Sunday Weigh In (1/10/2016)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Same as last week, 149.

Spent several days in "therapy"...or anger management or whatever you want to call it...was beating on the walls in the bathroom with a hammer and pry bar. We got the tile off, now to get the last of the plaster that was under the's in horrid shape, very fragile and breaks apart so going to go ahead and get it off.
LW BMI: 32.1
TW BMI: 31.6

Meat, poultry and fish still won't digest and stay down at two months out. (It feels like they get stuck at the base of my esophagus. And yet I can eat more than a quarter cup of hard nuts.) This is becoming limiting, socially, as there isn't always something I can eat when I go out to lunch or dinner with people (I tell no one about my WLS). I have to say I'm not hungry and order nothing, which then makes the person who is eating uncomfortable. If I say I'm dieting, they ask why I don't just get a salad but there's nothing in a salad that I can eat.

I've been doing my daily 4 mile power walk -- fresh air and nature do more for my psyche than being in a stuffy gym. This week I will add Zumba -- or as I perceive it, Jazzercise for those who can't get up and down from the floor. ;)
LW 255.4
TW 252.8

I'm 3 months out as of this past Thursday. Hitting my protein and hydration goals. Taking all of the Vitalady-recommended vitamins.

Saw my PCP on Friday. I'm down from 329 when I last saw him so he was very pleased! He cut my high blood pressure meds in half so that's progress.

Having labs done on the 14th, then followup with my surgeon on the 20th so I'll know more about how I'm doing at that point. As of now, I feel pretty good!

Have a great week everyone!
LW: 175
TW: 178

My gut is feeling better overall and even though my energy has been kind of up and down this week due to a cold (2nd bad one of the year, lasting a week it seems) I do feel like my energy has been improving. In a week or two I will get my monthly labs and I am hoping for some reversal of key numbers or at least no slippage.

Same as last week, 149.

Spent several days in "therapy"...or anger management or whatever you want to call it...was beating on the walls in the bathroom with a hammer and pry bar. We got the tile off, now to get the last of the plaster that was under the's in horrid shape, very fragile and breaks apart so going to go ahead and get it off.
Liz you are a never ending DIY'r. :D
LW BMI: 32.1
TW BMI: 31.6

Meat, poultry and fish still won't digest and stay down at two months out. (It feels like they get stuck at the base of my esophagus. And yet I can eat more than a quarter cup of hard nuts.) This is becoming limiting, socially, as there isn't always something I can eat when I go out to lunch or dinner with people (I tell no one about my WLS). I have to say I'm not hungry and order nothing, which then makes the person who is eating uncomfortable. If I say I'm dieting, they ask why I don't just get a salad but there's nothing in a salad that I can eat.

I've been doing my daily 4 mile power walk -- fresh air and nature do more for my psyche than being in a stuffy gym. This week I will add Zumba -- or as I perceive it, Jazzercise for those who can't get up and down from the floor. ;)
I am sorry to hear this @Clematis

Are you actually throwing the meat back up? Are you able to get any meat down? I struggled early on but rarely puked. If that happened it was a particular food like when I tried to eat a tenderloin with tomato, pickle, onion, ketchup, mustard....I ate too fast and too much, and learned that tomato would not stay down early on....but if I took my time and ate the right thins I as okay. The right things for me were scallops, lobster, crab, nuts and soup. Chicken, pork, steak and hamburger were just too dense and heavy for me to eat at that point. I can't really remember when I started to be able to eat those. I do know that hamburger was at least a year for me. The texture just didn't sit well. Now I know others for whom hamburger was a go to fairly early on. I just know that around 60-90 days my protein and water intake took off when I really started snacking on nuts throughout the day. They went down very easy and made me thirsty to drink.

A few questions:
  1. How often are you trying to eat? (if my stomach didn't have a little something in it all the time I felt nauseous and no desire to small but very frequent snacking really helped)
  2. Are you actually puking and if so how often? (unless over eating or a food that disagrees, this should be very rare)
  3. Are you still taking a PPI and is it twice a day?
  4. Are you feeling nauseous and or heart burn'sh? (If so Carafate before eating might help, I couldn't eat without it the first few months)
If you are not just trying to eat a couple times a day like a normie and still puking frequently, if you are taking a PPI multiple times daily and you are still having that stuck feeling...if you are experiencing any of this you should see a GI as you might need a dilation of the esophagus and or you could have a stricture.

Hang in their and good luck Hon. It really does get better.
LW 255.4
TW 252.8

I'm 3 months out as of this past Thursday. Hitting my protein and hydration goals. Taking all of the Vitalady-recommended vitamins.

Saw my PCP on Friday. I'm down from 329 when I last saw him so he was very pleased! He cut my high blood pressure meds in half so that's progress.

