Still at it…

Sometimes you just have to laugh. A lot of people realize that pork isn't kosher, but not that shellfish also isn't kosher. For fish to be kosher, it has to have fins and scales. And there are lots of other rules, too.
So, I would say this isn't quite as ignorant as the time a store advertised the Passover ham, but you still have to wonder what the point was.
Sometimes you just have to laugh. A lot of people realize that pork isn't kosher, but not that shellfish also isn't kosher. For fish to be kosher, it has to have fins and scales. And there are lots of other rules, too.
So, I would say this isn't quite as ignorant as the time a store advertised the Passover ham, but you still have to wonder what the point was.

MrSue had a Jewish coworker explain Passover to the crew…while he was eating pork rinds.

It’s hard for outsiders. I had a Black neighbor who ROUTINELY used a (very offensive, racist, anti-Black) term. Even when it was just the two of us. I heard it so often I thought it was OKAY to use that term. Another Black friend explained that it was not.
I can't get over the price of that shrimp, holy cow.

I had a Black neighbor who ROUTINELY used a (very offensive, racist, anti-Black) term. Even when it was just the two of us. I heard it so often I thought it was OKAY to use that term. Another Black friend explained that it was not.

oh, dear!
And more… the former VP of the US and his wife just sent out a e-card wishing all…

#HappyHanukkah! May the light that shines from every Menorah make the world a brighter and better place. @KarenPence and I wish all who are celebrating the Festival of Lights a wonderful Hanukkah!

And then…yup…included a graphic of a “menorah” that can hold the correct number of candles for Kwanzaa, but not for Hanukkah.

As a Christian who has almost no knowledge of Jewish tradition, I honestly didn’t catch the first reference about the shrimp. Had it been pork, I’d have caught it. And I had to count the candles In the last one.

It’s not that I‘m against the Jewish religion just uneducated. I’ve had exposure to the Catholic religion since I spent 3 years going to a Catholic school. And I grew up Presbyterian. I think I need a course in being Jewish.
Well, ok, it's not a Hanukkah menorah, but I will give them credit for the effort and especially for supporting people of a faith other than their own. And they did it when so many people on the far right (i.e. part of Pence's potential base for an election I expect him to run in) are coming out from under their rocks to express their antisemitism.
So for me, it's good.
And incidentally, I look at the old Passover ham debacle as probably being an effort at inclusivity, given that a lot of people have ham for Easter.
And incidentally, I look at the old Passover ham debacle as probably being an effort at inclusivity, given that a lot of people have ham for Easter.

You are such a positive person. I, OTOH, am a tad too skeptical to assume they were aiming for inclusivity, BECAUSE I think they just wanted to have a “hook” to advertise their goods.

I mean, if your office were having a “Holiday Party” (not A “Christmas Party”) to be more inclusive, then maybe…okay. Maybe. But they COULD ask around or google for info on Kosher and Halal foods. But if they don’t, and their motive isn’t profit, I wouldn’t try to make them feel stupid.

I, however, organized a big party for my mom’s 80th birthday and didn’t ask…and found out too late that I had a couple of hungry vegetarians sitting through the meal. They were lovely people, and 19 years later, I still feel bad about that. Duh.
I doubt it ever occurred to whoever created the Passover ham ad to google anything because after all, it's not PORK, it's HAM! No understanding that the entire animal isn't kosher no matter what you call some portion of it.
We are a small minority in the USA (2-3% at most) and a very small minority worldwide - less than 1%. It doesn't surprise me that so many people don't know much about Judaism. Many people have never met anyone Jewish, or at least don't know that they have. I choose not to be offended by what appears to me to be nothing more than ignorance, and will save my concerns for the people who choose to hate us for no good reason.
I doubt it ever occurred to whoever created the Passover ham ad to google anything because after all, it's not PORK, it's HAM! No understanding that the entire animal isn't kosher no matter what you call some portion of it.
We are a small minority in the USA (2-3% at most) and a very small minority worldwide - less than 1%. It doesn't surprise me that so many people don't know much about Judaism. Many people have never met anyone Jewish, or at least don't know that they have. I choose not to be offended by what appears to me to be nothing more than ignorance, and will save my concerns for the people who choose to hate us for no good reason.
That makes sense. And it’s very grown-up.

But how did I end up in a neighborhood (all new post-WWII modest homes) where the girls my age, except for Weird Florence, we’re all Jews? Plus the Simons (their daughter was our babysitter and I just found her on Classmates…lol) and the Schwartzes and the other Schwartzes and Mrs. Einstein next door. My Catholic HS (I lasted only one year) was across the street from Temple B'Nai Emet (Both are now gone.)

But then again, I’m a relic from a bygone era.

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