What the feck just happened????

So they elected the most indecent, unqualified, immature, narcissistic, dishonest, selfish, immoral demagogue they could find. Protest vote?

OK, the Revenge of the Deplorables was my flippant answer. It's taken me many years to hone my razor sharp smart-assedness to where it is today.

I see good and evil in both parties and both candidates. I'm just going to get the fuck over this election's outcome as I have in the past when my party or candidate didn't prevail. Oh, and BTW: if Obama couldn't get anything done because of those nasty ol' Republicans, how the hell is Trump going to get anything done? He's pissed them off AND the Democrats.
The promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better turned into repeal Obamacare today, you can read it for yourself. No mention of putting a better program in place of it. Just repealing it. For all of us with preexisting conditions or parents of unemployed 25-year old kids, that's scary. Sure, trade deals sound like they adversely affect employment here, unless you know they work both ways. We sell American-made goods over there. Say goodbye to all of those jobs,
If you are a child or grandchild or great grandchild of immigrants (and we all are), imagine your relatives coming here to Trump's welcome (and his followers). I'm not a '10'' so my value in the workplace will be lessened and there will be no progress for equal pay or rights against sexual abuse by powerful men. At least he won't be reaching under my skirt because I'm not pretty enough. He's a con man who will give nothing to people who voted because they wanted change and are desperate for a brighter future. They will be much worse off in 4 years and the wealthy will be even better off. It will take a while for his voters to realize they've been conned. By then, there will be even fewer jobs, no safety net, no equal pay, more out-of-pocket healthcare costs, and even fewer prospects for retirement.
That's not even to bring in his proven sexual assault of women, the Trump University scam, his unpaid workers. Crimes.
So sad for all of us. It feels like 9/11. An assault on American values, this time self inflicted.
Talked to a disabled friend today and she has to get divorced, quit working, and go back to Medicaid. She is pretty heartbroken. But she has no choice.
I put it on FB, too, but has she considered that Medicaid will probably be cut and possibly severely?
It is so sad that some of the people who voted for him are going to be most hurt by what he does. Items on his initial agenda are to take away constraints on the banks, to take away financial protections for retired people, remove the help from obamacare, and to repeal environmental protection. All for the wealthy. NOT one thing to make life better for those who need change so desperately. They've been conned by a master manipulator. I am sorry your friend had to go on Medicaid, I think they will tighten the eligibility rules for that, and it will hurt many people. Hopefully, not your friend. We are in for a rocky road, unless you are in the 1%. For people who thought reducing immigration would bring back better jobs, they will have to do immigrants' the jobs no one wants. Getting up at 3 am to go to a 7-11, bending down to pick vegetables 10 hours a day, cleaning toilets for minimum wage without benefits. Immigrants aren't taking the $30/hr jobs. Those who thought limiting trade would help them don't realize companies will always go to the cheapest labor. Even if they are forced to provide work in the U.S, it will be at the lowest possible wage. So sorry for those who will be hurt by a con artist who promised things he won't deliver. As long as he doesn't get us into another useless war.
he has the house & the senate, for one thing.

I don't see them eager to help him. Those in place are old liners. Many of them didn't endorse him. I could be wrong, yet in my little ol' pea brain, I sure wouldn't want to help someone who shit on me. And that's what he did!
he has the house & the senate, for one thing.
and the fucking Supreme court since those Patriot Constitution shirked their duty to advise and consent. They have the ability to run rough shod...although the Dems in the senate better grow and pair and filabuster the fuck out every whack bill sent over from the House crazies. The GOP is much better at dirty politics so the Dems I am sure will crumble.

Good lord how fucking stupid are we as a country to elect that piece of shit. The great moral republicans, you know the party of family values is fine with making fun of those with disabilities, ripping the parents of a fallen soldier because he was a "damn dirty Moooslim", and fuck yeah let's grab your daughter's, wife's, Mother's, and Gradma by the pussy, well assuming they are a fat cow like Rosie O'donnell.

But god dammit Hillary had some emails on a private server like Powell and FFS BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (conveniently ignore the 60 killed at embassies under 13 attacks during old Dubs' tenure).

