Lying Liars on the new OH R&R3.0

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Oh, I fully understand that when people make choices about their religion or their surgery, and someone criticizes THE (generic) choice - and supports it with facts and statistics and pointing out that the people were lied to (by commission or omission) by their surgeon whom they worship - the people get angry and defensive about THEIR (personal) choice. And yes, my posts were an attack on the SURGERIES, though not on THEM. What surprised me was how people took my posts of comparative information about the DS as an attack on them PERSONALLY. And then applied that anger to justify supporting two obvious liars who were attacking me on completely different grounds.

OTOH, before those liars went off on me, I was perfectly happy to use the anger of the people who felt personally dissed to fuel the surgery war thread, so - maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. Perhaps what is surprising is that I was surprised. As I have amply demonstrated, I'm not that people-smart.

Which is why I posted, some time ago, that even though you are smarter than your perpetrator, have far more education, and are an actual attorney, if I were guilty of and charged with murder, I'd want HER to lead my defense team. She is a master manipulator and a shrewd con artist. SHE would get me off. You, @DianaCox , would have trouble lying and I'd fry for my crimes.
I also don't lie well - but more because I have a bad memory. but I still want to think of it as a strength. ;)

I'm really surprised people are STILL going on about it. It's been ages since most left OH. Strange.

OH yes - however, I had kind of started to forget and so when Kim got all pissed at me I was shocked. because seriously? you are all wound up that I MENTIONED another site on your message board group? really?!! :confused:

yes, really! :D
And yes, my posts were an attack on the SURGERIES, though not on THEM. What surprised me was how people took my posts of comparative information about the DS as an attack on them PERSONALLY.

what Roo said, it's like a religion. lord knows we've seen the surgeon worship! :rolleyes:
wow these people have TOO much free time on their hand. I had to laugh when I read it. Ms. Batt is the person who swooped in on me my first post coming back to OH tell me "You need a DS" which I had remembered hearing something about a ds at my class but was told its only for super super obese. So im thankful for MS. Batt then Laura directed me towards you guys.
Ms Batt rocks! Sin Kim hates my arse because everyone thought I was Brittish and made reference to my mad syntax and not hers. She got really ****** with me. Feck it! Now Jolley Rancher is just a straight up hideous hulking ****. She squirts bile on most **** and I hope she gets a smelly hostile vaginal discharge that doesn't respond to medication.

In fairness I was skinny and getting skinnier and compulsively posting about it. I was a **** too. They are bigger ***** though cause I said so.

And I used **** three times in that post because I'm an anarchist...and I also have a ****....that's four.........
So @DianaCox , I've got a question for you. Since your experience with Marilyn, do you now have trouble trusting others? Because I do. After my experience with my sister (the infamous Teflon Mary) soaking us for all we had, I no longer believe people. I can correctly spot a liar from a mile away. I always knew I had this "gift", but now I don't trust anyone easily until they are proven to me. And I think this is a GOOD thing. Because I used to be overly generous with money and gifts. Now I do not give anyone anything unless they ask for it, and even then I always sleep on it.

Just curious. Has anyone else had a hardening of the heart?
@ProteinSnob unfortunately I have seen some of the parents of those children in action. They use their child's illness or disability to glean money from others. I have a hard time trusting anyone over the age of 14.
I guess I must be fortunate that I haven't run into anyone like that in my circles. I know they exist, because I see them on the news. Everyone I know has their hands full and no help. I guess I just think most people are like me and would never abuse anyone or anything.

Btw, none of that excuses being stalking and/or assholery online
I would like to hope that my experience of taking in a lost one and keeping her for a couple years too long, and all the **** that went with it, has improved my ability to spot a finagler before I get totally screwed over, but I worry about getting taken advantage of again. I don't trust myself to keep from "rescuing" someone else, so I try very hard to keep my distance.
I would like to hope that my experience of taking in a lost one and keeping her for a couple years too long, and all the **** that went with it, has improved my ability to spot a finagler before I get totally screwed over, but I worry about getting taken advantage of again. I don't trust myself to keep from "rescuing" someone else, so I try very hard to keep my distance.
As I do. And I totally agree with @Terri , I cannot trust anyone older than a certain age. The problem with trusting people is that there are "takers" and there are "givers". And a huge percentage of the "takers" are unscrupulous, lying, manipulative, repeat offenders.

And now I'll let you in on one of my secrets for spotting a liar. (There are many, but this one is key) Watch their pupils closely when you ask pointed questions. A liar's pupils will dilate dramatically (very quickly) then go back to normal when they lie. This is only true with the garden variety liars, though. More experienced liars use rapid blinking, "shy" looks away, break eye contact during the dilation event, or other evasive moves to hide the dilation. Breaking eye contact is also key. An honest person will stare you straight in the eye in order to convince you of their honesty (but so will a pathological liar like my sister, Teflon Mary). This technique works best with your own children when they are young, but also with adults.

Some day I will write a book on spotting liars.
I'd rather expect a bit more and face disappointment than assume the worst. While there certainly have been those who have taken advantage, far more often my experience has been that people in my path have risen the occasion and acted honorably when they could have done otherwise. That said, once wronged, I am quick to cut my losses and don't tend to give out a lot of second chances.
@Sheanie :(
My sister: college drop out and down on her luck.
Me: let her mooch off of --er, I mean move in with-- my family while she got her feet back under her and gave her a job in our small business.
My sister: soaked us for everything she could for 9 months, tried to break up my marriage, stole my jewelry, and and then embezzled from the company.
Me: doesn't trust people any more. :(
Well, dearie, we seem to have a lot in common. I've had several people embezzle from our business. One of them tried to break up our marriage as well. Mr Sheanie just today ran across my Teflon Mary File, chock full of the whole lot of receipts, check copies, attorney correspondence, etc. from those years. He wanted to throw it out. I said no, because I may need the piece of toilet paper she mailed me with "enjoy" written on it, sent in response to my request for repayment.

One thing I've learned about all this: Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences in life. And no matter how badly you want it, there will never be an answer for why they did what they did. Even when you get an answer? It won't make any sense to you. One of our embezzlers said her reason was "you didn't need it". Huh? She spent it all at the casino. My sister told family members that she "deserved the best that (my) money could buy" her. Huh? See what I mean? Nonsensical ramblings of ******* crazy people. Bat **** crazy. But life always comes full circle.

Oh, and I also have missing jewelry. So much in common.

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