12 years

Can you tell me the name of the facebook group? For me, I started at 285, (100 cm CC) went to 132 (skeletal) and was told to gain 5-10 pounds. Got to 150 and stayed more or less there for 8 years. Then, lost 10 pounds without trying at year 8. Stuck there for the last 2 years. I discount the BMI for the formerly obese, since we have excess skin and heavier bones. I have a normal BMI, but my surgeon told me to stop losing weight. I don't know that surgical comparisons explain differences in results, since we differ in terms of metabolism, diet, endocrine status, exercise, lifestyle, age, previous abdominal surgery, and other medical conditions, not just the surgeon's choices. Ultimately, the DS scorecard can't be only about weight, it's also and more importantly about health and quality of life.
Our bones replace themselves roughly every 10 years or so. More than 10 years out the heavy bone thing doesn't fly anymore. The FB group is DS Vets 10 Years Plus.
congratulations. Great pictures. Amazing 12 years and still giving back. I almost sure that I encountered all the people who don't listen or know it all but are wanting your help I WOULD HAVE THROWN IN THE TOWEL BY NOW. lol But thank Goodness you haven't!
Congrats, surgery twin (give or take 10 years ;) ). Thanks for sticking around to help people for all these years! And isn't there someone else with 8/5 as their date? I can't remember who....
Sorry, I don't know my alimentary limb. I had two previous abdominal surgeries, one on the stomach, before DS and they found a ton of adhesions, to the point they had to call in a second surgeon. I lost too much weight at the beginning but was able to gain after that. I haven't had malnutrition or vitamin issues, just iron, and I have had 2 infusions for anemia. I'm glad they have a plan to fix your DS. Good luck on the revision!
Hi Kathryn

I agree it is about health. I refer to the BMI for anybody, WLS or not, the Bullshit Mass Index.

Hey, do you you know your Alimentary Limb length? Dr K tells me he suspects my AL is too short at 150 CM with a 100 CM CC. I am having malnutrition issues and am on a huge does of CREON daily so I am getting revised on the 18th.
I just reviewed my op report again, and note that my sleeve was 120 cc (4 oz), and a 58 french bougie was used.

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