MsVee : I’m so sorry for your multiple losses. I can’t imagine how not only sorrowful but also angry I would be in your situation.

My family and I have had several losses in the last year as well, but in contrast to your experience, not one has been from Covid, although of course their passing has been affected by Covid.
My cousin died last March in hospice in NYC, from cancer that had metastasized to her brain. But none of her family could be with her at the end - when they put her in hospice in January, nobody could imagine that that would happen. I don’t believe her death was from Covid, but given what was going on in NYC at the time, who knows
My uncle by marriage died in August in FL, after spending the last 6+ months isolated between a nursing home and hospital, unable to be with my aunt or their children and grandchildren. He had bone cancer that had spread to his spine, and his wife and daughter couldn’t take care of him - once he was out of the house, he couldn’t come home. My aunt was also recovering from treatment for uterine cancer, especially when he got a mild case of Covid. At least his wife got to to spend a little time with him after he was moved to hospice before he died.
My oldest friend since we were 10 years old died from a very aggressive form of atypical Parkinson’s on Christmas Eve. Covid prevented me from traveling to see her, as she died under hospice care at her sister’s house in Reno.
In February, my aunt who lost her husband in August started feeling poorly. The cancer was back and had metastasized to her omentum. Within weeks she was gone. She died the same day she was moved into hospice.
Two days later, my father’s first cousin, who had been very ill with pemphigus and in and out of the hospital and SNFs, passed from her illness.
No funerals, except on Zoom. I actually like Zoom funerals better than IRL ones.