well, I thought you probably asked them but...I know I miss the obvious, sometimes.
EN I thought you were known for Crock O Critter but you could also be Mistress of Vegetables. *thumbs up*
I eat lots of stuff

. Fennel is gross. Rutabagas are da bomb and so is kohlrabi.
AWESOME simple salad: Toss together thinly sliced kohlrabi, red radish and white radish (the big long guys) or jicama with a dill vinaigrette. MMMMMM.
Fiddlehead ferns are best eaten right in the woods as you pick them. Makes you feel like you're in fairyland.
Julienne celery root, parboil ever so briefly and steep in a slightly sweet pickle brine. Ooooo, leftover Famous Dave's pickle juice would be AWESOME for this. Heat that yummy stuff to boiling, throw in the celery root (skip the parboil if you do this) and stuff it all in the fridge for a few days.
I don't know what people see in kale salad, unless they get the leaves when they're about the size of a dandelion leaf. (BTW, dandelions are yummy from the roots upward.) Kale and collards both belong whacked and cooked into submission with a large hunk of bacon, onion, garlic and hot pepper.
Yesterday I had some fun: The community garden whose installation I supervised has gone unloved, much to my annoyance. If I were going to be around for the summer, I would have gone about this project differently, but as it was, I had to trust the Girl Scout troop leaders who said they'd take care of it for their "grounds" award. Um, yeah, right.
So yesterday I surveyed the weedy, going-seed mess that was to be a salad garden and said okay, time to harvest......I got bags of mustard, spinach, kale, collards and broccoli that were all in bloom. Betcha didn't know you could eat all that stuff eh? I spent a long time pulling flowers and leaves off woody stems and cooked that whole pile of stuff down and froze me several quart bags of yummy plants.
You should have SEEN the faces of staff and clients alike as I crowingly carried my bags of plant life to my car. Lordy what a bunch of city slickers.
I also got a fantabulous haul of chard and beets (baby beets with the greens) that are awaiting my ministrations in the fridge.