My Switched Life so far

Day 6: Sucked! Nothing really "wrong" just sore, achy lots of very crampy BM's witch kept me hoppin' today. I ended up taking a couple doses of Imodium AD. Am anxious for a good night's sleep and a reset button for tomorrow. I have to wait an hour to take my medicines so you all are stuck with me,:devilish:

I am still doing great with fluids.

If you need more/different pain meds, put on your insufferable bitch panties and get some! Seriously, you just had major surgery and a scrip for meds that work is the least they can do for you. Ask for something different. Vicodin worked great for me. And just like you I saved them for night time.

I will if I run out and still feel this crappy!
Sorry you're feeling so low, think you definitely need to hook yourself up with a new prescription! Glad you're keeping hydrated. How's the protein going?
OMG THIS! My surgery was the first time I have ever taken pain medication regularly and the only reason I took it then was because I knew I wouldn't sleep as well without it and therefore take longer to heal. But getting a different kind because the full prescribed dose of liquid Lortab was making me hallucinate? Lord have mercy...
You are right, it will get better every day, you are doing so well.

Thanks! Just need to vent some of this!
Day 7: Long night. Had to take another dose of Imodium AD. I woke feeling pretty good though. I am having some ZOI Greek Yogurt Honey for breakfast. I am going to baby my stomach today to see if I can keep it calm. It's good so far.
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WOW! You are doing AMAZING!!!! And congrats on the DS! You are taking it like a champ! I wish I could post you some of my codeine. Keep posting, this is good for me to read...even the sucky bits...and to see that it does improve :)
WOW! You are doing AMAZING!!!! And congrats on the DS! You are taking it like a champ! I wish I could post you some of my codeine. Keep posting, this is good for me to read...even the sucky bits...and to see that it does improve :)

Thanks! I am up and down like everyone else. Again, thanks, I will keep this thread going. It is a way to track my progress, mentally and physically. Plus, I read with relish anything other newbies are going through too. Additionally, if I post something idiotic, I hope to get a heads up.
Day 8, Really one week today from Surgery but I counted last Friday as day 1. I slept pretty well last night. I woke only a couple of times just enough to realize where I was then rolled over and went back to sleep.

I just finished an entire container of Dannon Oikos Traditional Toasted Coconut Vanilla yogurt! That is 5.3 ounces of yogurt by the way with 11 grams of protein. I am very full. Yesterday, I couldn't fit much of anything. Today, whew, it's on!
I have had a pretty good couple of days. Good protein intake, great on fluids. I made my first trip out of the house today, Sam's club. It was good to get out.

I bought some petite calcium citrate tablets, yay. I won't have to mix powder.

I made a small batch of broccoli cheese soup (minus the broccoli). It is just okay, who knew I would miss the broccoli. Oh well, it's 9 grams of protein and 0 carbs per serving. I think I will make it again when I can have bacon and ham to add to it.
I know it's not the same, but maybe you should make it with ham or bacon and just eat around/strain it out of your portion so you can at least have the flavour? :bacon3:(I'm hoping that's positive bacon thinking!)
I know it's not the same, but maybe you should make it with ham or bacon and just eat around/strain it out of your portion so you can at least have the flavour? :bacon3:(I'm hoping that's positive bacon thinking!)

That is genius thinking!
One week 3 days: Last night was a long and shitty night, I was up and down all night with gut wrenching, gag inducing, intestine inverting cramps. It felt like I was being pulled inside out. So, how long does this new fun last?

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