Chevtow pics

Dang dude! I agree with @star0210 ... You look like around 240 to me, tops. There is NO WAY IN HELL I want to get down to 190-200 lbs that the "Charts" I should be. In the mid 90's when I was working out 5 days a week and had lost a bunch of weight when I was seeing Lee Labrada, my lowest weight was 232 lbs and I was at 17.1% body fat. Weight does NOT really count as the final determining factor, not at all, its muscle to fat ratio...period. Especially with us big guys. For me personally, I do not want to go below 230 as an absolute minimum and would be really happy with 240 and 250 for my max.

Just going by your pic, it sounds like to me that you should be in that same neighborhood???

I am SO happy for you, it really is life changing!

BTW....nice fish!
What an amazing transformation! Yea, BMI charts suck. Mine says ideally I should be 166 but I'm with you and @robs477, in the neighborhood of 230 is where I think I'll look normal.

I'm just blown away by how different (and good) you look.

BTW, walleye is a damn good eating fish.....
You look great! Typical guy, hangin out at the hardware store, probably didn't even need anything. And you must be both tall and muscular because you do NOT look your weight at all.
Actually was in picking out new flooring for the house - for my dear wife
Yes I'm 6'2" and have always had physical jobs and weight lift. Hopefully as I get lighter all that muscle will show more
WOW!! Just WOW!! Agree with the do not look at all like you are at 295! You look great!!! Congratulations!
Wow! You have a very healthy-looking physique now. I like the before picture too - nice catch - looks like it was a fun day!