Elizabeth N.
Herder of cats
The aorta in the general area of the stomach is huge. About an inch in diameter. Biggest blood vessel in the body. No doctor should ever mistake it for something else. And it's not easy to accidentally 'nick' either. Big arteries are thick walled and tough. Spleen and liver? Friable tissue that's easy to 'nick'. The aorta? NEVER.
Maybe I can help the non-medical folks understand how grave this is. It's like taking your dog to the vet to be neutered. When you pick him up he is missing 2 testicles and one of his hind legs. You ask the vet what happened and he/she tells you they thought that leg was a third testicle.....
Great analogy! The liver, spleen etc. are like a fine silk scarf, and the aorta is like a rubber hose.
I'm still waiting to see what the shills have to say :-D.