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Welcome @Buddypatrick. Many of your questions have been answered...the search on this site is pretty good (unless the word is 3 letters or less and to get around that use the * to make it a total of 4 characters. Example, if you are searching for the word DS, it won't but if you use DS** it will pick it up and find anything using those letters as the first two).

Example of one such informational thread:
Well at least now I know where you all ran off to...

Hi I'm 2xacharm,

Many moons ago I used to frequent another board from which I was able to become familiar with a lot of the names I now see. Anyway, I had my d/s May 2009 but never was able to make use of its potential.

I'm going to make a long story short, a few months after having my d/s I was diagnosed with stage 4 liver failure due to having a very rare genetic disorder called Alpha 1/Antitrypsin disorder which came as shock to everyone since Alpha 1 isnt typically found in my ethnic group/African Americans, black folks.

My liver balked against the d/s diet and many of the vit supplements, especially vit A and it literally hated vit D. In 2 months time my liver went from relatively normal to cirrhotic. I had to change my diet and omit the offending vits, yet, still, I was already to far gone.

June 04, 2013 something unimaginable happened, I call it a miracle! I was was blessed with the most precious gift of life. I had a liver transplant. I never planned to have one I was going to ride my journey to the end but apparently God had other plans.

So, now here I stand with a brand new liver, that has had zero complications. I'm on minimal anti rejection meds and a real quest to live my life and have some adventure. However, before I can get to the adventure, I have to deal with the fallout from the diseased liver and so I will be asking for your assistance.

I ask that you all bare with me as I'm sometimes slow in processing information and have memory issues etc. which we are working on.

Thanks for hearing me out...

Hi. My name is Amber. I am on a couple different forums, but haven't been extremely active. I am scheduled for my DS on May 8 with Dr. Kemmeter in MI. I am on my pre op 2 week diet right now. I am on day 3, so it's more like 16 days instead of 14. I am so excited for my surgery, so the diet hasn't been too hard yet. I look forward to the advice and stories that I can get on this site. The other sites that I have been on haven't been very active lately. I saw someone recommend this one, thought I should give it a try!
hello, Amber!!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Vanessa Lucero. I'm from northern Ca. I had my DS 7 days ago with Dr. Rabkin in SF. So far, so good;-) I went in at 236lbs with a BMI of 44. At this moment...I'm walking and sipping and walking and sipping;-)
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