Staffing McDonald's...they walk among us...

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
First of all...Millenials. Aargh!! My 40-year-old daughter was in the break room at work, writing a check...and one of the Millenial Morons who works there shrieked with delight, "OMG! Is that a check? Your're writing a check? I've never seen anybody write a check before."

And then the new local business. If YOU own the business, and YOU set the delivery hours, should YOU not have customer service available DURING (or at the end of) delivery hours, when problems are most likely to occur and yet still be FIXABLE?

We had perishable/edible items scheduled for delivery between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Got an email at 5:48 a.m., saying that the items had been my front porch. They were not there. They were not there by 7:00, either. Sometime around 7:20, SOMEBODY dropped the bags on our porch. But since the merchant claimed to have delivered them an hour-and-a-half earlier, and we didn't see the delivery, and the bell was not rung even though that direction was included in the delivery instructions, we did not know if they had been delivered elsewhere and some kind neighbor bought them over, or if it was a late delivery, or who had touched them, or what. And several items were missing.

Customer service was a non-response until almost 11:00 a.m. Meanwhile...

The moron at the bank credit card company...I called and wrote to the merchant and advised them that per their "100% Satisfaction Guarantee," I was exercising my option for a full refund and, if they wanted their stuff back, it would be on my porch from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 it was...and they did not I called to dispute charges on my account.

The genius at the credit card company said, "Well...maybe they did deliver it on time and a neighbor took it and removed the missing items" [value about $2.00] "and then returned the bags" [value about $60] "to your porch later on that morning."

I'm too old for this ****.

In MY world, the enthralled with check-writing moron would not have qualfied for her $1000/week job. She would be taking drive-through orders at McDonald's. The business owner would know that the best way to keep customers is to solve problems immediately....especially with perishable/edible he would be a shift supervisor at Mc Donald's. And the credit card customer service guy would be maintenance crew at McDonalds's, sweeping as not to tax his logic skills.

Once we start with the "What's this world coming to" ****, it just never ends.
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Oh yeah, and here's another millennial Moron phenomenon that my cousin who is a teacher told me recently about. She had a bunch of late teens working on some sort of project that required them to include self addressed stamped envelope. Floored me that she had to correct them that the stamp went on the upper RIGHT corner!!! WTF??

As I've mentioned I was born and raised in another country, and still much to my annoyance have the accent. I work with a big bunch of newbie super young nurses who seem to think they must speak slowly and in a loud voice to me using simple terms. I want to slap seven shades of crap outta them. Periodically one or two of them have felt obligated to explain some aspect of American culture to me!!! Recently the topic of conversation was the tonight show and some zit faced moron recently relieved of dental braces decided she needed to try to explain who Johnny Carson was!!! I've been in the USA for 28 years!! Longer than she's been alive, and unlike her I actually fecking watched Johnny Carson on the tonight show !!! Meanwhile, about a year back the tv was on in the break room and there was an interview airing with Bob Geldoff, I commented I loved Bob Geldoff, and was met with blank stares. I said, you know Boomtown Rats?, I don't like Mondays? More blank stares. So I thought okay maybe Boomtown Rats didn't have notoriety in the USA, so I said. He's the guy who organized the whole Live Aid movement, remember?? And I started singing "Feed the world, let them know it's Christmas time". A fecking sea of blank faces and cricket noise. Never ******* mind then. I keep my trap closed now though.
My mantra at work is: "I see stupid people. They don't know they're stupid"

Oh, and as a seasoned broad I'm lumbered with having to "mentor" some of the morons. Recently I was trying to guide a newbie on calculation of IV infusion components. I told her that when something is labeled as a percentage then that means Grams per 100ml's. Therefore when infusing intralipids labeled as 20% Intralipids. Then calculate grams of lipids based on 20 Grams per 100ml. Is that rocket science?? She looked at me as if I spoke fluent Latin to her, then she thought she'd help me out and rubbed my arm and said. " I don't think that's what they teach nowadays """. They really do walk among us.
Or even an RN who asked why someone with sleep apnea would need to take their CPAP with them for WLS. She figured that they do "something" to breathe for you during surgery. I would think that intubation AND extubation would have been taught somewhere along the way in nursing school.
OMG ... I do not LIKE the medical incompetence in particular one bit!!!
It shocked me to find out how little some RN's and Dr's know about medical things outside of their current area of specialization. I swear I know more about many medical tests/procedures and things in general than half the people in the hospital when I am admitted or Cameron.
It shocked me to find out how little some RN's and Dr's know about medical things outside of their current area of specialization. I swear I know more about many medical tests/procedures and things in general than half the people in the hospital when I am admitted or Cameron.
I'm quite sure you do. My major for my bachelors was Medical Record Science. I later worked with nurses who were genuinely shocked at the knowledge I had for a paper pusher. That I had a BS in "paper pushing" was inconceivable. I worked at a 650 bed teaching hospital. I had taken biology, anatomy/physiology, disease processes, and a host of other technical classes. I read medical records every day for four years. If a nurse had spent her time on an orthopedic ward, she really didn't know much about diabetes, heart conditions, etc. Kind of shocking since those diagnoses can wreak havoc on a body in more ways than just the bones can.

