Full of Fairy Dust
Very sorry for her! I hope she has an easy recovery!
And this daughter in law had a mom who had benign fibroid tumors in her breasts...always scared her senseless when she found them. Always got them removed...about 5 years before she died, she threatened to chop both off and be done with the damned things,Wowsa! That sure is a tough one and my prayers are definitely with her. And I ,of course, accept her right to make that decision for herself as long as she's researched the subject carefully. I do hope though that she recognizes that there are also many risks associated with having a mastectomy, or any major surgery for that matter, and that a shockingly large % of tumors are benign in nature. But then again, remembering who she has for a daughter in law, I'm sure she's well informed on the subject. I'm back to just offering support for her decision.
Glad it helped you make an appointment. I'm not sure of the exact guidelines but with risk factors they usually start with a baseline at 35.Good news that your MIL is doing well and they got clear margins. Wishing her continued swift healing and successful treatments ahead.
I haven't been to a lady doctor since I gave birth 8 years ago. No pap smears in 8 years, no mammogram ever, though I think I am just nearing the age where they begin. Because of your PSA I scheduled a gyn appointment. Thank you.