Expensive Home Delivered Meal Anxiety

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
I became frustrated with the Modify Health ordering. MrSue LIKES the Mediterranean Diet meals. I’m underwhelmed by the Low FODMAP meals. So he still has an account there; I don’t.

But we LOVE not planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning…especially since we are on ”conflicting” diets.

So I bit the bullet. Their shipping, $44.99 or $49.99, is a bummer. But when I questioned it, they sent me a code for 30% off. And Boy! Did I go shopping! (I figured I’d order lots of meals…enough that the discount would exceed the shipping costs…some listed as “freezer friendly,” others I think I can freeze anyway.). FedEx says the TWO boxes, weighing 20# and 25#, will be here b/t 9:20 and 1:20 today. I figure it will be right when our Physical Therapist arrives.

Wanna see my order?

Two images. The contents of the “Comfort Box” listed separately. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how TWO Coffee Cake Bakers’s Boxes got ordered. (Well…they ARE freezer friendly.) I see what they consider to be 10-11 dinner meals/entrées, plus soups and breakfasts. Depending on sizes, I’d likely consume 1/2 a soup (for the veggies) and 1/2 a dinner meal/entree and then eat the meal/entree “leftovers” for lunch. With THAT kind of mileage (and reduced by the cost/headaches of planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning) the price starts sounding doable.

Ooops! There’s that darned Baker’s Box again!


you are making me hungry!! and whatever a "comfort bundle" is, I want one.

I hope the rest of it is good; please update us as you go along.

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