There is No "Fun" in a Fungal Infection


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
Silly me. I don't know why, but I thought only infants got thrush. I have learned the hard way that adults get it, too. It will be bland, soft food for a few days until it clears up. Maybe more protein shakes if the bland, soft food hurts my mouth and throat they hurt now.:ahhhhhhh:
Silly me. I don't know why, but I thought only infants got thrush. I have learned the hard way that adults get it, too. It will be bland, soft food for a few days until it clears up. Maybe more protein shakes if the bland, soft food hurts my mouth and throat they hurt now.:ahhhhhhh:
Yeap, we can get it. I hope it clears up fast.
I hope so, too. I learned a new term: raw beef red because that's what I was told the back of my mouth looked like. The PA I saw had a student shadowing her. I'd like to think that she learned something about thrush from her examining me.
On the rare occasion I take antibiotics, I make sure I have fluconazole, monostat, nystatin and clotrimazole on hand. It's never a matter of IF I develop a fungal thing, it's just a crap shoot as to which body part is going to go south first.

I feel your pain. Our pain. Pain.
This is my first episode of thrush. I was asked about recent antibiotic use, immunity compromise, etc. Nothing. I mean I do have a toenail fungus, but it's not like I was chewing on my toenails. (Not sure it's even the same fungus, I'm just a smart ass.) It's amazing how much better my tongue looks and feels after my swishes of nystatin.

Small bonus: it didn't taste bad and I was expecting it would.

Big bonus: the Diflucan will help my toenail fungus. Upon the advice of my PCP, I had been soaking my feet in vinegar and original Listerine as the first line of offense.

All that being said, I hope it's a once in a life time occurrence.
Thrush is nasty. Sorry you got it but glad the nystatin is working. Trust is not just an ordinary sore throat. My mother did a "little" round of chemo for breast cancer and ended up with thrush so severe she could not swallow anything, not even her own saliva. She was in the hospital for more than a week for IV fluids and nutrition.
I feel for your mother. Mine isn't that, but it has been difficult to eat. I'm just a little concerned because the PA said that people can get strep throat and thrush together. That sounds like a never ending round robin of multiple antibiotics and antifungals.
UGH - I've gotten thrush a couple of times after surgeries and heavy ABX. Fortunately the oral swish stuff works really well and quickly. But I think it tastes AWFUL!
gah, I have never had it but have had patients with it and it sounds painful: I hope you get over it soon and never get it again. :thumbsdown:

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