OMG, my hair is falling out!

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I usually lose some hair after surgery. My hair is pretty thick and it simply gets thin and fine. However, after all the drama last Fall I've lot a LOT of hair. It really hasn't grown at all. Usually I have to color at least once a month, but I haven't been able to color in 6 months and am only just now barely getting roots. You can now see scalp on some parts of my head, which has never happened before. My hair is already in a pixie cut, so I feel like my only options are hats and scarves. I guess I need to keep working on upping the protein? Sigh. When does this get better again? I'm so ready to move past last Fall!
I usually lose some hair after surgery. My hair is pretty thick and it simply gets thin and fine. However, after all the drama last Fall I've lot a LOT of hair. It really hasn't grown at all. Usually I have to color at least once a month, but I haven't been able to color in 6 months and am only just now barely getting roots. You can now see scalp on some parts of my head, which has never happened before. My hair is already in a pixie cut, so I feel like my only options are hats and scarves. I guess I need to keep working on upping the protein? Sigh. When does this get better again? I'm so ready to move past last Fall!
Oh, Snob, I feel your pain! My formerly thick luscious hair is now clinging on for dear life. I know your struggles with nutrition are a little different, but have you tried any of those protein bullets? They're very concentrated in a small amount of liquid.
Oh, Snob, I feel your pain! My formerly thick luscious hair is now clinging on for dear life. I know your struggles with nutrition are a little different, but have you tried any of those protein bullets? They're very concentrated in a small amount of liquid.
Those "bullets" are generally mostly collagen protein--not terribly high quality protein for folks like us. They are kind of a "better than nothing" option of last resort.
I was thinking about this post last night, watching TV, and I felt about 3 new "eyelashes" growing on my chin. My dear sweet MIL calls them "kick stands". And now I'm sprouting some really striking pure white hair. I used to say I couldn't wait for wrinkles and grey hair. Except now that I have those things, I don't like their location. The wrinkles between my eyebrows are not welcome, the laugh lines are. The grey in my temples I pluck, but the ones on top of my head shine in the sun really pretty. I do hope I turn totally white like my dear sweet late mother did. Her white hair was gorgeous against her pink complexion. If I can age like she did, I will be beyond happy. And being allergic to hair dye, I'm pretty much stuck with what I get.
I have never noticed losing hair after surgery. I hope I don't this time either. I too have went very short in the past and felt I looked the lesbian part also. Now don't get me wrong I have relatives and friends that are gay. It was just not the look I was going for. So if I do lose hair I hope it grows back curly, mine has always been super straight. If it does not grow back curly or at all I hope being thinner I can rock the shorter hair. If not I will probably wear wigs.
Terri, I have a couple "show and tell" threads going on in the Facebook group Duodenal Switch Patients, if you'd care to join and take a look at how much fun a wig wardrobe can be :).
Terri, I have a couple "show and tell" threads going on in the Facebook group Duodenal Switch Patients, if you'd care to join and take a look at how much fun a wig wardrobe can be :).
I saw them! They all looked great! My favorite is the long red one, IMO it made you look younger. The long curly one looked "fun". You rocked them all though.
Some of my fun with wigs:

First, what little bit you can see of my own hair--I also have fun with hats! :) Pardon the dissected pig heart. That was a blast, too. ETA: The images thingie isn't working, so I'll just use links.
Admin note: Fixed them.

11/9/2017 Admin note: Photobucket is being a butt about third party hosting so the photos no longer show. So I deleted the graphics photobucket was so "kindly" using to tell us to pay up for third party hosting of forgetaboutit.
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EN, I like the inner teenager looks the best. That's an amazing collection.

My hair got thin especially around the temples/forehead after DS, just like it did after both of my children were born, but more suddenly - like over the course of a couple of weeks vs, months. Then the short, frizzy regrowth came in and drove me nuts for a while, plus I had to dye it a bit darker so it looked thicker - I got everything cut and layered so they would blend. Now my "bangs" have grown out to my chin and my highlights are back. It's actually looking healthier than it did before DS, which I attribute to vitamins...
fantastic, all of them, and I know it shouldn't surprise me so much but holy cow it makes a difference.

now I want a wig. long and red or maybe auburn.