Saw my cardiologist today, three month check after my heart attack

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Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Saw my cardiologist for my 3 month check post heart attack. It includes an echocardiogram, very detailed.

Now when they did that the day of my heart attack, my heart function was down to 30%, also known as heart failure. Ideal is above 50%.

Since then, they had to take me off the statin cause my liver had a cow and threw my liver numbers through the roof. But they still had me on a blood pressure medication, my BP before the heart attack typically ran 100/60. Now, around 90/60. The blood pressure medication was the smallest amount and I was taking half of it daily. And yet, my blood pressure was usually registering at 85/55. Very low. I ended up in the ER because of low pressure and sinus tachycardia (a known side effect of that blood pressure medication).

So today he took me off the blood pressure medication and for an EPIC WIN, my heart function is 62%!!!!!
I mentioned at one point I was getting a Fibroscan for my swollen liver that was discovered this spring when they were looking for the reason for my inability to gain weight. Got the results today. I do not have fatty liver, I do not have cirrhosis. Honestly of all the tests they did throwing mud at the wall, nothing stuck. Everything was fine.

Thanks to the fact I’ve been on MyChart for 10 years and have all my hospital systems linked together, they were able to look back all the way to 2016 and my ALT and AST has always been elevated. I had copies of labs further back, the ONLY year mine were normal was 2012. My surgery was Jan 2011. I reached goal (normal BMI) in Sept 2011.

Okay, so they want another panel at about the same time I get a lipid panel (4-6 weeks). Depending on those numbers will dictate our next step. I can have a liver biopsy after Jan 16 (6 months post heart attack cause I can stop blood thinners ahead of time).

I’m not in the clear yet. But as of now, no explanation for why my liver is swollen and throwing higher than normal numbers on the labs.
I do not have fatty liver, I do not have cirrhosis

although I know you want an answer, this feels like good news!

I really, really hope they find something fixable. :5grouphug:
I’ve been on MyChart for 10 years and have all my hospital systems linked together
nice to see something in healthcare working so well! I love MyChart because it's so easy to reach my NP without having to call and play phone tag.
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Okay, so on Monday (12/16) about 6:45AM, I face planted myself on the bathroom floor, thankfully on the rug between the toilet and the vanity. I was sitting but not currently doing anything cause I never strain.

Charles heard a crash and all the cats scattered. He found me face down on the rug. He got me up and then got the BP cuff. I’d already checked my BS and it was in the 90’s. Apparently I had passed out for about a minute.

But my BP was 98/59 with a pulse of 59 at 6:53.
Now because we are doing genealogy research, we got a copy of my Mother’s death certificate and on it lists hypotension as one of her causes of death. According to my sister, my Mother always ran low BP. Apparently mine has a genetic component. Even morbidly obese I never had high blood pressure. It sometimes flirted with the upper range but never crossed over.

Saw my PCP yesterday and also messaged my cardiologist. The last BP medication I’m on is being discontinued. I’m to keep an eye on it. My PCP ordered a heart monitor for a week. I pick it up today.

On a good note, I finished cardiac rehab this week. Heck, they had weeks of BP readings at the very low end. That didn’t hurt my case with the cardiologist.

So now the only two medications I have left of those I came home on in July are the Plavax and the aspirin (oh, and the Carafate) to protect my stomach.
oh, wow, Liz, I am so glad you didn't break bones or anything! it's good to hear you are graduating from cardiac rehab, and hope the monitor helps with anything your doctors need to know.

Surprising how dangerous bathrooms can be! I'm glad you're ok.
Yeah, we know. We have several small cat water bowls in there cause cats don’t like having water near their food and if it gets spilled out of the bowl, it won’t damage the tiles but it will the wood floors. Anyway, Charles skidded into one, dumped all the water and banged his shin into the vanity. So we are really careful about where they are placed.
I didn’t update this thread when I saw my cardiologist last week. He’s very pleased with where I am in my healing.

I did mention my possible knee replacement surgery which was delayed back this past fall. Because I just had a steroid shot in my hand, that delays anything for three months anyway, but I wanted his take on getting in the queue after that. After warning me I’d be a higher risk because I’d have to come off my blood thinners, he gave a conditional ok. I’d still have to get clearance in the month before. But he said to proceed with the preop part.

He even asked me if I wanted to see him in 3 or 6 months. I said 3 because after that, my 6 month check will occasionally line up with hubby’s yearly.

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