Well, mom is home, finally..


Aug 2017
Jan 5, 2014
We got her discharged from the rehab center Weds night.. Met the home-health nurse who will be doing 3x weekly visits to help her with her meds (a smart-medication box will be installed soon, it will ring us if she doesn't open it to take her doses) and they will step up her physical rehab to help her get stronger, and keep her hopefully independent for as long as she can be in the boonies on her own.. I fear she's going to go nuttier from lack of social outlets.. no husband to talk at, not a lot of visitors.. she made friends with the other pts at rehab, I'm sure she misses them, all she has at home are two cats.

Issues, rants, etc.: mom tells Todd a list of things she wants in the house, of course loaded with sweets and carby crap.. I pick my battles and decide, fuck-it, I'll buy the junk for her. These things she has not had much access to in rehab, hence why her BG was decent, that and they put her on meds.. and made her take them.

First thing she does upon coming leaving the center (we drove separate, so I could prep stuff ahead of her arrival home) is make Todd stop at the store so she can get 3 packs of Hostess cupcakes, candybars, and a huge iced Starbucks 46g sugar-bomb.. No surprise, when the intake nurse tested her BG later, it was high. Dietary counselling is in order, but unlikely she will change. She has likely lost 20-25lbs in rehab through the typical 1800 ADA dietary menu (sucky for diabetics, really!) they had her on, it's going to come raging back. Eh, can't control her.. she's an adult.

Cigarettes. Enough said about that..

No driving, licence is gone-gone.. and Medicare doesn't cover transportation, so anytime she needs to run to the store etc, it's going to be quite the process.

The phone calls will not stop.. they were often when she was in rehab, and now she's at home, she seems to be falling right back into the helpless routine (which she didn't do at the center) so this will be fun..

Family: getting my sisters to help.. one is handling, kinda, the finances.. but I'm seeing by the lack of communication etc that she's not quite on it as I thought she would be.. I am not going to take over that part of it, no way. There needs to be some shared load, and she CAN do it from CT. My other sister, not really going to be that helpful.. for many reasons.. she can call & do checks on mom via phone, and at some point, she will likely come out for another extended stay as she did for dad when he was dying.. She gave 6weeks of her life up to help him.. and she's got her own demons, physical and relationship-wise she's battling right now, one I hope is not recurrent cancer.. she had thyroid cancer, and just went though a node biopsy & more thyroid tissue removed, tissue that wasn't supposed to be there.. waiting to hear results.

Yes, we have been very forthcoming on communication, and it has been acknowledged that we are handing the majority of the heavy-lifting out here.. but I have stated very plainly, once she is stable and situated, we ARE taking a huge step back and she will have to sink or swim on her own accord.. Todd & I need our lives back..

This process from the time my dad passed in June to now has been the most exhausting and stress-filled situation I've ever been in.. no surprise.

The good stuff:

My health has been good despite it, and my self-medicating issues with alcohol have been reigned in and put back to a normal level of occasional adult beverages out, for fun, not because I'm in a shitty state of mind.. My weight is higher than I prefer, but that's also coming back into balance, especially since I'm not drinking daily anymore. I am also back on (again) my Wellbutrin and Sam-e cocktail that seems to help.. esp as S.A.D. time is approaching again.

I am currently in the middle of a couple initial interviews for a job, and looking forward to trying to restart my own life with my husband again.. *swing some critters for me that the one I really want - legal assistant/office manager for a solo elder law attny, I get*.. I did the initial chat, prior to the job even being posted as I have a personal in with her current help, but she wants to field some more applicants, then did quite a bit deeper as she has been burned by a bad staff before. So I have been alerted it will be later this month before things move.. the other interview I have coming up is just a job-job with a corporate dental company, that at least on Glassdoor.com doesn't sound all too appealing, but they offer management CE courses, and a paycheck.. it's something.

That's about it.. just felt like putting it out there as it seems to help cement things for me if I write them out and share them vs just keeping it to me & T.
Hope it gets better. My Mother was very stubborn and had a miserable last 5 years of her life before lung cancer got her. She had heart failure and emphysema yet took her oxygen off to smoke. On top of that she battled BiPolar depression and that was very rough on her. She was going to be moving in with us but she feel and broke her foot and then led to a hospital & physical rehab stay (nursing home) and she bounced between there and the hospital for 3 months until she passed.

I miss here very much but know how hard it was going to be having her live with us.
Jo wishing you the best, especially with the job hunt. This sounds like a very, very stressful time for your family and I hope your siblings rise to the occasion. Hang in there!
So sorry you and your husband are going through this. Don't back down on having your siblings participate. stand your ground.
ugh, very hard work no wonder you are so stressed. I hope you & Todd are able to step back, I suspect she won't take that well.

it's no help to know you aren't alone: a lot of people our age are going through it with their parents. there is only so much you can do!!
It's such a blessing in my mind to have been able to be there and wait on my mother while she transitioned to the other side. Today was her 2 year anniversary of being on the other side.

@DSRIGGS I know what you mean my mom and her identical twin both were on oxygen due to pulmonary fibrosis. On the front doors there were big signs saying no smoking, no purell, perfume because they were on oxygen. Then if you would look to the back door you would see my mom there smoking.
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It's such a blessing in my mind to have been able to be there and wait on my mother husband and while she transitioned to the other side. Today was her 2 year anniversary of being on the other side.

@DSRIGGS I know what you mean my mom and her identical twins both were on oxygen due to pulmonary fibrosis. On the front doors there were big boaters saying no smoking, no purell, perfume because they were on oxygen. Then if you would look to the back door you would see my mom there smoking.
Yep, smoking is such a tough addiction for people to break. I am so thankful that I have never started.
My mom started smoking because she hated smoke when she went out. So my great aunt told her if she started smoking the smoke would not bother her.
Thanks for the support everyone! Things are going ok, but mom is slowly reverting and having issues.. we are all (nursing staff, social workers, and us) keeping an eye on things and will, if need be, intervene and move her to assisted living for her safety if they continue to deteriorate.. this move back home was/is on a trial basis, and it is ultimately up to her to succeed or fail- she has long-standing personality issues, not related to her mild dementia, that makes this a much more difficult situation than it needs to be.

On the work-front, I am trying not to get too hopeful- but my prospects have shifted and I am in the process of interviewing for a position in a large financial management firm.. with a stellar compensation and benefits package.. but with that comes pretty tough competition to get on. The legal asst position, and other jobs are still in process, but I'm not as keen on those as I thought I would be after getting more detail.. so it goes, step by step!

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