Pets...we all have them! (okay, most of us anyway)

So we let her cross the Rainbow Bridge. My sister made her comfortable with opiates and cat nip. She also ate treats to her hearts content.

we said goodbye to our beloved double white labradear, Sadie. It crushed us both so badly we cannot get another dog.

I'm sorry; it's so hard to see them go.
DianaCox have him tested for thyroid. Maggie always tested fine on her thyroid panel. Her fat started disappearing about age 10 but you had to feel her sides/back to really notice, got really obvious about 3 years ago. But we had two, Miss Izzy and Charlie who had thyroid issues and lost fat due to that. Miss Izzy never showed other outward signs of thyroid disease. Charlie showed the classic symptoms: voracious appetite and I mean voracious! If it wasn’t nailed down, he’d try for it. Unable to lay or sit still for long. He use to do laps around the staircase for hours.
On Friday the 11th of Jan. we said goodbye to Miss Maggie. She had turned 17 her last birthday.
We took all of them in to see my sister, the vet, for their yearly exam. Miss Maggie's visit was a quality of life check. We had her checked while in NC at our previous vet's office. Other than being severely skinny with no fat, she was still in decent condition. They checked her blood pressure and it was unremarkable. When my sister saw her, her BP had skyrocketed in two months. She noticed thickening of her intestines. Both of which can be handled but at a cost of making her miserable with me. They would have given her pills...and her son inherited her ability to spit them across the room. She was also having issues with her eyes. We knew she had cataracts but the resulting loss of decent sight was making her miserable. And recently she had a seizure.

So we let her cross the Rainbow Bridge. My sister made her comfortable with opiates and cat nip. She also ate treats to her hearts content.

As I said on FB
RIP Maggie, my Maggie May
1 Sept 2001 -11 Jan 2019.
She wandered onto our porch and into our hearts, leaving permanent paw prints.
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My condolences.

I'm afraid MiniSue will be reliving this very soon. Her precious Monkey (a newborn rescued from her car's wheelwell something-teen years ago, covered in grease, ergo Grease Monkey) has been losing her hearing. It's weird to be able to sneak up on a cat. She was tiny to begin with and getting smaller. And she has other health issues. I don't think MiniSue will do as well as you are doing.

So sad.
My condolences.

I'm afraid MiniSue will be reliving this very soon. Her precious Monkey (a newborn rescued from her car's wheelwell something-teen years ago, covered in grease, ergo Grease Monkey) has been losing her hearing. It's weird to be able to sneak up on a cat. She was tiny to begin with and getting smaller. And she has other health issues. I don't think MiniSue will do as well as you are doing.

So sad.
I’m sorry that Monkey is not doing well.

I’m not holding up as well as it appears. I laid here in bed, petting (stroking) the picture of Miss Maggie while crying a bit ago.

When Maggie first adopted us, we had Snowy and Miss Izzy. I got Snowy as a 6 week old kitten. Deaf as a door nail. She was white (hence her name) with blue eyes. She’d get lost in the bathroom while we were in there too, cause she’d turn around and lose us. I was able to sneak up on her so I understand the feeling. Snowy tho, didn’t know what she was missing. Maggie had great eyesight til about 2 years ago. But we really noticed it in the last 6 months. You could tell she knew something was wrong.
I’m sorry that Monkey is not doing well.

I’m not holding up as well as it appears. I laid here in bed, petting (stroking) the picture of Miss Maggie while crying a bit ago.

When Maggie first adopted us, we had Snowy and Miss Izzy. I got Snowy as a 6 week old kitten. Deaf as a door nail. She was white (hence her name) with blue eyes. She’d get lost in the bathroom while we were in there too, cause she’d turn around and lose us. I was able to sneak up on her so I understand the feeling. Snowy tho, didn’t know what she was missing. Maggie had great eyesight til about 2 years ago. But we really noticed it in the last 6 months. You could tell she knew something was wrong.

I also lost a cat to thyroid disease years ago so that was the first thing I thought of, but his thyroid is fine.

It is so hard letting them go - I’m sorry to all still dealing with their losses. It also always makes me think about the fact that we can make that ultimate loving decision to relieve the suffering of our beloved pets, but not our human family members.
My Tigee cat passed from bowel cancer, which presented with weight loss as the only symptom. If I had it to do over again, I would have let him go instead of letting him suffer. I am smarter now. Its the husband who is resistant.
We had a kitten adopt us yesterday. We wanted to be sure she wasn’t chipped and was clear of major disease before sharing. My sister, our vet, said was clear of disease so she will be joining our menagerie.

My sister said Maggie (the one who crossed the Rainbow Bridge almost a month ago) sent her to us.

Meet Mystique:

Update on Mystique:
Well, she's got ear mites, being treated. She has to stay separate from the others for now. She sees my sister again in 10 days for an ear mite recheck and again just before we leave to get the boosters of the shots she got today.

She weighs only 2.9 lbs at 12 weeks old (best guess) which means she is underweight. Right now she's too underweight to fix. So that will happen most likely in April at our previous vet.

Best guess to breed other than Domestic Longhair Tortie is a Maine Coon Tortie mostly based on the size of her feet compared to the rest of her.
beautiful but looks so worried. :frown: I hope she settles in quickly. :019:

ETA: how did she find you?
Actually one of the camp workers fed her the night before and brought her up to us.

It’s hard to settle in yet as she’s kinda stuck in a crate til her recheck for ear mites. They are contagious and I don’t need five more getting them.

We do spend lots of time petting but we can’t let her loose yet.
Woohoo! Congrats on the new kitty! She looks like Lillian, in that she will be a long hair, with toe tufts and thick mane. Very beautiful.

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