Not exactly an answer to your question, per se, but I have to say that a major deciding factor (IMO) about deciding VSG vs. DS should be the amount of "upkeep" you're willing to commit to. My sister had VSG 6 weeks after I had my DS. I've lost 222 pounds, she lost 100 (although I did have a lot more to lose). She wishes the weight would come off faster/easier- she feels like she is on yet another diet, always changing up her eating to try to find something that works when she stalls for weeks at a time, and she works out quite a bit. The weight has dropped more quickly for me, and I have more freedom to eat satisfying foods with lots of fat, BUT, she fully admits that she's just not the type to take all the vitamins per day that I have to (she's lucky if she gets in a chewy multi and calcium) and she's not going to have labs done every 3-6 months and look deeper into the results than the dr telling her her levels are "fine". She's not going to eat 120-160 grams of protein a day, and she's not going to want to deal with the potential for potty issues that, are not inevitable, but more common for DSers, especially when eating carbs. I think those are questions that you have to really ask of yourself. Are you willing to have to spend money on vitamins and protein, even if you don't have the money? That's something that I've struggled with over the past few months, I can go without clothes shopping, I can go without going out for dinner, but I can't go without my vitamins and protein. Not everyone is willing to make that commitment.
Also, do you have comorbidities? My sister didn't, she just struggled her whole life with yoyo dieting. I had diabetes and very severe sleep apnea, which was causing a whole laundry list of other health problems, and I believe, no, I'm pretty certain, that I was going to die an early death. The decision was not about vanity for me, so I was willing to make serious changes.
Ok, sorry for rambling!