Ok, 1 week post op. What say the vets on how to manage the next week?


Glad to be a Loser!
Jan 10, 2014
East TN
Tomorrow I will be 1 week post op. I think I am doing well. I am getting my 64oz of liquid in as well as 75g of protein (mostly whey isolate protein shakes). Pain has been tolerable on just Tylenol. I am taking 8 multivitamins at this point but have the full Vitalady regimen ready to go.

My question is what are my marching orders for the next week or two? My post op phase one handed to me at discharge is typical RNY. Up to this point I have been totally liquid with the exception of meds and vits.

Thanks to all the vets that share their hard earned knowledge!
I am going to let the experts answer your questions but I just wanted to say, Congratulations! I hope your recovery continues to go well. :cool:
Actually stay on liquids for at least another week...I know by week three I was sick and tired of not being able to get out of the house cause I had almost unrelenting diarrhea. ONCE I started soft foods, very carefully and my vitamins, that cleared up and I started to be normal (everyone quit snickering...I can hear y'all).

I was SUPPOSE to be on liquids for a full four weeks...I managed two.

The 64 oz of fluid is in addition to the shakes, right? Cause 64 oz is the bare minimum....
Keep doing what you're doing, try for even more fluids. I was cleared to try soft solids at about 10 days out, but didn't feel ready at that point. I started on the soft stuff at about two weeks. Soft scrambled egg was my first solid. Then came egg salad, shrimp, scallops, a little tilapia, deli meats, etc.

Don't worry about swallowing all those pills just yet. Give it some time and work your way up over several weeks. In a week or two, as more cut nerves heal and your brain gets more information, you might feel worse instead of better, and the supplements might bother you quite a bit. They would get in the way of staying hydrated, which is FAR more important at this stage than anything else.
What they said! Hydration is the most important thing. Keep pushing the fluids- if you can get more than 64 ounces than do it. I made it 2 weeks on liquids too. I started purees in my 3rd week. It took me probably 6 weeks before I was consistently taking my vitamins.

And I agree with EN that it might get worse before it gets better. I'm sure due to hormone dumping and reality checking, my 3rd/4th week were my worst times of buyer's remorse. Hang in there and keep on doing what you're doing!!
Well I am post op but I do not consider myself a VET. I don't have enough time in at this point. But I would just say minute by minute one day at a time. I just wanted to say welcome and congratulations on your crossing over. You truly came to the right place.
Hey Brian, welcome to the Dark Side. It's a marathon, not a sprint over here. As has been consistently said, nerve endings in your newly sewn sleeve are going to start waking up. What you want to avoid is a setback. You got all the advice you need for now and into the next phase. Welcome to the Dark Side!
Slow and steady wins the race. Stomachs and intestines are notorious for being angry at getting messed with and they like to hold a grudge for a bit. I echo the advise to keep doing what you are doing. Increase fluids and just take it day by day. Don't get in an all-fire hurry to start shoving vitamins in. Same goes with food.

By a week out, I had developed my stricture...so fluids were all I could do for 3 months. I think that in many ways actually helped me because it gave my insides extra time to heal. But others have had better success with food introduction earlier than I did.

Congrats on your surgery and welcome :)
one day at a time. Keep doing what you are doing, just a little more each day - more water, more protein (preferably from food, as your tummy allows), more walking. Baby steps. And let your system heal - both external incisions and internal. Get strong.
Since nothing I am consuming has any fiber in it to speak of, is it OK to add some fiber supplement to my liquids?
You can try...but don't do it at night (you may not sleep as a result), do that early in the day and about half a dose at first.

BUT once you start getting your iron and calcium in, things WILL adjust.

Right now, hydration first, protein second...
My first "solids" were the yolk of a soft boiled egg and pintos and cheese from TacoBell...of which I could eat MAYBE a teaspoon now and another teaspoon later.

All protein-heavy foods.
Good, I love eggs soft scrambled or boiled/deviled. I love smashed refried's as well. Hopefully in another week or so I can test them.

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