Tiara's Thread

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery Forum

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The one thing I wish I understood, after I got passed 9 months, I had a step function. No weight loss for a couple weeks, then, boom, 10 pounds in a week. That happened all the way to the end. I think the last few months it was about 4 or 5 weeks of no weight loss, but then, boom 6 pounds.

You are doing great.
And yet, with the DS, you can still lose weight later. I was over 10 years out, had been stable for years. Then after a wicked mouth infection that had me on just liquids, and lost some from that, you would think I would regain but I didn’t. I kept losing. At 10 years I was between 140-145. This spring I got as low as 116. I went into overdrive trying to gain weight. Messed with my mind watching the scale go up but it’s finally back to 125. Which is fine for my height.

Thats one of the beauties of the DS, you can get back to losing if needed for most of us. But it is a bell curve, not everyone is in the middle.
The one thing I wish I understood, after I got passed 9 months, I had a step function. No weight loss for a couple weeks, then, boom, 10 pounds in a week. That happened all the way to the end. I think the last few months it was about 4 or 5 weeks of no weight loss, but then, boom 6 pounds.

You are doing great.
Thank you for the encouragement! I've read a number of people who say their weight loss came in steps like that, I'll definitely keep it in mind going forward...
I talked to my psych nurse this morning and we are changing the Wellbutrin to the immediate release one (they call it "sustained release" for some reason) that I'll take twice a day to see how that goes. Meanwhile I've been cutting the other one in half and my withdrawal symptoms have eased, thankfully.

I got a rash from the glue in my incisions but the cream they called in has calmed it thankfully, that was really uncomfortable and I swear it happened with my last surgery after a week too.

I decided to change my weigh in day for Monday since it makes more sense to the flow of my week, but today the scales are warring again. The one that gave me a 10 lb loss last week says I've lost nothing. The one that had me at 299 last week says I lost 9 lbs. :ROFLMAO: I go see the surgeon Thursday so I'll weigh on both scales that morning and then check it with their scale and decide on which one to go with.

My taste buds have lost their mind. I was SO happy when I woke up from surgery and everything tasted normal. I thought I escaped that side effect. But this weekend I started to notice not being able to taste certain spices and some things tasting different than they did earlier in the week. This morning I couldn't taste the spices in my pumpkin spice latte. sighs And my pho broth tasted awful and that's my go to when I'm feeling bleh! So I'm afraid the taste changes have hit... I guess for some it takes a few weeks to happen? I hope it doesn't last forever, I'm a super taster, I usually taste EVERYTHING and it helps so much when cooking (I used to cook professionally). Now I feel a bit like a dog who has gone nose blind! It's weirdly disorienting...

And finally, I can consume some protein shakes normally now! Protein waters go down better, but it is reassuring I can stomach a few more things this week, it helps me hit that goal of 30 grams of protein. I still continue to hit my fluid goals daily, though some days it leaves me feeling really bloated. The odd thing though is my electrolyte powder keeps giving me explosive diarrhea about 30 minutes after drinking one. I'm guessing it is the magnesium in them, I've always had a bowel sensitivity to it and maybe I'm even more sensitive post surgery? It is so weird. I tried taking half but it still happened so I'll switch brands today and see if that's better. I can't quit them completely, the calf cramps are too severe without supplementation. Do you think the potassium could be causing gut woes too?? I don't know as much about it because I usually eat enough potassium rich foods to not have to supplement it.
I talked to my psych nurse this morning and we are changing the Wellbutrin to the immediate release one (they call it "sustained release" for some reason) that I'll take twice a day to see how that goes. Meanwhile I've been cutting the other one in half and my withdrawal symptoms have eased, thankfully.

I got a rash from the glue in my incisions but the cream they called in has calmed it thankfully, that was really uncomfortable and I swear it happened with my last surgery after a week too.

I decided to change my weigh in day for Monday since it makes more sense to the flow of my week, but today the scales are warring again. The one that gave me a 10 lb loss last week says I've lost nothing. The one that had me at 299 last week says I lost 9 lbs. :ROFLMAO: I go see the surgeon Thursday so I'll weigh on both scales that morning and then check it with their scale and decide on which one to go with.

My taste buds have lost their mind. I was SO happy when I woke up from surgery and everything tasted normal. I thought I escaped that side effect. But this weekend I started to notice not being able to taste certain spices and some things tasting different than they did earlier in the week. This morning I couldn't taste the spices in my pumpkin spice latte. sighs And my pho broth tasted awful and that's my go to when I'm feeling bleh! So I'm afraid the taste changes have hit... I guess for some it takes a few weeks to happen? I hope it doesn't last forever, I'm a super taster, I usually taste EVERYTHING and it helps so much when cooking (I used to cook professionally). Now I feel a bit like a dog who has gone nose blind! It's weirdly disorienting...