Yeah, two days and I am no less embarrassed by my country.
It is so sad that some of the people who voted for him are going to be most hurt by what he does. Items on his initial agenda are to take away constraints on the banks, to take away financial protections for retired people, remove the help from obamacare, and to repeal environmental protection. All for the wealthy. NOT one thing to make life better for those who need change so desperately. They've been conned by a master manipulator. I am sorry your friend had to go on Medicaid, I think they will tighten the eligibility rules for that, and it will hurt many people. Hopefully, not your friend. We are in for a rocky road, unless you are in the 1%. For people who thought reducing immigration would bring back better jobs, they will have to do immigrants' the jobs no one wants. Getting up at 3 am to go to a 7-11, bending down to pick vegetables 10 hours a day, cleaning toilets for minimum wage without benefits. Immigrants aren't taking the $30/hr jobs. Those who thought limiting trade would help them don't realize companies will always go to the cheapest labor. Even if they are forced to provide work in the U.S, it will be at the lowest possible wage. So sorry for those who will be hurt by a con artist who promised things he won't deliver. As long as he doesn't get us into another useless war.
Bingo - I have been telling my solidly middle class buddies for years that the GOP doesn't give a shit about them. They don't care about a guy making a low six figure salary they care about 7 figure peeps. Their policies don't help you as much as you like to think you are the party of patriots and well educated. People have been voting against their own interests for years....and you are right these people pissed gubnent about their lack of a job or shitty job need to wake the fuck up and realize it isn't government selling you out it is huge Corporate America.
and the fucking Supreme court since those Patriot Constitution shirked their duty to advise and consent. They have the ability to run rough shod...although the Dems in the senate better grow and pair and filabuster the fuck out every whack bill sent over from the House crazies. The GOP is much better at dirty politics so the Dems I am sure will crumble.

Good lord how fucking stupid are we as a country to elect that piece of shit. The great moral republicans, you know the party of family values is fine with making fun of those with disabilities, ripping the parents of a fallen soldier because he was a "damn dirty Moooslim", and fuck yeah let's grab your daughter's, wife's, Mother's, and Gradma by the pussy, well assuming they are a fat cow like Rosie O'donnell.

But god dammit Hillary had some emails on a private server like Powell and FFS BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (conveniently ignore the 60 killed at embassies under 13 attacks during old Dubs' tenure).

Yeah, two days and I am no less embarrassed by my country.
You are certainly not alone. Remember he didn't win the election even though he is going to be President.
You are certainly not alone. Remember he didn't win the election even though he is going to be President.
Yep and guess who in 2012 said the Electoral College was a joke? Yep, Orange Mussolini.

BTW, it kills me that these Trump supporters are acting like they won in a freaking landslide and have a mandate. 1 out 100 votes changed in a few key states and Clinton is in the white house with 307 electoral votes AND the plurality of votes.
I keep wondering why people allow themselves to continually be duped by Republicons. I keep thinking, "Aha! This time they'll see!" Ironically, the destruction of the Grab Our Pussies party not only didn't materialize but they have now scored a Washington Trifecta - House, senate and presidency. And soon, the Supreme Court.

All this time, I've assumed that GOP voters can learn from their mistakes, have critical thinking skills, etc. In other words, I assume they're secular political thinkers. You know, like me. That, I now believe, has been a mistake. They're not secular thinkers, their politics are their religion. And like any religious person, it doesn't matter what facts they're presented with, how much hypocrisy or flawed logic you point out, they stick with it. They listen to their preachers at Fox News. Hannity said it. I believe it. That settles it. And they keep putting money in the offering plate.

Although I generally vote Democratic, if it were Mitt Romney against a Trump-like Democrat, I would vote for Romney. But not them.

There's nothing to discuss and they're unlikely to never see. In 2024, even after complete GOP control, after the economy crashes, when today's income inequality seems like the good old days, when we can't breathe the air, when people are dying because they can't afford healthcare (or call the cops because the police have been privatized), they will blame it on Obama.

Anybody know where I can get a cyanide capsule? I went on Amazon but they're "Out of Stock."
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It is not going to take that long. If his 100 day "plan" is accurate the people who depend on the services that are disappearing are going to be hurting. Badly. And soon.
I don't see them eager to help him. Those in place are old liners. Many of them didn't endorse him. I could be wrong, yet in my little ol' pea brain, I sure wouldn't want to help someone who shit on me. And that's what he did!

Unless you're terrified of him and his supporters...
I almost lost it when my cousin's 23 year old daughter, who lives in *Florida*, wrote the following on FB:

"I voted for Jeb Bush in the primary and Gary Johnson in the overall SO #NOTMYFAULT " then, less than a minute later wrote: "Momma I'm so scared. This is abortion and gay marriage and a war against OUR ALLIES that Trump is threatening. Both are tumors we're waiting on the biopsies of, but one is malignant and the other benign."​

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