Having labs done on the 14th, then followup with my surgeon on the 20th so I'll know more about how I'm doing at that point. As of now, I feel pretty good!

Have a great week everyone!
Julia it sounds like you are doing very well. Congratulations.

So hitting water and protein goals means you are getting in how much fluids and protein? Don't push to the point where it hurts, but for both the more the better. 125-150 grams of protein is a minimum level you will want to be targeting. It might take a bit longer to get there but believe it or not the more protein you eat the faster the weight comes off, not to mention the strength it provides.
LW: 253.4
TW: 252.4

Slow and steady ... Mom is going back to her apartment from rehab tomorrow. It looks like this crisis is over and she's back to where she was two weeks ago.
LW 255.4
TW 252.8

I'm 3 months out as of this past Thursday. Hitting my protein and hydration goals. Taking all of the Vitalady-recommended vitamins.

Saw my PCP on Friday. I'm down from 329 when I last saw him so he was very pleased! He cut my high blood pressure meds in half so that's progress.

Having labs done on the 14th, then followup with my surgeon on the 20th so I'll know more about how I'm doing at that point. As of now, I feel pretty good!

Have a great week everyone!

Good for you! I am glad you are getting your labs done. After you receive the results, you can tweak your vitamins to suit your levels. You are doing great!
Last week: 149.8
This week: 150.4
Gain of .6

I can live with this range if this effing cold does not do me in. My entire family has been sick, ugh! I feel awful!
LW: 234
TW: 234

I hit the 3 month mark at the start of the week and was at 31% EWL so I guess I'm really not losing as slowly as I think I am.
I also started school last week so now I'm walking more - MUCH more. I noticed that I can cook and do chores and walk and shop now without any of the former back misery I once had so that's a huge win. As for clothing, I'm a fashion disaster but my son will be pulling more of my old stuff out of storage today and there should be a few nicer outfits and a ton of casual clothing that will take me through the winter. That is, if I don't shrink so much that I can't wear them. LOL

I have labs scheduled for this week. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out.

Life is good!
LW 125
TW 125
Holding steady. Going back to work tomorrow so no more free-range eating for me :cry: Somehow I make up for it with goodies in the teacher's lounge. Ugh!
The great news is my daughter is now gainfully employed! Yay!

Hope everyone has a great week!
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Julia it sounds like you are doing very well. Congratulations.

So hitting water and protein goals means you are getting in how much fluids and protein? Don't push to the point where it hurts, but for both the more the better. 125-150 grams of protein is a minimum level you will want to be targeting. It might take a bit longer to get there but believe it or not the more protein you eat the faster the weight comes off, not to mention the strength it provides.
Thanks Scott.

The goals from my surgeon for the 3 month mark are 90 grams of protein and 64 oz water, which I'm considering the minimum.

I have an app that relentlessly nags me to drink water so I get to the 64 every day, plus a cup of coffee in the am, herbal tea in the pm and the water in my morning protein shake. Could be drinking more water, I suppose, since my urine is still pretty yellow.

I still do a protein shake when I wake up and a scoop of protein powder mixed in plain yogurt before bed so that's 60grams right there. I typically get 40-60 grams from food, sometimes more.

Details: I'm doing 3 meals and 2 snacks most days, plus the shakes. I can eat a fair amount at a sitting - 2 eggs, 1/2 can tuna, 5-6 scallops or shrimp, 3-4 meatballs, 4oz fish, 3/4 cup of chili or stew, 1/2 a cheese burger (no bun) if it's rare. I do better with ground meat than chunks and oddly beef is much easier to eat more of than chicken or turkey or even salmon, unless there is a lot of rich sauce. A snack is a string cheese or babybel or rolled up deli turkey or plain greek yogurt. I've had nuts a few times but these are historically a trigger food for me so I'm keeping it to a pre-portioned amount a couple times a week. Best food ever for my new digestive system is sashimi - I can easily eat 8 pieces!
The only foods I've tried other than protein so far are green beans, zucchini, butternut squash, and spinach. The first 3 were fine in small amounts but my system is not yet ready for spinach (my favorite) so will be waiting a while before tying that again!

I'm open to suggestions for getting in more protein over time. In addition to a daily walk and physical therapy stretching exercises, I've added light weight training to my exercise regime this week and I do feel quite weak sometimes.
last weigh - 201.8
TW - 200.0 - could it get any closer!!!

we actually disappointed - the 201.8 was 3 weeks ago - but thought of Scotts words to trust the DS. Also, the week between Christmas and NY was a carb fest! so I should be flippin thrilled I lost any.
Also, the not weighing every week is beginning to bother me and making me wonder if I am eating wrong. so, I am going back to my weekly weigh in.
Eating Disorders suck
LW BMI: 32.1
TW BMI: 31.6

Meat, poultry and fish still won't digest and stay down at two months out. (It feels like they get stuck at the base of my esophagus. And yet I can eat more than a quarter cup of hard nuts.) This is becoming limiting, socially, as there isn't always something I can eat when I go out to lunch or dinner with people (I tell no one about my WLS). I have to say I'm not hungry and order nothing, which then makes the person who is eating uncomfortable. If I say I'm dieting, they ask why I don't just get a salad but there's nothing in a salad that I can eat.

I've been doing my daily 4 mile power walk -- fresh air and nature do more for my psyche than being in a stuffy gym. This week I will add Zumba -- or as I perceive it, Jazzercise for those who can't get up and down from the floor. ;)
Good for you on the loss. Not so good on the protein front.
@southernlady I thought you were done with the bathroom? Or is this another one?
Nope, same one...took a 6 week break from Thanksgiving to after New Years.
LW 255.4
TW 252.8

I'm 3 months out as of this past Thursday. Hitting my protein and hydration goals. Taking all of the Vitalady-recommended vitamins.

Saw my PCP on Friday. I'm down from 329 when I last saw him so he was very pleased! He cut my high blood pressure meds in half so that's progress.

Having labs done on the 14th, then followup with my surgeon on the 20th so I'll know more about how I'm doing at that point. As of now, I feel pretty good!

Have a great week everyone!
Very good.
LW: 175
TW: 178

My gut is feeling better overall and even though my energy has been kind of up and down this week due to a cold (2nd bad one of the year, lasting a week it seems) I do feel like my energy has been improving. In a week or two I will get my monthly labs and I am hoping for some reversal of key numbers or at least no slippage.

Liz you are a never ending DIY'r. :D
Sorry you had a cold...but glad to see you stabilizing.
LW: 253.4
TW: 252.4

Slow and steady ... Mom is going back to her apartment from rehab tomorrow. It looks like this crisis is over and she's back to where she was two weeks ago.
Glad your mom is getting sprung. And maybe now, you can get back to focusing on you.
Last week: 149.8
This week: 150.4
Gain of .6

I can live with this range if this effing cold does not do me in. My entire family has been sick, ugh! I feel awful!
Sorry about the cold, NA...yes, staying rright where you are would be nice.
LW: 234
TW: 234

I hit the 3 month mark at the start of the week and was at 31% EWL so I guess I'm really not losing as slowly as I think I am.
I also started school last week so now I'm walking more - MUCH more. I noticed that I can cook and do chores and walk and shop now without any of the former back misery I once had so that's a huge win. As for clothing, I'm a fashion disaster but my son will be pulling more of my old stuff out of storage today and there should be a few nicer outfits and a ton of casual clothing that will take me through the winter. That is, if I don't shrink so much that I can't wear them. LOL

I have labs scheduled for this week. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out.

Life is good!
Fantastic NSV's which is better than a loss ever would be.
LW 125
TW 125
Holding steady. Going back to work tomorrow so no more free-range eating for me :cry: Somehow I make up for it with goodies in the teacher's lounge. Ugh!
The great news is my daughter is now gainfully employed! Yay!

Hope everyone has a great week!
YEAH...glad your daughter has a job...hope it's one she will love.

As for you, you are doing good
Details: I'm doing 3 meals and 2 snacks most days, plus the shakes. I can eat a fair amount at a sitting - 2 eggs, 1/2 can tuna, 5-6 scallops or shrimp, 3-4 meatballs, 4oz fish, 3/4 cup of chili or stew, 1/2 a cheese burger (no bun) if it's rare. I do better with ground meat than chunks and oddly beef is much easier to eat more of than chicken or turkey or even salmon, unless there is a lot of rich sauce. A snack is a string cheese or babybel or rolled up deli turkey or plain greek yogurt. I've had nuts a few times but these are historically a trigger food for me so I'm keeping it to a pre-portioned amount a couple times a week. Best food ever for my new digestive system is sashimi - I can easily eat 8 pieces!
The only foods I've tried other than protein so far are green beans, zucchini, butternut squash, and spinach. The first 3 were fine in small amounts but my system is not yet ready for spinach (my favorite) so will be waiting a while before tying that again!
Why just 3 meals and two snacks?

I eat like a Hobbit...seldom go longer than 2 hours before grabbing more food and as long as it's protein/fat why not?
last weigh - 201.8
TW - 200.0 - could it get any closer!!!

we actually disappointed - the 201.8 was 3 weeks ago - but thought of Scotts words to trust the DS. Also, the week between Christmas and NY was a carb fest! so I should be flippin thrilled I lost any.
Also, the not weighing every week is beginning to bother me and making me wonder if I am eating wrong. so, I am going back to my weekly weigh in.
Eating Disorders suck
You did good.

Last year would the same carb fest have you losing ANY weight?

I found that the weeks/month I didn't lose weight, I lost inches. It's like your body can't seem to do both so it picks one OR the other to do.

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