I got my vaccination at Walgreen's (Pfizer) and DH got his at Sam's (Moderna). We chose our respective sites due to convenience. I suppose we could have consulted facilities which vaccine was being used, yet we just wanted to get vaccinated. Neither one of us had reactions to our first shot. My arm was a little sore at the site, yet I only noticed it when I went to bed and was on my side. DH, was not as lucky. He ran a very slight fever and joint/muscles aches & pains.
I thought this was funny because, in some circles where people are idiots, people are trying to claim superiority based on the brand. I reckon when all the dust settles, Johnson & Johnson will get the Spoils of War. (Joke!)
In all seriousness, I really don't care which vaccine anyone gets. And while I understand the reluctance of some based on doctor recommendation or legitimate research, I want to strangle those who refuse to get it because "Why get a vaccine for something that doesn't exist?" Further thoughts will not be posted due to the location of this thread.
ETA My arm was sore after the second shot and DH's reaction was after his second shot. My first comment didn't seen be clear when I re-read it.
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