And finally, I can consume some protein shakes normally now! Protein waters go down better, but it is reassuring I can stomach a few more things this week, it helps me hit that goal of 30 grams of protein. I still continue to hit my fluid goals daily, though some days it leaves me feeling really bloated. The odd thing though is my electrolyte powder keeps giving me explosive diarrhea about 30 minutes after drinking one. I'm guessing it is the magnesium in them, I've always had a bowel sensitivity to it and maybe I'm even more sensitive post surgery? It is so weird. I tried taking half but it still happened so I'll switch brands today and see if that's better. I can't quit them completely, the calf cramps are too severe without supplementation. Do you think the potassium could be causing gut woes too?? I don't know as much about it because I usually eat enough potassium rich foods to not have to supplement it.
Congrats on the protein drinks!

Does your electrolyte powder have any artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols (anything ending in "ol"? - like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol; or isomalt; or hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH)? These can cause bloating and diarrhea.

Also, many bariatric patients become lactose intolerant, so if you consume anything containing skim milk powder, that may be the cause.

Magnesium is an osmotic laxative. Calcium and iron have the opposite effect. Not sure about potassium.

I'm allergic to Dermabond, which may be the glue they used. Make sure you note that allergy in your file.

Best wishes!
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Does your electrolyte powder have any artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols (anything ending in "ol"? - like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol; or isomalt; or hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH)? These can cause bloating and diarrhea.

Also, many bariatric patients become lactose intolerant, so if you consume anything containingskim milk powder, that may be the cause.

Magnesium is an osmotic laxative. Calcium and iron have the opposite effect. Not sure about potassium.

I'm allergic to Dermabond, which may be the glue they used. Make sure you note that allergy in your file.

Oh, good thoughts!! I checked the package and it doesn't have any of those in it (I've never heard of HSH), but the magnesium in it is magnesium citrate which gives me diarrhea even at a normal dose. Now I know why I was having issues! I switched to one that has half the magnesium and it is magnesium malate and no emergency bathroom runs last night, and no leg cramps, so I'll switch to this one. It also has more salt in it which weirdly gave me energy at the end of the day, I guess with all the restrictions plus pushing water I needed more sodium. I do tend to have that issue, I forgot about it with the surgery...

Yes! I have been lactose intolerant for years so all my dairy and shakes are lactose free (or else I take lactase pills with them). But I've noticed a lot of people don't know this about surgery and deal with awful gas as a result.

Thanks for mentioning the Dermabond, I'll verify that's what was used and add it to the allergy list, I tend to have that issue where every time I'm exposed to something my body doesn't like, it gets worse. I asked them to prescribe Mometasone cream after a vet on FB commented it was wonderful for the rash. Cleared it up in two days when the cortisone cream hadn't made a dent in it!! So thankful for groups and forums to gather info in...
Oh, good thoughts!! I checked the package and it doesn't have any of those in it (I've never heard of HSH), but the magnesium in it is magnesium citrate which gives me diarrhea even at a normal dose. Now I know why I was having issues! I switched to one that has half the magnesium and it is magnesium malate and no emergency bathroom runs last night, and no leg cramps, so I'll switch to this one. It also has more salt in it which weirdly gave me energy at the end of the day, I guess with all the restrictions plus pushing water I needed more sodium. I do tend to have that issue, I forgot about it with the surgery...

Yes! I have been lactose intolerant for years so all my dairy and shakes are lactose free (or else I take lactase pills with them). But I've noticed a lot of people don't know this about surgery and deal with awful gas as a result.

Thanks for mentioning the Dermabond, I'll verify that's what was used and add it to the allergy list, I tend to have that issue where every time I'm exposed to something my body doesn't like, it gets worse. I asked them to prescribe Mometasone cream after a vet on FB commented it was wonderful for the rash. Cleared it up in two days when the cortisone cream hadn't made a dent in it!! So thankful for groups and forums to gather info in...
Magnesium kills me.
I'm allergic to Dermabond, which may be the glue they used. Make sure you note that allergy in your file.
Even when listed or told about it, they don’t read or listen. Back last fall, I had a procedure that meant I had to have tape applied to my back. I mentioned my adhesive allergy, even showed them photos. Sure enough when they took the tape off, I had a bright red rash on my back and they go, “ we don’t know what to do”. Thankfully, I had shown that photo to my PCP. I contacted her, she prescribed Mometasone Cream. It’s a miracle cream for me.
I asked them to prescribe Mometasone cream after a vet on FB commented it was wonderful for the rash. Cleared it up in two days when the cortisone cream hadn't made a dent in it!! So thankful for groups and forums to gather info in...
I was that vet!
Even when listed or told about it, they don’t read or listen. Back last fall, I had a procedure that meant I had to have tape applied to my back. I mentioned my adhesive allergy, even showed them photos. Sure enough when they took the tape off, I had a bright red rash on my back and they go, “ we don’t know what to do”. Thankfully, I had shown that photo to my PCP. I contacted her, she prescribed Mometasone Cream. It’s a miracle cream for me.

