Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire

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I shouldn't have read this thread, learned some things I shouldn't have known yet.

I'm in the second half of A Storm of Swords and I about can't stand it. I really love some things - when Dany frees all the slaves! - but all the horrible violence and sadness can get tiring. I guess Robb was just killed at his Uncles supposed wedding. my GOD does nothing happy every happen for the Starks? GAH.

I can't read the book in the evening, it's too stimulating and then I can't sleep. so it's now time for me to put it away and read something lighter or watch TV. :)
I shouldn't have read this thread, learned some things I shouldn't have known yet.

I'm in the second half of A Storm of Swords and I about can't stand it. I really love some things - when Dany frees all the slaves! - but all the horrible violence and sadness can get tiring. I guess Robb was just killed at his Uncles supposed wedding. my GOD does nothing happy every happen for the Starks? GAH.

I can't read the book in the evening, it's too stimulating and then I can't sleep. so it's now time for me to put it away and read something lighter or watch TV. :)

I don't think you are going to like this series. It seems you might be too sensitive for it. If you like a character, something horrible is going to happen to them! Its George R. R. Martin!
I think I would enjoy it more in smaller portions. I tend to Binge Read! :giggle: < does this look like Giggle Giggle? it doesn't to me... :X3:
I think I would enjoy it more in smaller portions. I tend to Binge Read! :giggle: < does this look like Giggle Giggle? it doesn't to me... :X3:
Smaller portions - or "the heck with tomorrow and fire up another episode at 4 am and keep going!"

There is no option other than bingeing.
I really love binge watching and reading (maybe it goes hand in hand with the eating!) but yeah, if you're the type to get emotionally invested (and how can you not, I mean, the Starks!?!?) it's rough. I think my heart hurts for Arya the most o_O Then again, I predict she's going to get the sweetest revenge ever known in the end :075:
no, Bearmom, I think I can do moderation!!! :laugh:

Lauren, I agree, Arya is the best character although I really like Dany too. revenge is going to be good, really good!!
I plan to pause awhile after I finish Storm of Swords but I know that will be tough because CLIFFHANGARS and the end of the book won't be the real END of anything. :mad0214:
it worries me how fond of Ser Davos The Onion Knight (now Lord of something...The Rainwood?) I am getting...he has already suffered so much (almost died, lost 4 sons) but he is such a decent man I know more suffering is coming. he still has one more son to watch die horribly, for example. :eek:

it occurred to me this morning that Martin has a real genius for naming things. like using Snow and Sand and Storm as the names of bastards and The Hand for the Second in command to the King. Simple but works so well.

sometimes it's almost too much, with everyone (seemingly) being named something descriptive like Stinky One Ear or something! :alien:

I also like the "smallfolk" for peasants - did he make that up?
I searched for the origin of "smallfolks" it looks as though he did indeed make it up. These people are so amazing!

I think the Onion Knight still has a role to play.
I will say nothing of The Onion Knight, as I believe his storyline still has much to come from the point you're at now. But I like him very much :)
Oh, and I don't know if I mentioned it earlier in the thread (not going back and reading it over :rolleyes:) but Martin is SO descriptive that I sometimes couldn't keep track of all the characters. You may have to be careful to not read too much and spoil it for yourself, but I find the wiki to be super helpful in helping me keep all the "minor" characters straight- :D
I will say nothing of The Onion Knight, as I believe his storyline still has much to come from the point you're at now. But I like him very much :)
Oh, and I don't know if I mentioned it earlier in the thread (not going back and reading it over :rolleyes:) but Martin is SO descriptive that I sometimes couldn't keep track of all the characters. You may have to be careful to not read too much and spoil it for yourself, but I find the wiki to be super helpful in helping me keep all the "minor" characters straight- :D

I love these sites too. I like to consult them when I am listening to the books. I just finished the "Outlander" series by Diana Gabaldon, I like to listen to the whole series from first to last each time there is a new book. Now, I am listening to Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Next, I am thinking the Dan Brown novels. I am going to Rome in March, I want to make sure to find all the artwork and fountains mentioned in the books. :ROFLMAO:
I love these sites too. I like to consult them when I am listening to the books. I just finished the "Outlander" series by Diana Gabaldon, I like to listen to the whole series from first to last each time there is a new book. Now, I am listening to Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Next, I am thinking the Dan Brown novels. I am going to Rome in March, I want to make sure to find all the artwork and fountains mentioned in the books. :ROFLMAO:
That's an awesome idea! I've really liked all th Dan Brown books I've read, and who doesn't love ITALY?!?!? :bacondance:
finally that scum puppy "King" Joff is dead, hurray! and Jon is In Charge on The Wall and Sansa is finally away from the Lannisters.

I may do nothing the rest of today but finish Storm of Swords...

ETA: love that link, I can use that! I am always forgetting who is who

Dan Brown, eh? which one should I start with?

I need to start at the beginning of Outlander again - I forget most of what has happened.

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