This poor man…

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
…not JUST because he’s married to me…lol

All his testing “established” that he’s perfectly normal, except for a low score in short term memory, but not enough there to dx “mild cognitive impairment.”

(And his wife is baffled, she wrote.)


I am not baffled. I’m irritated as F that a psychologist doing neurocognitive testing cannot figure out that if you consider the results TOGETHER, you MIGHT figure out that EVERYTHING is impacted by memory failures. He cannot “assemble“ a task in his mind if crucial bits of info did not get saved. Executive function…like figuring out what to do first, then second then third…craps out if you can only recall two items that need to be done.

So three trips up and down the elevator, using up time, and having him have to realize that he’s forgotten stuff, when we have “things to do.”
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And the…so far… worst news is that there is nothing wrong. Alzheimer’s is diagnosed made by eliminating everything else. And so far, there is “nothing.” So in this case, it’s not good news.
Good luck patching the drywall.

Well, it’s actually a bit more than a patch. At some point…when plaster was still the Go To material…previous owners “removed” a couple of windows and installed a sliding glass door. Then they paneled the room.

Removing the paneling left signs of that construction. We are now patching plaster with drywall. Like this, but try to ignore the crap on the patio:

Hang in there - and please show us after pictures once the work is done!

Will do. The painter starts on the 29th. I have a few days. Today, $800’s worth of baseboard got delivered. Enough for the rooms where the hardwood floors are being redone. That starts on July 5th.

Today, I went to war w/MiniSue. She doesn’t quite understand that for HOUSE stuff, I’m “the landlady,” and she needs to treat me as such. If we disagree on some house-related deal, she needs to QUIETLY shake her head and walk away muttering. On regular Mother-Daughter stuff, we can bicker until the end of time.

AND, she needs to stop accusing me of constantly changing my mind, when HER decisions are WHY I changed my mind. AS IN, I have my grandparents’ dining room furniture, purchased in +/-1928. It’s awkwardly big. Without engaging the built in leaves, the table measures 44” x 54”. And there’s a buffet. It’s been part of my life for 76 years. I figured that it could go to storage, along with their old bedroom furniture…a wooden double bed with a curved footboard. But times and tastes change. Few people have enough room for those dinosaurs. MiniSue just announced that she is coming to grips with the notion that she won’t ever really have a need for those items.

Well, okay. But then she grouses at me when I announce that NOW I don’t want a storage unit. (I think that most people pay FAR more money to store stuff than their stuff is worth. So I don’t want to do that.) She needs to factor in that HER decision is what prompted my change of plans. GRRRRR.

Also, no matter WHAT she says, it IS perimenopause and that’s that.
worst news is that there is nothing wrong. Alzheimer’s is diagnosed made by eliminating everything else.

Also, no matter WHAT she says, it IS perimenopause and that’s that.
oh, dear, I don't understand why she doesn't understand because I'm sure you are perfectly clear/

it's all so hard. :confused:

try not to wear yourself out! but we'd love to see the progress if you care to share.
I'm with you!. For sure, if she doesn't want to use the furniture, now, then when will she? It's almost always better to sell or donate rather than store (pay fees, collect dust, and risk damage).
I’m irritated as F that a psychologist doing neurocognitive testing cannot figure out that if you consider the results TOGETHER, you MIGHT figure out that EVERYTHING is impacted by memory failures.

I'm thinking a SLP for cognition testing/training is probably better that a psychologist.

I'm just re-read this thread, Sue, and I'm wondering how your husband is doing in the new place? I hope he has settled in well and is thriving.
I'm with you!. For sure, if she doesn't want to use the furniture, now, then when will she? It's almost always better to sell or donate rather than store (pay fees, collect dust, and risk damage).
There are exceptions to that rule. We had all hardwood, antique furniture. Stuff that’s expensive to replace. So we put it in storage when we RVed.

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