Brittle/Labile Diabetes

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that's why most doctors don't follow Bernstein's insulin path with T2 diabetics, except as a last resort
Based on his recommendation of early use of insulin and being in a email group of early adopters of insulin, after being diagnosed as diabetic in 1997 and quickly adding 3 other oral meds to the original metformin to try and control my a1c back in 2001 even on a strict low carb diet, I asked my PCP to put me on insulin. His response is once on insulin, you never come off…which is true in most cases. But I persisted. He sent me to an endocrinologis. At the time, my A1c, on 4 oral meds, was 7. He walks in the room and at the same time, I said, I want on insulin and he said, you need to be on insulin. We were of like minds. In other words, he was not of the opinion it needs to be the last resort. Neither does Dr. Arturo Rolla, an endocrinologist in Boston. Insulin is a valuable tool in the toolbox, just as WLS is. Do we save it as the last resort? No, we try not to knowing it’s often best used before the patient gets so bad off nothing helps.

But thanks to the DS, I didn’t stay on insulin, I’ve been off it for almost 11 years. But if my metformin in no longer able to control my diabetes, I will not hesitate to go back on insulin as I know it’s side effects are easier on me than throwing all the other oral meds into my system.
Also.. what makes you think you have "delayed gastric emptying." I thought the VSG part of the DS enhanced gastric emptying.

Since beginning PPIs three months BEFORE the DS I have had difficulty digesting dense protein. I can vomit it up hours later looking pristine and thoroughly undigested. Frighteningly, a few hours later means aspirating it in my sleep. (I eat dinner early now.) The Gastro just shrugs and says something disparaging about the DS. (No, doc, it's the PPI.) I've tried to wean myself off PPIs to no avail.
Is it just dense protein that affects you this way? Have you asked for a gastroparesis test? I would insist on one. And maybe change gastroenterologists if possible. Sounds like this one is terrible.