one week before surgery, panicking


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
hi everyone, I'm Kathy and my surgery is in one week from today. I've been doing extensive research research on the DS and my surgeon, PCP, endocrinologist, and I knew it was the right surgery for me. I am severely diabetic, type 2. but suddenly now I'm panicking, and I really need some positive reinforcement right now. I really to know if I will ever be able to eat a reeses peanut butter cup again, lol . I've lost over 100 pounds and then gained back several times in my life, so that's why I really need the surgery. Help
Hi there and welcome :). I am in my 8th year out. Yesterday I ate two peanut butter cups and they were yummy.

Have you ever had abdominal surgery before? If not, and even if you have, please read the pinned thread about "never had surgery, here's what to expect." It will help a lot for the surgery experience.

Remember that the immediate postop time is very, very difference from the rest of your life.
Congratulations on your decision and your surgery date! You are going to do fine. Read here and ask any questions you want.
You gave great reasons for having the DS right here in your cold footed post - your history of regaining weight after each weight loss (we can relate!) and your severe type 2 diabetes. The DS has far and away the best statistics for permanent resolution of type 2 diabetes of any bariatric surgery, and certainly far better than any non-surgical treatment. No guarantee, of course, but even if your diabetes doesn't resolve completely it should be much easier to control. Given that you have severe diabetes and are under the care of an endocrinologist, I'm sure I don't need to give you a run down on the potentially devastating complications many people with diabetes experience as the years go on.
Hang in there! Surgery seems scary only because the risks are so immediate. You face risks without surgery as well. You've made a good decision.
Of course you're panicking; you're human. I did before my DS and every other surgery I've had. (It hasn't been many, yet more than one.) I put myself on alert after putting my car in drive. It's called taking care of myself. You're taking care of yourself as well. Your panic and post-op malaise will be a memory before you know it.
ROFLMAO....I had finished the Reese's and was scarfing down a Snickers peanut butter thing while reading...I didn't even look at the responses!

Oh...the difference is I don't need to go through a bag a night...I get to " enough" much sooner!
ROFLMAO....I had finished the Reese's and was scarfing down a Snickers peanut butter thing while reading...I didn't even look at the responses!

Oh...the difference is I don't need to go through a bag a night...I get to " enough" much sooner!
True dat! I was craving chocolate and got a Baby Ruth out of a vending machine. Emblazoned on the label? 4 grams of protein! Bonus!:p
That's so funny -- I'm number 3. I had Reese's cups yesterday! There's protein in peanut butter, right?

This is such a normal reaction. I was completely fine until I got onto the bed for surgery, then the nerves caught up with me and I cried through the entire pre-surgery time (until the happy juice took over).

Deep breaths. It will be okay :)
@katsmeow07 your not alone. I have 3 weeks left til surgery day and even though I'm excited and can't wait there is definitely fear there too. I have 3 babies that I will be thinking about and as with all my surgeries in the past I cried during pre-0p prepping. I cried like a blubbering fool the day I went in for my C-section with my youngest daughter, I would just look over at my oldest two and I would starting crying even harder and I was awake during the whole c-section. I knew what was going on but I was so damn scared of the anesthesia! I was afraid I was going to die. My anxiety was high...So I know what your talking about. Like Shann said above the happy juice will take over and before you know it you'll be waking up and moving over on that losing bench for me to join you in 3 weeks. It's a normal reaction to be scared! Good luck and remember the reason why you are doing this for a healthier life. :)
ROFLMAO....I had finished the Reese's and was scarfing down a Snickers peanut butter thing while reading...I didn't even look at the responses!

Oh...the difference is I don't need to go through a bag a night...I get to " enough" much sooner!
Lol, so there's hope! Thank you!! Are you in the maintainance phase or still losing ?
@katsmeow07 your not alone. I have 3 weeks left til surgery day and even though I'm excited and can't wait there is definitely fear there too. I have 3 babies that I will be thinking about and as with all my surgeries in the past I cried during pre-0p prepping. I cried like a blubbering fool the day I went in for my C-section with my youngest daughter, I would just look over at my oldest two and I would starting crying even harder and I was awake during the whole c-section. I knew what was going on but I was so damn scared of the anesthesia! I was afraid I was going to die. My anxiety was high...So I know what your talking about. Like Shann said above the happy juice will take over and before you know it you'll be waking up and moving over on that losing bench for me to join you in 3 weeks. It's a normal reaction to be scared! Good luck and remember the reason why you are doing this for a healthier life. :)
Good luck Brandy, and we can do this! Thank you for your kind words and support. We should definitely keep each other posted on our progress :)
Lol, so there's hope! Thank you!! Are you in the maintainance phase or still losing ?
Most of the declared chocolate eaters are several years post op. (Me included). During your first year or do while is serious weight loss mode , you will need to severely limit your carb while mavixing your protein. Please do not think that our joking opens the door to rampant chocolate consumption while you are trying to lose. During my first year, I would occasionally treat myself with a very small piece of quality chocolate which I would savour over a loooong period.

The DS offers a great lifestyle. Healthy weight, improved health without comorbities, increased confidence etc. The surgery and recovery perid are tough but well worth it. Good luck.
Lol, so there's hope! Thank you!! Are you in the maintainance phase or still losing ?
I'm almost nine years post-op.

I go into a losing phase any time I cut down on the junk food. The rest of the time I'm gaining or maintaining.

I never got thin. I teeter around the high end of overweight and the low end obese...BMI 30-ish, give or take a few points. I started with a BMI of around, to me, this is something I can live with. It used to be that whenever we went anywhere, I had to take extras of every possibly-needed garment, because it was unlikely I could find clothes out of town. I don't travel so much anymore, but if I did, I'd need fewer suitcases!

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