Welcome Sara!! Your list looks a lot like mine. Having a collection is no fun, I'd rather have a different hobby. LOL
Good luck with jumping through all the hoops. I just look at the Dietician and smile and tell her my vitamins are spot on and I'm having no issues. She's happy, the surgeon is happy, and I take what I think I should take. I did argue with the Dietician post op about the fat intake, she finally said the ASMBS recommends 60 grams total per day but if I feel better eating 100 grams per day then I have to do what my body feels is best. You can't spout "listen to your body" for an hour, then tell someone to ignore their body's symptoms from not eating enough fat. My skin and eyes get way dry and I already have dry eye from the autoimmune stuff and can no longer take my Omega supplements, so she relented. But no arguing with them until after surgery, if you choose to argue at all!