he was 5 he stole an extra milk from the school cafeteria.

Come to think of one of the cities (near the hospital) that has very high rent districts, one of my Latino cousins who WAS a cop ended up being the mayor. That was a while back. So that makes it even uglier for me.

Eugene Robinson wrote a really good column tonight. Sad, but good.
Speaking of hugs. How are you doing this week? You definitely need a hug too, but being that I am a guy I would probably squeeze your butt too since we can't help ourselves, so now you probably don't want a hug. :D offense, but I'll pass.

Doing better, thanks.
To clarify for Mark and Sue I was not upset. I WAS/AM/APPARENTLY WILL BE FOR LIFE FRUSTRATED. it's easy for people who have never been faced with such a challenge to say well it happened because this or that. But the truth of the matter is the majority of this crap happens just because they are "BLACK". NO OTHER REASON WHAT SO EVER. YOU WILL NEVER EVER TRULY BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. People will continue to make up freaking excuses as to why this crap is happening and will continue to allow it to happen.

When I was in the hospital in October in California with Dr. K. My daughter called me hysterical crying. They got lost in the rich white neighborhood across from the hospital. She states 2 police cars pulled her over. They apparently called for more officers. By the time she called me crying they had her boyfriend out the car face down on the road and wouldn't tell her anything. A total of 5 police cars. Why was all these drastic measures taken? They were driving around in the white community. My daughter explains I'm in the hospital across the street. She goes on to say they are headed back to AZ BUT NEED gas first and had gotten loss. After they let her boyfriend up his stress level is so high he starts to have a seizure. She's screaming please don't shoot him he has seizures. So once that's done the officer says follow me and I'll get you on the highway. She reminds him they need gas he doesn't care patrol car in front and back of them makes them get on the interstate low on gas. I'm crying she's crying and Toots crying. I had to just tell her just go as far as you can to the next rest area/exit and get gas. Use my triple A if you run out before that. Do you know how freaking scary it is you child calls you hysterically crying because the police is harassing them? I have taught my kids that during an encounter with the police their job is to to survive the stop. We can deal with anything else after the fact when they are safe and ALIVE. WHAT great crime did they commit being BORN BLACK! This treatment is unacceptable but everytime it happens someone has an acceptable reason why it happened. A SPADE IS A SPADE. The man who was murdered that had to register as a sex offender what the flying flipping f$$$ does that have to do with him being murdered. But of course that was brought up to show what? Was the cop afraid he was going to molest him? Was he sexually abusing someone when the police MURDERED him?

I'm so flipping glad my son doesn't qualify medically for the military. Why should he fight for freedoms that he as an American is not afforded the privilege of benefitting from? As Ali once said why should he fight for America when America won't fight for him? America is his opressor.

NON Black and Latino Americans can say you sympathize, empathize, and anything else but you just will never know unless one day you, your child, your love one is looking down the barrel of a gun praying that they are not murdered for no other reason than they are white. Until it becomes open season on hunting and murdering white people just because they are white, people will always find a way to justify the murders. They are non compliant, the argue, they are agressive, they were a sexual predator before. White man goes into a black church killed 9 blacks and they bargain with him and get him a burger. I black shooter shoots 5 white cops they send in a robot to blow him up. Why because obviously white lives ALWAYS matter. I do not condone killing cops, white, red, purple, black , polk a dot or any other colors. At least pretend like BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO! The first thing that could be done in the pretending is when a black person is murdered don't try to justify the murder by bringing crap up that had nothing to do with that incident. When he was 5 he stole an extra milk from the school cafeteria. offense, but I'll pass.

Doing better, thanks.
That is good to hear!
@Charris I'm so sorry that you, your daughter, her boyfriend and Toot were put through that horrible experience. I can't even imagine how it would make me feel if someone did that to one of my children.

You're absolutely right that a spade is a spade, the struggle is real, and none of us truly can walk a mile in each others shoes, much as that would turn things around.

(And when it comes to actual versus metaphoric footwear, mine are orthopedic Mary Janes and I'm pretty sure yours are fabulous heels.)
At the risk of wading back in to troubled waters, I think that what’s being overlooked in all of this is that racism is a HUMAN shortcoming. All of us everywhere, every color, have this failing. It’s literally programmed into our code. It is our survival instinct run amok.

In Mexico the “Indians” are discriminated against by those with more Spanish blood, the Greeks hate the Turks (and vice versa), tall people discriminate against the short (I know. I’m 6’3” and hate short people). The beautiful shun the ugly (ditto), rich against poor. Poor don’t care much for rich people, either. I’ve heard complaints from dark-skinned African Americans that they are discriminated against by light skinned AAs. Tribes battle each other all over the world. In the US, it’s the blue vs the red states. The South versus everyone else. The Shiites hate the Sunnis. We all know nobody likes fat people. And everyone hates the Jews.

We’re united by our animosity.

Where I think we get off track is by assuming that any one group is genetically predisposed to racism/discrimination more than another. No. We’re all capable of it. Don’t believe me? Next to tie someone cuts you off in traffic observe your instinct if the driver is another gender, race, age group or, God forbid, Korean.

Comedians of all colors have race-based routines attacking the other. And we laugh.

I agree with President Obama when he says we’re not as divided as we think. And although it’s not a popular sentiment to express in the current climate, I also agree with him when he points out things are better than they used to be. We are far past the time when a white man could not date a black woman (I know caused I’ve dated a few and nobody gave us a second look), separate water fountains, back of the bus, or of it being inconceivable for a black man to become president. And now, a woman. Both of whom, as a white dude, I have and will vote for. But first I voted for Bernie Sanders, a Jew.

We have a long way to go, obviously, but we have made progress. We should acknowledge it and continue to build on it. Not deny it. Saying it’s worse than the 50’s, feeds battles, hatred, mistrust and polarization. It’s the Trump tactic and the left (of which I’m a member) is as guilty as the right. When the right goes on about how Obama is the worst president ever and cites stats divorced from context, how is that different than when the left carries on out of context?

We can get along, but first we have to acknowledge that all are collectively responsible and that no real “conversation” can be had if we start of by assuming the other’s feelings and experiences are invalid, that only we are exempt from the genetic predisposition toward tribalism and mostly, if we really, really try to listen.

MLK and Gandhi had it right.
NON Black and Latino Americans can say you sympathize, empathize, and anything else but you just will never know unless one day you, your child, your love one is looking down the barrel of a gun praying that they are not murdered for no other reason than they are white.

You're right of course. For a mere five years of my life I was subjected to occasional hatred and verbal attacks. This was by asshats in the military who thought I should be home baking cookies and spreading my legs. While at Pease AFB, my room mate in the barracks was black. When we'd share stories of things that had happened to us, we did have some things in common. However, when she told of her ugly encounters, her incidents sounded like harassment on steroids. And I clearly admit, I could not identify with that. Her experiences started the day she was born and will continue until the day she dies.

In all reality, there were only two years that I was subjected to that ****. I married a man who outranked me by several grades so I guess the hate didn't go away. It went underground so as not to piss off my husband who also outranked most of those in our squadron. When he heard some of things that had happened to me before, he was at first gobsmacked and then outraged. He will never truly understand the fear I had after being sexually assaulted and still carry every now and then. I don't expect him to ever feel that. However, I do appreciate his outrage.

Thank you for sharing your story. Reading something like that in a newspaper can be very abstract. Something happening to someone with whom I interact makes it real. I don't want to live in an abstract world.

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