Why did you chose your avatar?

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For those not using their own photo, why did you choose the avatar you are using.

Mine is a Red Hatted lady...I found her shortly after I had my 50th birthday and was able to be a Red Hat (not pink hat) Society member. I tubed the photo using Paint Shop Pro so I could make her in various sizes Then I made several adding the name Southernlady underneath. She's been my avatar for most of the last 14 years.

I tend to not use my own photo most places...I broke that habit at OH and after they decided to link themselves to a FB feed, I had to find something. My current one with Southernlady wasn't anonymous enough so I began to use my cat over there. But here I am back to my Red Hat lady.

I absolutely love your avatar! I have since I first saw it. :clapping:
Being pre-op, I hate having my photo taken. My husband has commented that when he is older, our son will wonder where I was when he was little, because there are so few photos with me in them. The photo here is with my little boy as a baby. He will be 3 at the end of March. I would never post this photo anywhere else, but hey - if I was skinny, I wouldn't need to be here! I decided to use this photo because I'm hoping to be able to replace it with a much better one this time next year - one that doesn't embarrass me!
It will always be a part of you and while not proud of getting to that point, be proud of how far you get after surgery.
Parousia, You are beautiful! I love how adoringly you are looking at your cutie pie!

Diana, You are too kind. It was great to meet you though!
I got my undergrad degree (Medical Technology) and certification in Veterinary Technology from Michigan State University. We bleed green!!
I yam who I yam. Except I will admit to touching up the lovely photo taken of me at the Ritz Hotel in Half Moon Bay to remove some windblown hair and to soften the bags under my eyes. But the photographer caught me in a smile that looked sort of natural and yet didn't overemphasize my normal extremely gummy smile.

(I've mostly come to terms with my smile, but ... not really. I asked my prosthadontist at the start of the crown restoration project if he could fix it - e.g., by giving me bigger teeth and cutting back my gums - and he said "yes - first we break your upper jaw and remove several millimeters of bone" - at which point I stopped him and decided my gummy smile is just part of my charm. :biggrin:)

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