Sunday Weigh In (3/20/2016) It's SPRING


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Yeah, right...under a freeze warning here after being in the 80's while in Charleston. As we were leaving yesterday morning, a cold front moved in down there and they were headed to the 60's. We picked an awesome week to visit Charleston.

We stayed busy while there...walking as much as we could. Altho our friends had more issues walking than we did. Saw things I had never seen before as well as some old favorites. Even got a chance to tour my high school. It's a private girl's school in Charleston. My dorm room is now half of a classroom.

Anyway, last week was 146
This week it's 146.
SW 355
LW 224.2
TW 220.4

Pretty darn happy with this weeks loss. I needed a good week. This is how I expect things to go. Little little losses. Up down up down then bam whoosh a good loss shown.

First day of spring and it's cold and rainy ewwwwwww Go away !
SW 355
LW 224.2
TW 220.4

Pretty darn happy with this weeks loss. I needed a good week. This is how I expect things to go. Little little losses. Up down up down then bam whoosh a good loss shown.

First day of spring and it's cold and rainy ewwwwwww Go away !
That is a good week.

Thankfully not rainy but that was thru here last night. One good side to the rain. it got rid of the "southern snow".

LW BMI: 28.9
TW BMI: 28.8

Disappointed with my glacial weight loss, this week I added a daily Jazzercise class to my daily 4 mile power walk... and instantly GAINED nearly two pounds (I assume from swollen, sore muscles b/c it certainly wasn't from food), then lost just enough to come in at 8/10s of a pound less than last week. My personality is to be the hare, so this tortoise thing is messing with my psyche.
LW BMI: 28.9
TW BMI: 28.8

Disappointed with my glacial weight loss, this week I added a daily Jazzercise class to my daily 4 mile power walk... and instantly GAINED nearly two pounds (I assume from swollen, sore muscles b/c it certainly wasn't from food), then lost just enough to come in at 8/10s of a pound less than last week. My personality is to be the hare, so this tortoise thing is messing with my psyche.
LOL, being a tortoise wins the race tho!!

Remember, as you add more exercise, you need to adjust your macros so you do not stall.
It's all about the journey... and the hare has more fun.

Remember, as you add more exercise, you need to adjust your macros so you do not stall.
What do you mean? It's a good day if I can get in 90-100 gr protein -- I still have great trouble eating protein vs protein drinks.

And I do believe I have gastroparesis from omeprazole. I halved the dosage from 40 mg to 20 mg a few weeks ago and immediately saw improvement in my ability to eat protein. This week I will experiment with taking it every other day and in a while stop it all together. (I am weaning myself off it to avoid rebound acid production.) I will update my post from December about gastroparesis and PPI when my experiment concludes -- I've also found more research studies to support my hypothesis that PPIs may cause gastroparesis.
It's all about the journey... and the hare has more fun.

What do you mean? It's a good day if I can get in 90-100 gr protein -- I still have great trouble eating protein vs protein drinks.

And I do believe I have gastroparesis from omeprazole. I halved the dosage from 40 mg to 20 mg a few weeks ago and immediately saw improvement in my ability to eat protein. This week I will experiment with taking it every other day and in a while stop it all together. (I am weaning myself off it to avoid rebound acid production.) I will update my post from December about gastroparesis and PPI when my experiment concludes -- I've also found more research studies to support my hypothesis that PPIs may cause gastroparesis.
PPI's definitely inhibit absorption of nutrients, one being protein. Dr K mentioned that to me, but we also discussed the fact that it is a trade off situation for me. I do have bad GERD if I don't take it, but then it inhibits to an extent absorption as the job of the acid is to break down food to make it more digestable by the the gastroparesis connection makes sense as with less acid it will take longer to break down food and for the pylorus to release the contents.

I take 2 40's a day and I am thinking about either going to one 40mg a day or two 20's.
LW: 179.5
TW: 181.5

On Thursday morning I was 172.5 after a terrible clean out day. Wednesday night was abso-freaking-lutely miserable as I had a cold on top what I believe was a partial blockage clearing out....naturally it would do that right before the CT the Dr ordered to see if I had an obstruction. In any case that was a night from hell that I don't want back anytime soon.
LW: 179.5
TW: 181.5

On Thursday morning I was 172.5 after a terrible clean out day. Wednesday night was abso-freaking-lutely miserable as I had a cold on top what I believe was a partial blockage clearing out....naturally it would do that right before the CT the Dr ordered to see if I had an obstruction. In any case that was a night from hell that I don't want back anytime soon.
Well, in spite of the low day, you are doing well at staying up where you prefer. Hopefully your hernia will be fixed VERY soon.
LW 105.8kg
TW 105.0 kg

0.8kg (1.75lb) loss this week. Hopefully this will start to pick up again...trying not to stress about a couple of slow weeks so early on!
LW 105.8kg
TW 105.0 kg

0.8kg (1.75lb) loss this week. Hopefully this will start to pick up again...trying not to stress about a couple of slow weeks so early on!
Did you take your measurements before starting this? If not, take them at the one month mark and do that every month til you reach goal..the months I didn't lose much weight, I lost inches. Also look at other ways to notice the difference, the NSV's that are ahead.
I have been taking measurements, but nothing happening on that front either. Just trying to tell myself I can't 'fail' at the DS in the same way I 'failed' at the band. Suspecting I'll be a step loser, not a linear loser.

NSV: I wore a dress to work yesterday! It was new and (a) I fit into it and (b) my circulation issues have resolved enough that a bad rash I've had on my legs for over a year has healed. This weekend is a long weekend, so I'm going to sort through all my mountains of clothing into what I wore at certain weights, so I can easily unpack a whole new wardrobe when I get there.

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