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This is heartbreaking, on so many levels.

I hope they can find out what happened, so others can learn from it - if she was non-compliant and died as a direct result, lives could be saved if she becomes a dire warning; if it was from something else, there are two issues - one, that we and our doctors must NEVER assume that all problems we have are caused by the DS, just as our docs used to slough off all of our complaints as being related to our obesity, and end up not treating an unrelated real illness, and also to make sure that people don't tag this as a DS-related death anyway.

And non-compliance to the point of TPN (IF that's what it was) must have a mental health component as well. There have been numerous cases of suicide in post-ops of ALL bariatric surgeries, when after having found the holy grail of losing weight, their lives didn't magically get better.
I can tell you for sure that autopsies don't always provide answers. If there is no suspicion of foul play they just go through the motions. Dan was autopsied and they found...nothing. They didn't even find his DS. They didn't even find the titanium ring in his guts. Do I KNOW how he died? Not really. Even after the autopsy all I have is a best guess!
Diana is very correct about many components to why she might of died. The family will inform me once they know the results .

I am so sorry Munchkin that you were unable to learn the cause of Dans passing. I know they told the family it might take up to 6 months for all the results tuo be in. That seemed a long time to me but I did not to sat that. They are praying that is worse case scenerio

Parousia, I post this to show you need to be extremely compliant with the DS. She was not always 100% compliant and that is was why she had been on TPN but she was showing signs of improvement so they added iron infusions as well. Could be many reasons. I will let you know when I hear.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I do sometimes go into a zone of denial about taking my supplements and this is a good reminder to keep it up no matter how far out you are.
Wishing you much strength with your father, BTDT. Thank you very much for the wake-up call concerning your mentor. I am now 53, will be 54 in a month, and am 4+ years out. I can honestly say I've never missed a vitamin dose. I **have** purposely skipped my calcium several times to "unbrick the chimney", but that's not a bad thing. I even got in my protein when I had the flu in September. My nurse in the hospital scared the crap out of me with horror stories about people who didn't get in their protein and vites.

I wish you the best when dealing with your father, if he is anything like mine was. Difficult didn't come close to the correct descriptive with that man.
Another BTDT with parents, and sending my best with your dad and friend. At 6 years out, I appreciate the reminder that we need to stay mindful.