Trochanteric Bursitis - Ever hear of this or have it yourself?


Yes, that is chocolate covered bacon
Nov 19, 2014
So my pain in my upper outer thigh and hip area is worse today and when I look up the symptoms on line it points to something called Trochanteric Bursitis which basically sounds like a bursar sack inflammation and or leak.

What sucks is it hurts to just sit in a chair and trying to relax. Getting out of a chair from a sitting position is excruciating. It appears that I am going to need a steroid/pain injection on Monday if I can get it lined up as I am heading to Vegas Wednesday for golfing through Saturday. At this point that doesn't sound like any fun at all but I have booked my flight, and my buds are expecting me to come so I want to be able to enjoy this trip as much as possible. Had this shown up a week ago I never would have booked the trip and backed out....but too late now as flight is non refundable. Anyway, man I hope I can get the Ortho to do an injection on Monday.

Have any of you ever had this issue? Deep down inside I am afraid it is something worse but my Ortho has a prompt/urgent care area where you can go for injuries and immediate minor emergencies like this that is open Monday through Saturday (didn't think to go today until too late) and I assume they would do an X-ray to make sure nothing is broken or any tumor or anything in there.
So my pain in my upper outer thigh and hip area is worse today and when I look up the symptoms on line it points to something called Trochanteric Bursitis which basically sounds like a bursar sack inflammation and or leak.

What sucks is it hurts to just sit in a chair and trying to relax. Getting out of a chair from a sitting position is excruciating. It appears that I am going to need a steroid/pain injection on Monday if I can get it lined up as I am heading to Vegas Wednesday for golfing through Saturday. At this point that doesn't sound like any fun at all but I have booked my flight, and my buds are expecting me to come so I want to be able to enjoy this trip as much as possible. Had this shown up a week ago I never would have booked the trip and backed out....but too late now as flight is non refundable. Anyway, man I hope I can get the Ortho to do an injection on Monday.

Have any of you ever had this issue? Deep down inside I am afraid it is something worse but my Ortho has a prompt/urgent care area where you can go for injuries and immediate minor emergencies like this that is open Monday through Saturday (didn't think to go today until too late) and I assume they would do an X-ray to make sure nothing is broken or any tumor or anything in there.
Scott since this is a new condition for you chances are highly likely that the doc will want an MRI prior to treating. That might take a while before treatment starts.
Scott since this is a new condition for you chances are highly likely that the doc will want an MRI prior to treating. That might take a while before treatment starts.
I already see this group for my shoulder and they have an emergency room for these trauma like events so I am hoping to convince them to give me the steroid injection. Not asking him to cut me and this looks text book to me from what I looked up. Steroid injection is supposedly common for this and they will want to try that before Mri likely anyway due to insurance but we shall see.

All I know is that I am falling the Fuck apart. Lol

Also I hope like hell my one bud brings some weed next week because I need some damn stress and pain relief (haven't done that for over 20 years but hey I am not working at the moment so.... )
Doesn't that manifest more down by the knee? This at hip upper femur area. It hurts like a sum beech just trying to get out of chair, sit in chair or roll out of bed.... My side happens to require rollingbiut on that hip/leg by the way. Lol at me
Thanks my nephew who is a sports rehab guy just told me to stretch it
:cool:Hopefully, it couldn't hurt to give it a try.
Oh it will hurt like hell so not a chance tonight. Just putting a pillow between knees and lying on right side is too painful right now. This is some of the worst pain I can remember
Yep took 800 mg of ibuprofen and 3 norco 10/325's....and still not touching it. About half tempted to go to ER and get some dlaudid if I thought they would do anything but they won't so not worth trip
My son has that - he got a lot of relief from a cortisone shot to the hip. Plan on it working!

Vegas should be nice to ride around in a golf cart in at the very least!
Thanks Diana! That is good to hear that the injection worked for your son.

You know I think this happened because of the way my bony ass hits the toilet seat. I shit you not (pun fully intended) but the pain is exactly at my butt dimple and where that left cheek hits the damn toilet seat. Scrawny ass disease strikes again!

Golf in Vegas with my best friends from childhood, who are still my best friends even though we see each other once a year other than my one friend, is awesome. We rent a house with nice pool, hot tub and plenty of space. We eat and drink well, as well as just hanging out. This trip really recharges my batteries and with Cameron's issues over the last five years this is only the 3rd time in the last six years that I have been able to go. I desperately need this trip and to not have it ruined by this pain!
So just came from the Orthodontist First and it is what I thought plus the Dr said I have some arthritis in both joints. In any case hearing shot me up so I should be all good for Vegas.
So just came from the Orthodontist First and it is what I thought plus the Dr said I have some arthritis in both joints. In any case hearing shot me up so I should be all good for Vegas.
The "Orthodontist" wasn't confused as to why you were showing him your hip?