I was that vet!
Never heard of Mometasone. I will look into it! I've had to resort to benadryl.
Magnesium kills me.
I have never been able to take much of it in ANY form. I went through a phase with a functional medicine doctor who was sure my fibro was due to low magnesium and was always coming up with a new form to try. None worked and all sent me to live in the bathroom. LOL Same with iron.

I was that vet!
I was wondering if that was you on FB! Thank the gods for your post... And you are right, they never read allergy notes. My chart is full of them, they still try to give me things I'm allergic to constantly. :rolleyes:

Never heard of Mometasone. I will look into it! I've had to resort to benadryl.
I was using cortisone cream on it and it was still there days later. The mometasone cream cleared it up in a day! I'd never heard of it either...
I just had my 2 week follow up with the surgeon yesterday. He cleared me to eat purees and also suggested I try some fish or soft egg if I wanted to. He said he finds people do best on introducing fish because it is so protein packed but yet very gentle to the digestive system, so it is okay to do it early. I tried yogurt yesterday and it went down well! So last night I tried some basic tuna salad and it was great, no issues!! I think that second week of fluids really helped things calm down and allowed the swelling to go down further. If I'd tried these things a week earlier they would not have gone well...

He also said since my rash on the stitches tends to show up a week out, what I can do next time is give it a week then rub vaseline on the incisions and take the glue off. That should slow the reaction and keep it from getting to the miserable level. He said I can start vitamins whenever I want, but they will activate the stomach more so be prepared for some indigestion. I got heartburn the night before last which is odd since I'm already on a PPI. But I accidentally ate a soup full of carbs and paid for it in the bathroom all night so he thinks that's why. Who puts 33 grams of carbs in a mushroom soup!? Anyway, he suggested we add another dose of PPI in the morning so things will be better controlled.

I've officially lost 15 lbs since surgery! He said that's a pretty average loss and is happy with it. This sort of diet is not far off from what I was eating pre-surgery so he said that's probably why I haven't seen a rush of weight loss, my system isn't in shock in the same way some people's bodies go through when they've been eating tons of carbs and several thousand calories a day. So that was reassuring.
I hope everything goes well with the stitches since a rash sounds miserable.

I think that second week of fluids really helped things calm down and allowed the swelling to go down further. If I'd tried these things a week earlier they would not have gone well...

the first months especially it is all about learning to listen to your body and go as slow as you need to.

it's been so long now, I'm not sure if "foamies" is the word I want (I think so) but my point is I have a clear memory of driving while eating something and having to pull over and stand at the side of the road and spit out the foam coming up. I was months out, maybe even 6 or more.

But I had mindlessly eaten something in an amount that had been FINE just the day before. so you really have to be mindful with eating and not go on automatic.

I never really did learn that lesson, come to think of it.
I just had my 2 week follow up with the surgeon yesterday. He cleared me to eat purees and also suggested I try some fish or soft egg if I wanted to. He said he finds people do best on introducing fish because it is so protein packed but yet very gentle to the digestive system, so it is okay to do it early.
Back in early Feb, I had a hiatal hernia repair, 2 weeks of liquids then moved to soft. My surgeon agreed Tilapia was a good first option. Unfortunately my esophagus didn’t get the memo. My system locked down an I was a hurting puppy for over 20 mins from one bite. I wanted to throw up but couldn’t. Anyway, I decided staying on liquids a couple of extra days. I messaged him, he messaged back and said that’s exactly what he would have told me to do.

Dont be afraid to listen to your body and step back for a few days if needed.
Here is another choice, soft fresh mozzarella :) I could handle the vinegar and oil at week 3

Mozzarella is lower in sodium and calories than most other cheeses. A 1-ounce (oz), or 28-gram (g) serving of full-fat mozzarella contains: Calories: 85. Protein: 6 g. That is the same as an egg. Goes down easy
I have never been able to take much of it in ANY form. I went through a phase with a functional medicine doctor who was sure my fibro was due to low magnesium and was always coming up with a new form to try. None worked and all sent me to live in the bathroom. LOL…
Yup. Lived there.