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I hope it works for you!

I’ll say the best thing I’ve done for my hair is getting rid of sulfates and silicones.

in products, you mean? or...you don't mean eating them..?? (I've had coffee this morning but am still dumb)
Hi Susan! Keep in my mind, my crappy hair is not DS related. My crappy hair started before the DS was even invented. And just got worse as I got older. If you decide to try this, let me know if it works for you and good luck! I got all the stuff on Amazon so not hard to find. And we already take so many pills that a few more is no big deal!

I have been aware of DHT blockers for years and have tried them. But I had never used saw palmetto as a DHT blocker before. Maybe it's magic or maybe it is the combination. Since it is Prime Day, I also bought some DHT blocker shampoo and conditioner that has saw palmetto. It arrived yesterday but I haven't used it yet. So the growth I have right now came from the protocol below. Maybe the shampoo will buy me a few more hairs. Time will tell.

Once a day.
Lysine, silica, and biotin.

Twice a day.
You want 2 servings of hydrolyzed collagen peptides every day. I do my first serving as a shake for breakfast. Usually I mix the collagen powder with Slimfast powder for more protein than just the collagen alone. I take the capsules, 3 of them, for my other serving and add them to my night time vitamins.

Saw palmetto. It is becoming more popular as a natural DHT blocker. I look for capsules with the most saw palmetto I can get. Highest possible dose. I take one AM and one PM.
Thanks, Munch! Going to study this. My thinning hair started before DS.
Re "Keep in my mind, my crappy hair is not DS related. My crappy hair started before the DS was even invented. And just got worse as I got older. "

Make the most of what you've got left... acca kappa shampoo.. horrendously expensive.. but resurrects hair (dry, thin and sparse here... until I shampoo). Think of a TV shampoo commercial quality look.

I first found it in Marriott shampoo bottles when I traveled for work. Once they stopped the little bottles, I searched on line for it.

Hey... if you’re going to shower anyways, you may as well look as good as you smell
Re "Keep in my mind, my crappy hair is not DS related. My crappy hair started before the DS was even invented. And just got worse as I got older. "

Make the most of what you've got left... acca kappa shampoo.. horrendously expensive.. but resurrects hair (dry, thin and sparse here... until I shampoo). Think of a TV shampoo commercial quality look.

I first found it in Marriott shampoo bottles when I traveled for work. Once they stopped the little bottles, I searched on line for it.

Hey... if you’re going to shower anyways, you may as well look as good as you smell
Thanks! Is this it? https://www.accakappa.com/eu/hair-c...turizing-3259-white-moss-acca-kappa-zoom.html And you were right about expensive. I will look for a US seller. Looks like the best deal might be on ebay!
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Always another lesson to learn. And sometimes I have to learn the same ones over and over. When whatever you are doing is not working, change. Diet/crappy hair/whatever. Change. There is always something new out there you haven't tried yet!
One of my biggest personal indulgences is Kerastase. Without it my fine hair and oily scalp combine forces in a way that makes me look unclean. My whole life my hair has managed to be simultaneously limp and frizzy... It's Kerastase products (I switch them up) or a hat... ;)
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One of my biggest personal indulgences is Kerastase. Without it my fine hair and oily scalp combine forces that make me look unclean. My whole life my hair has managed to be simultaneously limp and frizzy... It's Kerastase products (I switch them up) or a hat... ;)
Yet another thing I can try! Thanks!
One of my biggest personal indulgences is Kerastase. Without it my fine hair and oily scalp combine forces in a way that makes me look unclean. My whole life my hair has managed to be simultaneously limp and frizzy... It's Kerastase products (I switch them up) or a hat... ;)
I just checked out their site (kerastase-usa.com) and discovered they are currently offering 20% cash back if you use Rakuten. If you DON'T use it, then obviously that won't help. I use it solely because I felt my info was going to get shared/sold anyway, might as well get paid for it myself :)
Happy 4th everyone! No cheat day report from me because we decided to have cheat day on the 5th. For good reason. Las Vegas is literally FULL(crowds and way too many people) and dogs. We will be staying home with them all day and handing out lots of treats. And drugs. We are having low carb pizza for dinner tonight. Already made the sauce and the low carb wraps for the pizza have been drying out on cookie sheets in the oven.

The neighbors across the street are having a party. We were invited so we will walk across the street for a minute and contribute a bottle of bourbon. Our neighbor and her brother are making Carne Asada. She has set up a 16ft TV screen that floats in the pool so swimming, and movies. I am sure they will do fire works too. We are not looking forward to tonight! It is going to be awful.

Hope everyone has a great holiday!
I kind of dread tonight since my new landlady told me the neighbor, who is upwind, loves to both set off fireworks and fire his gun. so I don't know how much sleep I'll get tonight for worry about wildfire. :oops: