who has met their partner online?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
Roo did, and that's what made me ask - who has a spouse/significant other that they met on the internet?
Me. :)

ETA details:
Met on AOL (can't remember the name of the board - it was the DC "ISO" board) at the end of January 1998. I answered his brief but compelling ad on a Friday with a very long response, got no answer by Sunday night - when I saw he was online, I was in the process of writing a peeved "kiss my ass" PM when he responded. We PMed Sunday night and all day Monday, spoke on the phone on Tuesday, arranged to meet after work on Wednesday, February 4th, and - I don't believe in this, but it happened - it was love at first sight. We spent Thursday morning together, he came over for dinner on Thursday night, and the rest is history. Friday AM, he announced we were getting married. We got "Maui'ed" six months later, with our four teenagers in attendance. (But that's another story ...)
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Me. We met by chance in 1999 in a stock chat room during a conversation about the shape of curves - mathematical curves, that is. He broke into a discussion I was having with another young man about kurtosis, the fourth central moment. We met in person three days later in his lab at U. Penn EE building (just above ENIAC) and have been together ever since. Ironically, our paths had crossed previously IRL but we had somehow missed each other; we could just as easily have been introduced IRL years beforehand through a number of common friends and activities. We moved in together in 2000, married in 2001, first child came in 2003, second child in 2006. We still are cuddling and holding hands like star-struck kids much of the time.
Me...22 yrs and going strong. Met as college students on a Prodigy bulletin board before the World Wide Web existed. Got to talking back and forth about antiques and collecting and in 2 weeks we were engaged. Don't regret a single moment except for all the $1500 monthly phone bills for the year till we could get married and get on the same side of the country!
SHOOT LOOKS LIKE I NEED TO GET ON MATCH. COM. I have met my last 3 ex on line on African American dating sites. The problem work that is they were all obsessed with the on line does and would still go on line chasing with others. Ugggh.
Almost me. My hubby died about a year and a half ago, and I've been caretaker for his 95-year old mother ever since. A friend was convinced I needed a sweetie again and with the help of a lot of (nice organic) wine talked me into setting up an account on match. I was blatantly right out there on my profile -"overeducated country girl with cats and a temper". And they came out of the woodwork! I panicked and shut down the account.
@RockDoc, I'm sorry for the loss of your husband. Maybe next time (and another nice bottle of organic wine) your friend will be willing to help you sort through the crowds and select one or two people who might be fun to get to know better.

I'm curious. Is your interest geology, music or something else altogether?
@RockDoc, I'm sorry for the loss of your husband. Maybe next time (and another nice bottle of organic wine) your friend will be willing to help you sort through the crowds and select one or two people who might be fun to get to know better.

I'm curious. Is your interest geology, music or something else altogether?

I used to be a geologist, switched to engineering for better employment options. Now retired since my husband got so very sick (2 kinds of cancer at once). I miss him a lot still; his mom and I talk about him and our past, have good pictures around. But I recently started dating a man we both knew, and hung out with at bluegrass jams. So he wasn't a stranger which is surprisingly comforting. And he is an absolute sweetie - even my MIL is very accepting of the new situation.
@RockDoc, I am sorry your lost your husband...it's hard to start over.

Yes, it is hard. But it's funny in a way too - the man I'm dating had given me a ride to a bluegrass evening ( so I could drink enough wine to play spoons in public!) and when he wanted to hold my hand I freaked. But I'm a married woman! ...oh, wait... But I'm a brand new widow! ...oh, wait again.... It's a good thing he was persistent enough to get past that idiocy.

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