Taking a long scenic route!
So yesterday I had my appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon to discuss my disintegrated hip. Guess what?! I'm on the waiting list now for a new shiny metal left hip!!!!!! So excited! Just as excited I was for my DS.
I know recovery will suck donkey balls, but my goodness! 2 months of donkey balls is easy compared to the years I've gone through!
The wait is about 10 weeks so I will have a new hip just in time for Uni to start again.
I'm stoked. I know I complain A LOT, but most don't understand just how critical my condition is. The fact that the NHS is doing a hip replacement NOW at 37, speaks volumes.
My left hip is gone AND my femur is trying to compensate by growing a mutant cap...so that's gotta be sawed off. Sounds fun lol.
Also, "No Weigh May' is over! I only lost 4lbs from my lowest BUT I lost 12.1lbs in the month of May. My weight goes up as well as down. I have finally figured out that staying off the scale is the best way to beat my subconscious sabotage. I will weigh the first of every month and call it good!
I also received a letter from my surgeon FINALLY! Have an appointment on the 26th. I should probably discuss my hernia that I think is causing my acid reflux problems that I never had post VSG. I am also sick at least once a day. I don't really mind the sick bit....as terrible as that is. (Once you have an E.D. brain, you will always have an E.D. brain)
So yeah. June 1st kicked ass with great news
Upwwards and onwards! Maybe by Christmas I will be able to stand up straight for the first time in nearly 2 years! Good things in my future! And I can get back in the pool and exercise my little heart out. Being immobile and in constant pain has turned me into a couch potato....which isn't as glamorous as the fantasy lol.
So excited. Looks like 2015 is going to be my year.
Weight wise, I'm 309 now, so hoping to hit the 200's this month!
I know recovery will suck donkey balls, but my goodness! 2 months of donkey balls is easy compared to the years I've gone through!
The wait is about 10 weeks so I will have a new hip just in time for Uni to start again.
I'm stoked. I know I complain A LOT, but most don't understand just how critical my condition is. The fact that the NHS is doing a hip replacement NOW at 37, speaks volumes.
My left hip is gone AND my femur is trying to compensate by growing a mutant cap...so that's gotta be sawed off. Sounds fun lol.
Also, "No Weigh May' is over! I only lost 4lbs from my lowest BUT I lost 12.1lbs in the month of May. My weight goes up as well as down. I have finally figured out that staying off the scale is the best way to beat my subconscious sabotage. I will weigh the first of every month and call it good!
I also received a letter from my surgeon FINALLY! Have an appointment on the 26th. I should probably discuss my hernia that I think is causing my acid reflux problems that I never had post VSG. I am also sick at least once a day. I don't really mind the sick bit....as terrible as that is. (Once you have an E.D. brain, you will always have an E.D. brain)
So yeah. June 1st kicked ass with great news
So excited. Looks like 2015 is going to be my year.
Weight wise, I'm 309 now, so hoping to hit the 200's this month!