Surgery is Monday. I’m freaking out. Starting with how the hell I'm supposed to wake up in time to get to the hospital (40 min away) by 5:30 AM, with my hair washed, legs shaved, and bowels emptied without coffee (NO COFFEEEEE?!?!), and not pooping myself on the way there (I get diarrhea when fasted).
I’ve told the surgeon I do not want to be sewn tight as a drum, so a quarter can be bounced off my abdomen. Tight enough to fix the hernia(s) and to prevent future tears, and to smooth out my excess belly skin, but I want to be able to stand up straight within a month.i wish he could move some of the fat to my tailbone, but that’s not happening.
Just for the helluvit, I filed my appeal of the denial of the butt and thigh lift today.
I’ve been “power-walking” once a day for the last couple of weeks to improve my leg strength and aerobic capacity. I’m up to about 2 miles in 35 min.
I had RFA on my tailbone last week (without sedation!) to prepare for being on my ass for the next few weeks. It hasn’t helped as much as I would have hoped.
I just want this next month or two to be over.