At the risk of wading back in to troubled waters, I think that what’s being overlooked in all of this is that racism is a HUMAN shortcoming. All of us everywhere, every color, have this failing. It’s literally programmed into our code. It is our survival instinct run amok.
I am going to respectfully disagree. Our prejudices and hatred are mostly taught. My dad taught little and big things. This was not formal education. It was daily demonstrated in his words and actions. I was taught by someone who made Archie Bunker look like a great humanitarian. I had a silly school crush on a boy named Silverstein. My dad went ballistic at the thought I could like a Jew. I asked him how he knew my crush was Jewish, he said anybody with "silver" in their name is a Jew. I have spent most of my adult life unlearning the things my father taught me. It is ******* hard work to unlearn that stuff.
I am going to respectfully disagree. Our prejudices and hatred are mostly taught. My dad taught little and big things. This was not formal education. It was daily demonstrated in his words and actions. I was taught by someone who made Archie Bunker look like a great humanitarian. I had a silly school crush on a boy named Silverstein. My dad went ballistic at the thought I could like a Jew. I asked him how he knew my crush was Jewish, he said anybody with "silver" in their name is a Jew. I have spent most of my adult life unlearning the things my father taught me. It is ******* hard work to unlearn that stuff.