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Okay, deep breath, you've got this. I'd recommend:

1. Fasting (except clear liquids, especially coffee) starting Sunday a.m. to clear out the system (adding in 2 pedialax chewables and tons that morning for good measure).
2. Wash hair and shave legs just before bed Sunday night and then it's just the antiseptic wash that would be needed in the shower in the a.m.
3. Depends and wet wipes on hand as recommended by Marquis Mark.

Best wishes! :) You're in all of our thoughts.
I have no advice but I wanted to tell you I'm happy you're able to get this done and I will be thinking of you at that time.

I can't wait to hear your report on everything!
If Charles gives you a hard time, remind him his time is coming! (Or maybe he doesn't know yet, I can't remember for sure :D).
I’m not going to fast today, but eat relatively cleanly. Mostly protein.

I actually do have a few adult diapers left over from my mom visiting in 2007. I may slip one on for the drive.

Charles actually had an abdominoplasty with double inguinal hernia repair in 2014, so we have been through that. He did pretty well although he developed a seroma. I’m going to try to get him to talk to the surgeon about repairing the inguinal hernia while I’m in the hospital.

I told the doctor I want my abdomen smooth but not too tight. I hope it ends up looking OK. We’ve also discussed pain control extensively. I want to feel no pain while minimizing narcotics.

We have two young men who move furniture coming over today to move a very heavy desk from our next door neighbor’s house into ours (they’re moving away ), and while they’re here, we’ll get them to help move the bedroom furniture around so we can put the power recliner as near my bathroom as possible.

24 hours from now ... ugh. Be careful what you ask for ..
Good luck tomorrow. This clearly seems like a YMMV issue. I hope it's easy for you. Best wishes
The doctor really pulled it really tight, plus I had ****s done. He also was a adamant that tap water causes infection. I didn’t argue, I followed directions; but I don’t think I would do muscle tightening again. Of course, this was pre DS so I gained the weight back, plus some and then had nothing but a tummy tuck scar to show for all that drama!
Sorry, new to this, having problems posting! What type of abdominoplasty are you having.
I had a fleur De lys and now have a new navel as well! Had it done in UK, three years ago. My surgeon doesn’t use drains, but a tight compression all in one, omitting ****s and an open crotch! For 4-6 weeks after, in addition to wadding. For a smaller tummy tuck abdominoplasty it’s less time as the cut is across lower abdomen only.
No regrets
I’m not sure how how to describe it. I haven’t looked at my belly carefully yet, but I believe the incision is hip to hip; this was followed by the undermining the abdominal skin from public bone to breastbone, and plicated my abdominal fascia to reinforce my abdominal muscles. He extended the undermining around my waist on the right side to remove the goose egg size lipoma on my side. He then removed some skin from both sides of the incision to give a slight mons lift and to pull down the upper sheet of skin, and relocated my umbilicus.

I’ll get a better look at it later when I get the nerve to take a shower.

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