I only mentioned that RN because after asking a question and receiving several helpful answers, she dismissed us as ignorant because, "Don't ya know I'm an RN". I know several nurses AND doctors who I would not even allow them take my temperature; they're that incompetent. Arrogance combined blatant incompetence is not a pretty quality. I don't feel comfortable giving dietary advice to other WLS patients, but I'm definitely sure of my needs.
Yeah and I certainly don't want to disparage nurses because my Mom was a charge nurse at a hospital and then basically ran a small town PCP office (he was a great decision) and I know we have some great nurses on our site.

When Cameron was in the CHOI and Stomach Jude he started having neurological issues in addition to his cancer (Gotta love/hate chemo) and it became readily apparent to me that specialists really only know about their specialty and the good ones admit that up front and call in a specialist from out of there area of expertise if need be. The bad ones pretend they know and basically tell you that you are making up your symptoms... We actually had an idiot tell is that Cameron was faking a neurological test. Really? Of course the idiot was wrong.

In any case I understand now how when you work as an orthopod you know orthopedic stuff and oncology you know hemonc stuff simply because you aren't given an opportunity to do the other stuff.... Which is why I also quickly learned how invaluable a good PCP is because he can pull it all together. It was our PCP who finally figured out Cameron had chemo brain and prescribed adderall. It wasn't without side effects but it allowed and still allows him to concentrate and sooooo helped his frustration level because he is a very smart kid and just couldn't concentrate on anything after his battle with cancer. That upset and frustrated him something awful. He really wants to go to endodontist school but he just can't concentrate well enough for that rigor anymore. He is smart enough but can't concentrate.

And by the way I have had a couple Dr's tell me I should consult with hospitals on performance improvement because I know this system too well and they could see my advocacy for my son and my understanding.... Yes I have to watch my big fat mouth sometimes because I know when and when not to call ******** on a medical professional.... And my wife tends to get a little perturbed with me at times (I know all of you have a hard time believing an innocent little guy like me could ever elicit such a response. :p )

Anyway, I digress.......
BTW your hospital sounds just like OSF ST Francis where we go. 620 beds, one of the most technologically advanced children's hospital in the world (Children's hospital of Illinois), only level 1 trauma center outside of Chicago in Illinois and is a teaching hospital for the University of Illinois Peoria medical school. We also have the Strength Jude MIDWEST Affiliate in the CHOI as well. We are very lucky to have such a great hospital in a city of 150,000 people. Plus we have two other hospitals with a few hundred beds as well. Most people in our area dont have a clue how good we have it for a city of our size.

I bitchin about them at times but I know how lucky we are.
I'm glad you have such good care available. My hospital was Saint Joseph, Denver, CO. Sister Mary Andrew was without a doubt, the most admirable hospital administrator I've ever known. As humble as she was intelligent. Also, I do hope you realize I have a great deal of respect for nurses as well. I just don't like it when one thinks she knows more than anyone else who isn't a nurse when it comes to things medical. Arrogance is ugly no matter what a person may do to earn their lively hood. Um, just like a retail clerk, who instead of directing me to the fat girl section as I requested, she lectured me on how I should lose weight. I knew I was fat, but I didn't ask for her advice on dieting.

I know you are a gentleman who doesn't burp or fart, therefore you must bitch or explode.:rolleyes:
Hahahahahai yeah I lost those gentlemanly qualities a while back. :D

And I know you havee respect for nurses and medical folks in general so I hope you didn't think I was attributing anything negative to your comments. I was qualifying the statements I was making because I didn't want to appear as painting all docs and nurses with a broad brush. Like any profession there are pompous windbags along with the good ones

and assbags like that clerk lecturing you on obesity deserve some well earned karma. Naturally you has never thought about losing weight and you obviously chose to be obese and not flip your magic switch. Arrogance is ugly.
Oh yeah, and here's another millennial Moron phenomenon that my cousin who is a teacher told me recently about. She had a bunch of late teens working on some sort of project that required them to include self addressed stamped envelope. Floored me that she had to correct them that the stamp went on the upper RIGHT corner!!! WTF??

For some reason, that's something I have to think about every damn time I put a stamp on a letter. I really, really want it to be in the lefthand corner and always have to stop myself.

As for writing cheques, they're rare in Australia. Moving here is the first time I've had to write them too!
I wrote a check this week. First one in 8 YEARS! I can see why there are now lots of people out there who have never done it!
Wait a minute. *I* used to work at McDonalds. All I can say is that it is hard, thankless work that definitely is not for those who are lazy, unaware or incompetent. That's why when I am hiring, I often look to hire people who have had experience at McDonalds (or similar).

That triad of characteristics complements arrogance at the top of my list of pet peeves.

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