Covid Vaccination?

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First appt. 3/10/21, in Manhattan. Guess we'll see if the letter from Weill Cornell Hospital re: my eligibility [which I think is due to the DS] is accepted. If so, just another thing the DS has helped.
I’m getting first shot tomorrow afternoon and I’m so excited, lol. After hearing of the “lucky dogs” scoring leftover shots I decided to check into it here. Our area recently started having shots available through some pharmacies rather than strictly at health Dept. etc.

First one I called wasn’t very promising, said I lived too far, had to be able to get there within 15 minutes but although I probably COULD do it in 15 it realistically would take 20. She did take my info and I was put on a list. I almost didn’t call the next pharmacy but I did. The young lady I spoke to was the nicest, most helpful person I’ve run into in a while. She never asked how long I’d take to get there but did get DOB, address etc and seemed most interested in my flexibility on day and time. I assured her that unless I was out of town I’d be there! She said sometimes an appointment opens up because someone calls and cancels. I also mentioned that my husband was 15 years older than me and he had his so I’d sure like to get mine too. She said she thought she’d be able to get me in within the next week or so. Alright! I was very pleased with that. No more than an hour later I got a call from her asking if I’d like to come tomorrow at 2:40, or would Friday be better? What?? I said I would like tomorrow! I asked about stick #2 and she assured me I’d have a time scheduled when I’m there tomorrow. I was so excited I forgot to ask what company but I’m guessing Moderna as everyone I know has gotten that one.

Just a few minutes ago I read that TN is opening up the 1c group Monday, which is 16 and older with health issues and their caretakers. Not sure if that had anything to do with it...really wouldn’t...

Another thought I had was that not enough people realize which pharmacies are doing it here in our little town and aren’t calling in the numbers needed to use up all doses they’re receiving. The two are locally owned, not Walgreens, etc. Anyway, I’m just very happy! I’ll let you know how this 63 year old feels afterward.
Just a few minutes ago I read that TN is opening up the 1c group Monday, which is 16 and older with health issues and their caretakers. Not sure if that had anything to do with it...really wouldn’t...
The governor of West Virginia just added lower ages, basically he opened to all:

And hubby registered the same day I did, so he should get a call soon. We are hoping he gets the Moderna.
Mom got first Moderna yesterday through Cancer Treatment Centers of America. She's not a patient there - CTCA are acting on behalf of the county health department. No side effects. She claims she can't even tell which arm got the jab. Big sigh of relief here. :)
I’m so glad she hit it and I KNOW how relieved you must be. My second shot is scheduled for 30th and I’m counting the days. All I’ve had since getting the vaccination on Wednesday is a sore arm down to the elbow, a headache on Thursday although I’m not sure if it was vac associated or a sinus headache I get. A little tired but I stayed up late so again, not sure.
Just got the first shot today here in Ma. at Gillette stadium, a mass inoculation site. After the sign up fiasco, I'd imagined it would be akin to the Morlocks calling the surface people to slaughter as descibed in the Time Machine

Signing up for the first shot on line was an absolute crap shoot, worst process I've seen in a while

Geting the shot was simplicity itself.. adequate parking.. helpful staff.. big signs ouside the stadium in the lot telling you when you could go in.. really no lines .. quick processing in a well ventilated atrium.. and best of all.. they scheduled you for the second shot just after the first

C- for the digital world, A+ for reality
So one day after, my arm is a little sore, but no great shakes.

The silly feeling is like being in the aftermath of some long expected , much talked about event. It's as if I've been waiting for Godot for over a year, and, contrary to Beckett, Godot shows up

Silly.. huh
I received my first Moderna shot on 1/27/21 and my second one on 2/26/21. I’m under 65 but qualified as a “healthcare” worker because I’m my 86 year old father’s sole home caretaker, and he has qualifying neurological issues (i.e. dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes, and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus). He also received his 2nd dose 10 days ago and I took him to Mass yesterday for the first time in a year! He also saw his older brother (91) in the backyard, who I helped secure vaccine appointments for.

I experienced “COVID Arm” 9+ days after my first shot and it lasted for 2 weeks. After my 2nd dose, even more severe redness, swelling, and itchiness in the injected arm (right arm this time), plus facial swelling and a rash on my chin. The face issues subsided within 3 days, but I still have a swollen arm that itches and is red. Thankfully, I did not experience flu-like symptoms, fatigue, muscle aches/pains, headache, or fever with either dose.

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